Following the sound of Hu Qian's voice, there was a ripple in the space at the entrance of Zangshu Pavilion.Immediately afterwards, the old man in gray robe appeared.Hunhan knew that these two gray-robed men were the guardians of Canaan College today, the strong men who possessed the realm of Dou Zun—Qianbai Erlao.

After Qianbaier pretended to be aggressive and remained silent for about ten minutes, his eyes fell on Hunhan, and he exclaimed in a slightly hoarse voice, "Different fire? Different water?"

"Different fire?"

Hu Gan frowned slightly, looking at Hunhan in surprise.He knew that Hunhan had a different water, but did Hunhan still have a different fire?

"I don't know the name of this little friend?" A man in gray robe asked hoarsely.

"Junior Hunhan." Hunhan clasped his fists and replied respectfully.

"Its color is blue, and its fire is like a lotus. Qinglian Earth Heart Fire is ranked nineteenth in the list of strange fires; its color is darker, and the sound of wind vibrates, making people calm like water. It is ranked eighth in the list of strange waters, Jiuyou Fengbing! Not bad, not bad!" The old voice of appreciation slowly sounded beside Hun Han.

Hun Han was not flustered at all.The thousand-hundred-two elders in front of him have much higher cultivation than him.It was completely expected to see through the details of the foreign body in his body at a glance.

"go in!"

When Hu Gan saw thousands of elders, he opened the space lock, and told the five of them: "Remember, no matter what you want, the energy layer is added to the things inside. Everything depends on fate. One person only If you can bring out one thing, don't force it!"

Hearing this, the five of them nodded and walked into the Library Pavilion.

After a while, the five of them walked through a dark passage and came to a spacious room with several people.A dozen or so energy shields emitting light illuminate the room like daylight.

"Aside from these energy clusters, there is no other place here. Could it be, let us go in?" Ruolin asked with some puzzlement.

"Everyone, don't worry. These energy shields are a bit strange. Later, there will be scrolls, elixirs, medicinal materials, weapons, armors and other things spewing out. Remember: the color of thunder-type exercises is silver; the color of water-type exercises, The eyes are blue; the color of earth-type exercises is yellow. Other types, and so on. In addition, pay special attention to one point, the greater the energy fluctuation of the energy group, the higher the level of the item will be." Hun Han kindly He pointed out that the top five in the selection competition are all resources with good talents.It will be a beneficial thing if they can be recruited into Tianmen.


Hearing Hunhan's reminder, Ruolin, Chen Huanhuan, Princess Yaoye and Xiao Ziyan all nodded slightly.

"Phoenix Dance Nine Heavens Whip, low-level earth!"

"Eight Desolate Fire Dragon Formation, low-level earth!"

"Nine layers of flame wave sword, low-level earth!"

"Setting Sun Fist, low-level earth!"

Although there is an energy group on the surface of the scroll, in front of Ziyan, the brute force king, and Hunhan, whose strength has reached ten thousand cows, the energy group of this strength can be completely ignored.Ruolin, Chen Huanhuan, Princess Yaoye, and Xiao Ziyan have acquired fighting skills suitable for themselves.

"Brother, let me help you find what you want?" Xiao Ziyan whispered.

"I need a volume of sonic fighting skills." Hunhan said with a smile.

"Sonic fighting skills, this is very unorthodox. You don't like the low-level ones, and it's extremely difficult to meet the high-level ones." Hearing Hun Han's words, Princess Yaoye was startled, then pondered.

"Well, I can only try my luck." Hun Han smiled indifferently.

Among the fighting skills and exercises in Zangshu Pavilion, the highest ones are the lower ones.This level of fighting skills and exercises, Hunhan still doesn't like it.And the sonic fighting skill that Hun Han was referring to was naturally the sonic fighting skill that Xiao Yan wanted to obtain when he came here in the future.

If Xiao Yan entered Jia Nan Academy in the future and won the top five in the selection competition after hard work, and then he found out that after picking and choosing, he returned empty-handed, that would be a lot of fun.

"The magic core of a sixth-order monster. It's a rare good thing. Well, let's talk about it after eating!" Xiao Ziyan raised the light ball in her hand, and her fingers directly penetrated into the energy layer.Afterwards, he stuffed the magic core into his mouth and chewed it bouncingly.

The sound made Hunhan, Ruolin, Chen Huanhuan, and Princess Yaoye dumbfounded.For Xiao Ziyan's toughness, the four of them all admired her unceasingly.

After entering here, it is actually not the first time that Zi Yan has been like this.When encountering some herbs, Zi Yan ignored Hu Qian's warning and directly swallowed them into her stomach.In Xiao Ziyan's words: If they have any objections to this, the worst thing is to pull it out and return it to them!

"Advanced sonic fighting skills of the yellow rank!"

Princess Yaoye grabbed a ball of light in her hand and looked at Hunhan.Seeing Hun Han shaking his head, he had no choice but to let go.

"There's not enough time, why don't you find someone to make do with it!" Ruo Lin persuaded.

"No." Hunhan shook his head.

The one-hour deadline is coming soon.The speed of the surrounding energy shield has become slower and slower.In the end, after ten seconds, there was no light ball spit out.

"Let's go!"

Hun Han forced a smile, the library is very big, maybe, the room he entered was basically the same room as the room Xiao Yan entered later.Nothing was gained, and there was no unacceptable loss.

With a sign-in system, Hunhan doesn't have to worry about high-level treasures at all.

At the moment when Hunhan, Ruolin, Chen Huanhuan, Princess Yaoye and Xiao Ziyan turned to leave.There was a sharp abnormal noise in the room, making the five of them feel a little dazed.

A transparent energy mass was spit out by an energy shield.

"Mysterious advanced sonic fighting skills, lions and tigers smashing gold! Lions and tigers howl, all beasts surrender!"

"Hey, what is Hunhan doing? Why did he put up a sign here! And put a piece of paper on it!"

Ruolin, Chen Huanhuan, Princess Yaoye, and Xiao Ziyan looked at the large characters on the paper curiously: This room has low-level formations, low-level swordsmanship, low-level boxing skills... and high-level sound wave fights technology!

However, when the four beauties saw the line of small characters on the back of the paper, their expressions brightened instantly.

Chapter 100 Sign in time, wait another two years

"Ding dong!"

"Congratulations, the time to sign in is up, do you want to sign in?"

"Sign in!"

Before he knew it, Hun Han realized that a year had passed since the last time he checked in.Before he knew it, he was seven years old.

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