Immediately after Hunhan, Zi Yan, Ruolin, Yao Ye, Su Mo, Kang Ming, and Chen Huanhuan walked out of the forest one after another.

"Oh, the Heisha team. And...the White Shade team."

Hunhan smiled lightly, and said sarcastically: "Why, are the black and white pairs of this year's fire energy hunting competition forced to join forces?"

"A group of newborns, if you really let you walk out of this forest with full fire energy, where will we put the old faces of our inner courtyard! I will give you a chance, take out the fire crystal card yourself, and surrender immediately. We You don't have to do anything!" An old student in the Heisha team said indifferently.

"Zi Yan, Ruolin, Yao Ye, Su Mo, Kang Ming, Huanhuan, I will leave the Heisha team to you. I will go meet the Baisha team!" Hun Han walked towards the distant Baisha team. go.

"Boy, how dare you ignore me. Find a fight!"

The captain of the Heisha team's face darkened, and he turned into a black shadow, attacking towards Hunhan.

Blast legs

Overlord Fist

As soon as the two sides came into contact, they were immediately ejected by the shock force.

"Dou Wang?"

The captain of the Heisha team frowned deeply, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked at Hunhan in disbelief.The little boy in front of him was able to shock him!

Chapter 103 Still Not Qualified!

As for Hunhan, he glanced indifferently at the captain of the Heisha team.The other party is also a physical cultivator, and his strength is not weak, comparable to fighting spirit level.However, it is still not qualified to fight him.

"team leader……"

Looking at the back of Hunhan gradually going away, a member of the Heisha team couldn't help but reminded him aloud.Those eyes seemed to be saying, Captain, do you want to chase after him?

"Let him go! Since he wants to humiliate himself, let him go. That guy in the Baisha team is not a good guy! From now on, as long as we keep them here, that's enough Already!"

The captain of the Heisha team regretted it not long after he said this.Full of confidence, he actually stumbled on another child.This time, it was a little girl who defeated him.

"Look at your formation, don't you intend to let us pass the final checkpoint!" Hun Han glanced at the five people in front of him.

"Of course!"

The leading young man in white didn't speak, his eyes were closed, and he didn't even look at Hunhan.It seemed that the soul cold in front of him was not worthy of him opening his eyes at all.

Responding to the coldness of the soul was a young man standing beside the young man in white.The corner of the young man's mouth was slightly raised, and he said indifferently again: "If you are willing to hand over the fire energy in your hands obediently, we can let you pass. Presumably, you are not willing to hand over the fire energy in your body easily?"

"Of course!"

Soul Han's voice echoed in the pile of rocks.The atmosphere immediately became tense.


The young man in white at the head never opened his eyes, and said two words flatly.

"Yes, brother."

The man in white responded to the young man in charge, and walked towards Hunhan.He laughed and said, "If that's the case, then I'll offend you."

The poor man in white just waved his palm to teach Hunhan a lesson, but Hunhan punched him back.


The captain of the Baisha team, who had kept his eyes closed all this time, finally opened his eyes and looked Hunhan up and down.Said: "The strength is good, you all step back. You are not his opponent!"

Facing the captain of the Baisha team, the other three members all looked suspicious.They are not the little boy's opponents in front of them, isn't this a joke?

"You are very good. You were able to force me to take action! With your combat power, you are enough to enter the top [-] on the strong list. You have the qualifications for me to remember your name. What is your name?" The captain of the Baisha team, With a haughty tone, he asked Hunhan.

"I'm sorry, you don't deserve to know my name!" Hun Han chuckled lightly.


"He actually said that Li Gang didn't deserve to know his name. Damn, he's yawning like a toad, what a shame!"

"That's right, I'm afraid he doesn't know that Li Gang standing in front of him is the top expert in the inner courtyard!"

When facing Hunhan, the people around him all mocked Hunhan's low-sightedness.

"Are you the number one student on the strong list?" Hunhan looked at the young man in front of him in astonishment, and couldn't help but look up and down again.Since the opponent had never used battle qi, Hunhan couldn't guess the approximate cultivation level of the opponent.

"Yes." Li Gang nodded.

"Then why did you participate in the Fire Energy Hunting Competition?" Hun Han was puzzled.

As far as Hun Han knew, as long as he entered the top [-] on the strong list, even if he stayed in the Sky Burning Qi Refining Tower all day and couldn't come out, he didn't have to worry about the fire energy running out.In other words, with Li Gang in front of him, there is absolutely no need to take part in the so-called fire hunting competition.

"Let me just say, he really doesn't know who the person standing in front of him is!"

"Actually, as Li Gang's senior, he doesn't need to participate in the Fire Energy Hunting Competition. The reason why he participated in the Fire Energy Hunting Competition is all because of his younger brother!"

"That's right. Originally, senior Li Gang was about to graduate this year. However, Li Gang delayed it by one year. The purpose is to help his younger brother obtain enough fire energy!"

"This freshman is unlucky enough. If he hadn't met Li Gang, maybe this freshman would have passed the Fire Energy Hunting Competition!"

Old students on the chaotic rocks, once again talking about what you said and what I said.At the same time, I feel very sorry for Hunhan having Li Gang as an opponent.When they say it, they seem to forget.They are also old students themselves, if Hun Han passed the fire energy hunting competition, they themselves would feel ashamed in front of the new students.

Moreover, Hunhan didn't know that this year's fire energy hunting competition.In order to accumulate fire energy for his younger brother, Li Gang has already set the rules.All veteran teams must pay half of the fire energy days after the game.Otherwise, they would not be able to keep the fire energy on their bodies.

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