Hai Xinyan, that's something that even Qian Lan Shuiyan can't compare to.The strange fire ranked fifteenth on the strange fire list.Countless pharmacists have longed for the treasure of heaven and earth that they can't wait for.However, Hun Han was willing to give it to Yao Ye as a gift.

"Can I ask why?" Yao Ye expressed her doubts.

"Because I already have Qinglian Earth Heart Fire. Due to the particularity of my own cultivation technique, the extra strange fire doesn't have much effect on me." Hunhan replied.

Hun Han practiced the Taishang Nine Yuan Jue, the power of the exercise is different from that of the Fen Jue.Fen Jue needs to rely on constantly devouring different fires to upgrade the skills.As for Hunhan's Taishang Jiuyuan Jue, it is necessary to obtain nine kinds of foreign objects with different attributes to enhance the ability of the technique and make the fighting energy in the body more pure.Not only the strange fire, but now that Hunhan possessed the Nine Nether Wind Ice, if he had another ice-type foreign object, it would also not have a substantial change in his battle qi.

Of course, with one more strange fire, one's overall combat effectiveness can still be increased to a certain extent.It's just that Hunhan doesn't want to be alone when he climbs to the top of the sky.

"This..." Yao Ye was so flattered that she was speechless for a while.

"How about it, dare you?" Hun Han touched the ring, took out Hai Xinyan from it, and asked again.

Yaoye's talent is not weak, if he cultivates it properly, he will definitely become a super strong person.She is also practicing fire-attribute skills. If she has Haixinyan, her combat power will definitely increase dramatically.

Of the heavens and worlds, Dou Po is just a middle-thousand world.If you want to be the brightest star in the sky, rule all worlds, and have few friends around you, how can you do it!

"I have another question. Actually, you can give it to Zi Yan, she is your junior sister after all, why did you give it to me?" Yao Ye expressed her doubts in her heart.In fact, she even wanted to say, Hun Han has his eyes on her!

"There are no waste fighters, only fighters who are in the wrong way. Haixin Yan is a fire attribute, formed in the submarine volcano area. It is not suitable for Zi Yan. But you are practicing a fire attribute. Haixin With the flame in your hands, it can explode with stronger power. What's more, we have also experienced ups and downs together in the Warcraft Mountains. We are already friends! Moreover, you are now my Tianmen One part." Hun Han replied with a smile.In fact, he didn't say that even if Zi Yan was given a different fire with the attribute of fire, it would be another kind of different fire, definitely not the Hai Xinyan in front of him.

"Is it just friends?" Yaoye asked in a low voice.

"Ah, I didn't hear what you said just now!" Hun Han asked hastily.

"No...it's nothing. I mean, I'm ready. But, how do I refine it?" Yaoye asked with blushing cheeks.

With a flick of his fingers, Hun Han took out a bloody pill the size of a longan from the ring.The bloody pill shook slightly, as if there was liquid sloshing inside.It is the necessary thing to swallow the strange fire: the blood lotus pill.

Immediately afterwards, Hun Han took out a small jade bottle from the ring, and a thin layer of ice had formed around the jade bottle.When the bottle cap was opened, a faint cold mist rose from inside.This is a very rare ice spirit cold spring.

Finally, Hunhan took out a gray stone the size of a thumb from the ring.The stone is as smooth as jade, without the slightest blemish.In the stone heart, like a small insect with vitality, slowly wriggling.This is the third item necessary to devour the strange fire, Na Ling.

"This is the Blood Lotus Pill. Without its blood shackle, with your strength, it is impossible to get close to the strange fire. This is the ice spirit cold spring. After you devour the strange fire, drink this thing immediately and use the exercises. This is Na Ling, when you have refined the strange fire, put this thing into the Na Ling. In this way, the entire refining process has been completed. Do you understand?" Hun Hanjie said.

"En." Princess Yaoye nodded.

"The process of devouring is very difficult. One mistake will be burned to ashes. Are you sure you want to continue?" Hunhan asked again.

"Sure!" Princess Yaoye nodded firmly.

"In that case, let's start!" Hun Han ordered.

"En." Princess Yaoye nodded, picked up the Blood Lotus Pill with her fingers, and stared at it for a long time.

"What's the matter, if you want to back down, it's still too late!" Hunhan said softly.

"I just suddenly remembered Yue'er. Yue'er has already started to learn alchemy from the vice president of the Alchemist Guild. If she has a strange fire, her future road will be smoother." Princess Yaoye said lightly.

"Yue'er, don't worry, if there is a chance in the future, I will find a kind of strange fire for her. Now, start to block distracting thoughts. The process of refining cannot tolerate the slightest sloppy." Hunhan said solemnly, that appearance is simply no different from adults.


Yao Ye nodded, closed her eyes, and restrained her mind.After a while, he opened his eyes and swallowed the blood lotus pill into his stomach.

When the red horny layer was born on Yao Ye's body, Hun Han ordered: "Right now, put your hand into Haixinyan. Grasp the origin of the strange fire inside, something like magma. Put it Swallow it into your stomach, and then immediately swallow the Bing Ling Hanquan."

Chapter 116 Goodbye Qin Lan (Second update, please subscribe)

Yao Ye followed her words and stretched her hand into Hai Xinyan.The red cuticle melted rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.The old cuticles are melted and new ones are born.After a while, Yaoye was already holding a wisp of dark blue magma.Then, after hesitating for a while, he swallowed it into his stomach according to Hunhan's words.

As Hai Xinyan's original fire seed entered her belly, Yaoye's delicate body trembled violently.Afterwards, quickly drank the ice spirit cold spring.

Next, is refining.

Looking at Yaoye, who was pale, trembling all over, and sweating like rain on his forehead.Hunhan was not sure whether Yaoye could successfully refine Haixinyan.

Swallowing the strange fire is a gamble.If you are lucky, you will fly to the nine heavens and look down on all living beings.With bad luck, it turned into ashes, and the ashes disappeared.

For Hunhan, the next step is to wait.As a bystander, he couldn't help Princess Yaoye at this time.

In fact, Hunhan can give the strange fire to other people who have a better relationship with him.For example, his senior sister Yun Yun.

It's just that what Yun Yun cultivates is a wind attribute technique, and within a few years, she will break through to the level of Dou Huang.For her, the strange fire was not a good match.

Without the Fenjue and Taishang Jiuyuanjue, a person can only have one kind of foreign object.If it is necessary to send Yun Yun a foreign object, it will only be a foreign wind.

Not long after, Hun Han's brows could not help but wrinkle.

A dark blue light burst out from Yaoye's body.The light was very bewitching, and it ran out of the cave, within a thousand meters, it was like daytime.Moreover, the rocks on the top of the cave are slowly melting.

"This is Hai Xinyan's breath, what is that guy Han Feng doing! Why don't people sleep!"

A series of low-pitched curses could be faintly heard in this silent night.This is the area where Fengcheng belongs, and people just subconsciously attribute it to Han Feng for such a movement.Afterwards, most people almost rolled over and went back to sleep.

By the early morning of the next day, people discovered the abnormality.One by one, they swarmed out from Fengcheng and came outside the cave on this cliff.

"Hey, what are they doing?"

"Isn't it devouring the strange fire?"

"This breath seems to be Hai Xinyan? Why did Hai Xinyan's breath come from inside? Who is that red figure? Where is Han Feng?"

The curious Dou Zhe showed doubts on his face.Pairs of eyes fell on the radiant Yao Ye.

"Huh, Fighting King?"

Immediately, people's eyes fell on a water-blue figure beside Yaoye.The water-blue figure has a pair of water-blue wings behind it.Around the wings, bursts of cold air exude.The opponent's cultivation base is impressively a fighting king.At his feet, there were already a dozen corpses lying.

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