"Hunhan, can we go faster!"

"It's very soon."

"Hunhan, how long is it?"

"It's coming soon."

"You have said this for the fifth time. How long will it take before we can get out of this forest?"

"It's coming soon."

"Have you nothing else to say besides this?"

"Yes, soon, soon!"

Princess Yaoye stared at Hunhan, biting her red lips lightly.He snatched the map from Hunhan's hand.

"This... is this also a map?"

Yao Ye was dumbfounded, looking at the map in her hand.After a few casual strokes, it couldn't be simpler.

"Be careful, don't break it. Even these rough maps are worth a day's worth of fire energy!"

"What, one day's fire energy? Didn't you say that the old man valued fire energy very much, why would he be willing to buy such a crude thing?" Princess Yaoye asked suspiciously.

"No one is willing to buy. These things are mandatory sales. If you don't buy them, you are not allowed to sign up for the fire energy hunting competition. The inner courtyard is said to be an inner courtyard, but it is actually a society!" Hun Han took Princess Yaoye's hand on the map.

"Hunhan, why do you know so much about the inner courtyard? It seems that I was right to follow you."

Not only Princess Yaoye, but also Ruolin, Su Mo, Chen Huanhuan, Kang Ming, and Zi Yan all looked at Hunhan curiously.Hun Han knew the inner courtyard as well as he knew his own home.

"Uh! I also spent a lot of money to get this news. According to the map, we will be able to get out of this forest after a while." Hun Han made an excuse casually, and he couldn't tell Yao Ye that he was traveling through the forest. Come on!

"Hunhan, besides the methods you mentioned, is there any other way to obtain fire energy?" Princess Yaoye, who has a political mind, seized the opportunity and tried to talk to Hunhan as much as possible at this moment to enhance the relationship between the two parties.

Hunhan's talent is so terrifying, if she can become friends, it will be a very beneficial thing for her to take charge of the Gamma Empire after Yaoye.

"Yes. Find someone to challenge. In the arena of the inner court, the winner can obtain a certain amount of fire energy from the loser. In addition, the inner court also has a strong list. The strong list is extremely high in the inner court. List. As long as you enter the top [-], you will be able to get bonuses that match your ranking every month, that is, the number of days of fire energy. If your ranking can stay in the top list, you can stay in the Sky Burning Qi Refining Tower You don’t have to worry about running out of fire energy when you practice. Because of these benefits, you will often be on the list on the first day, but you will be challenged on the second day.” Hunhan explained in detail.

"Strong list!"

On one side, Xiao Ziyan muttered: "It sounds interesting, after entering the inner courtyard, I must find a chance to fight with them!"


Hunhan smiled slightly.

In the original story line, Xiao Ziyan occupied the first place in the strong list.With Xiao Ziyan's current strength, she is fully capable of winning the first place on the top list.

Not only Xiao Ziyan, but even Hunhan has this ability.Of course, the prerequisite is that the top few on the strong list are not perverted at the fighting king level.


"Haha, look at how arrogant you are, is it over after twisting into a rope? As I said, the fire energy hunting competition is not so simple!"

"That's right, after robbing the old student of his fire energy days, he still wants to return with a full reward. It's just wishful thinking."

"Which freshman team is this already?"

"The fifth one!"

"Looking at the number of people, there are only seven people left in the forest. When they defeat those seven people, this year's fire energy hunting competition will be over!"

"That's right, the Fire Energy Hunting Competition is not so simple. The two teams in front of us will defeat all these thorny freshmen. This year's Fire Energy Hunting Competition can be regarded as the end!"

"Damn it, these freshmen actually snatched the fire energy from me. Even if the fire energy hunting competition is over, this matter will never end!"

In a rocky clearing, the sprawling forest has come to an end here.After the rocky area, there is a raised hillside.On the rocks, or standing, or sitting, or lying, gathered there.At the foot of the rocky area, five young men about twenty-four years old sat cross-legged.The five youths were wearing white robes with a tower-shaped badge on their chests.

On the top of the hillside, there is a stone platform.On the stone platform, Elder Xi and several older people sat there calmly.Presumably, several other people are also managers of the inner courtyard.

If you have sharp eyes, you will definitely be able to find five people sitting there at the end of the forest.Their age is also about twenty-four years old.A tower-shaped badge is also worn on the chest.However, all five of them were dressed in black.

In the open area of ​​rocky rocks, more than forty freshmen stood there with their heads bowed and their expressions dejected.

"Don't be arrogant, you have the ability to beat the remaining team."

"That's right, what kind of heroes are you guys who bully us, you have the ability to agree to Hunhan and the others."

"That's right, when you meet Hunhan and the others, you will know what terror is!"

Some people said indignantly about the new students who had been robbed of their fire energy.

"Look, here he is!"

At the end of the forest, a water-blue figure appeared in everyone's sight.


"No, it turned out to be a child!"

"You old students, did you make a mistake, and you were made into this appearance by a child?"

When Hunhan's figure appeared, countless eyes blamed and mocked the veteran team who had been defeated by the freshmen.

"What are you in a hurry for? I believe that after you have seen their strength, you will know that you have no right to laugh at us!"

Facing the cynicism, the defeated old student in the inner court did not get angry, and looked forward.

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