Dou Wang?

The strange fire is in the front, if you say that you are not moved, it is absolutely a lie.Most of these fighters are fighters, great fighters, and fighting spirits.Under the deterrence of Hunhan, they didn't dare to go forward at all.

"Why isn't it over yet?" Hun Han frowned slightly, he didn't expect that it would take such a long time to refine the strange fire.

Today, it is daylight.More and more fighters were attracted here.If someone of the Douhuang level comes, he can't continue to deter them.

Suddenly, four figures came out from the crowd of onlookers.

This is the Noire Territory, a place that needs no mercy.Hunhan even noticed that on the chests of those three people, there was a badge that symbolized a pharmacist.There are four ripples on the badge, which represent that they are the strong fighters of fighting spirits, and at the same time, they are also fourth-rank alchemists.

"You two, although I don't know how they obtained Hai Xinyan. The little girl in the cave right now can't bear to be disturbed at all. In my opinion, the three of us work together to take him down first?"

A pharmacist's proposal was immediately approved by the other two pharmacists.Three fourth-rank pharmacists began to slowly approach Hunhan.

Profound-level Intermediate Fighting Skill·Ghost Shadow

The soul in front of him was cold, and his figure began to become unreal.Immediately, a piercing sound rang in their ears.

Overlord Fist

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen shadows of fists formed a terrifying wind, approaching one of them.The powerful attack directly made the pharmacist fly up and hit the other two pharmacists.

"What a terrifying power!"

The onlookers were all surprised and gasped.Hun Han directly killed the two alchemists with one punch.Even the other pharmacist, with a pale face, was lying on the ground, vomiting blood.

Another phantom flashed, Hun Han appeared in front of the injured alchemist, stomped on it, and ended the other's life on the spot.With a hook of the fingers, the rings on the fingers of the three flew into Hun Han's hands.

"Within two hundred meters of the cave, kill without mercy!"

A cold, emotionless voice resounded around.With one punch and one kick, the three fighting spirits were killed, and they were deeply shocked.

Fighters who are rangers naturally dare not step forward to challenge Hunhan.However, for some forces, there is no fear of being cold at all.

"Sovereign, it's here!"

A slight voice sounded, and a group of more than one hundred people passed through the surrounding crowd and came in front of Hunhan.The leader was a middle-aged man in a black robe.

"The King of Fighters!"

The middle-aged man looked at Hunhan in surprise.Apparently, he did not expect that Hunhan was already a fighting king at such a young age.Then, his eyes fell on the cave again.The blue light outside the cave made the middle-aged man's eyes wide open, and he said in surprise: "It really is the breath of strange fire."

"Those who step within [-] meters outside the cave will die!" Hun Han said coldly.

"Crazy boy. Do you know who this person is in front of you?"

"Yes, you dare to be so presumptuous in front of our Black Emperor Sect Master."

"That's right, it's true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. A little Dou Wang dares to shout so loudly in front of our suzerain. Our suzerain has the cultivation level of a dou emperor. You are looking for death!"

Facing Hunhan's words, the subordinates around the middle-aged man mocked Hunhan one by one.At the same time, brandishing a weapon, he approached Hunhan.

"Who do you say is courting death!"

Suddenly, a black awn like a butterfly descended from the sky.Immediately afterwards, an incredible scene appeared.The disciple of the Black Emperor Sect who was hit by the black light couldn't bear the energy in the black light and burst open.The blood mist filled the arena, and even the head of the Black Emperor Sect was stunned.

"Dou... Dou Zong!"

Looking at the black figure coming from the sky, the voice of the head of the Black Emperor Sect couldn't help trembling slightly.

"Aunt Qin!"

As for Hunhan, he was also silently speechless, with surprise in his eyes.It was none other than the woman who had been guarding him before, Qin Lan.

Chapter 117 The Different Soul Emperor ([-]rd update)

"Senior Dou Zong, I really don't know that he belongs to you. If I knew, I wouldn't offend you!" The head of the Black Emperor Sect bent down, pinched Mei, and smiled at Qin Lan vigorously.

A Dou Zong level powerhouse is not at all a level that a Dou Emperor can compete with.Of course, the head of the Black Emperor Sect didn't know that Qin Lan wasn't a Dou Sect at all, but a half-sage!Known as the Butterfly Soul Saint!

With a wave of Qin Lan's hand, a black light like a butterfly danced.The Patriarch of the Black Emperor Sect's complexion changed drastically, and the speed of Hei Mang was beyond his imagination.When he wanted to react, the black light had already touched his.With a bang, it burst open on the spot.


Such a horrific and bloody scene made the surrounding onlookers change their faces.

"Whoever dares to harm the little master will be killed without mercy!"

An indifferent voice rippling around.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Lan turned around and waved her hand.The black light shot out again, and all the fighters around who were jealous of the strange fire died under the black light.In front of the semi-saint powerhouse, these people have no room to fight back.Shaoqing, hundreds of people died here, and all their bodies burst.The smell of blood in the arena was very pungent.

"Those who dare to peep at the little master will be killed without mercy!"

Qin Lan's voice was very cold.Fighters who came from afar after hearing the news watched this scene from afar, all stopped in place, then turned around and fled into Fengcheng without looking back.

After getting rid of these flies, Qin Lan turned around slowly and said excitedly, "Little master, you are still alive. Your subordinates are not strong enough to protect you, please punish me!"

After saying that, Qin Lan knelt on one knee towards Hunhan, lowered her head, and waited for Hunhan's punishment.

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