"Aunt Qin, what are you doing, get up!" Hunhan supported Qin Lan with both hands.Then, she asked curiously, "Aunt Qin, how do you know I'm here?"

In Qin Lan's statement, Hun Han learned the whole story.

The moment Hun Han left the Hun Clan, Qin Lan was also entangled by five masked men, and with all his abilities, he beheaded all five of them.Afterwards, Qin Lan checked the place where Hun Han fought with others.Intuition tells Qin Lan that Hunhan is not dead.

So, Qin Lan went to Zhongzhou and found the ancestor of Danta.Using the power of the Pill Tower, Qin Lan learned that a little boy was born in Wutan City in the Northwest Continent.At a young age, he was already able to transform his fighting spirit into wings, and was recruited by Canaan Academy.Moreover, the name is also Hunhan.

Therefore, Qin Lan immediately rushed to the northwest region.When Qin Lan arrived at Canaan College, he learned that Hunhan had gone to Fengcheng, and then the previous scene began.

"Little master, how did you escape?" Qin Lan still can't figure it out. The entrance of the soul clan is so far from the northwest, and it took her a year to rush from Zhongzhou to Canaan College.How did Hunhan do it back then?

"Teleport the astrolabe." Hunhan replied.

"Teleportation astrolabe? You mean, you have a teleportation astrolabe?" Qin Lan looked at Hunhan in surprise.

"Yes." Hunhan nodded, flicked his fingers, and took out the artifact in the ring - the teleportation astrolabe.

"It's really a teleportation astrolabe, it seems that my guess is correct. How could Emperor Hun Tian not like Miss's child!" Qin Lan's doubts were all solved one by one.

"What's your guess?" Hun Han asked suspiciously.

"Little master, of course Emperor Huntian attaches great importance to you!" Qin Lan replied.

"Great attention to me?" Hun Han was taken aback and fell into deep thought.

Ever since Hun Handa remembered, Hun Tiandi had never had a decent birthday with him.Moreover, even when he left the Soul Clan and wanted to meet the Soul Emperor, many elders in the clan begged him to come.

Emperor Huntian attaches great importance to his thirteenth son, right?

Since he attaches great importance to his children, he is still so indifferent to his children.

"Could it be... because I value it, so I ignore it. The purpose is to protect me and prevent me from falling into the vortex of power struggle!" Hun Han speculated thoughtfully.

"Yes. It's rare for you to understand his painstaking efforts!" Qin Lan nodded, looking at Hun Han with great satisfaction.Hunhan is still young, but he sees things more profoundly than some adults.Said: "Emperor Huntian married the eighth-room concubine. Later, he traveled abroad and met his master. The two fell in love, and the relationship became deeper and deeper. When Emperor Huntian brought his master to the soul clan, Emperor Huntian never favored him again. , and even asked about his eighteen-room concubine. As a woman, she must be very jealous of this. If Emperor Huntian shows too much love for you, it will only cause many disasters. Therefore, alienate you, treat you indifferently, and treat you as Only by being treated by strangers can you be safer!"

"Really?" Hun Han asked.

Asking this in his mouth, he already accepted Qin Lan's conjecture in his heart.

The Soul Race is not a small race, and its system is very similar to a feudal empire.The Patriarch of the Soul Clan is equivalent to His Majesty the Emperor of the Empire.The young patriarch of the soul clan is equivalent to the crown prince of the empire.Everything is possible around the fight for the crown prince.

"Well. After you were assassinated, I used some contacts in front of the master to find out some news. It turned out that the master who wanted to assassinate you was the ninth lady. The day after you were assassinated, the only son of the ninth lady, Hun Pan, He was canonized as the young patriarch of the soul clan!" Qin Lan said again.

"What, the young patriarch is Hunpan?" Hunhan was taken aback. In the original story line, the young patriarch of the Hun clan was Hunfeng.

"Yes. Hun Pan is very powerful, but he is brave and intrepid. The reason why he was canonized as the young patriarch is that he found out the six spies of the ancient clan who had infiltrated the soul clan, and killed three of them with his own strength. With the ability of Emperor Soul, it is not difficult to find out the chief envoy behind him. However, he canonized the son of the chief envoy as the young patriarch. Right now, the soul clan is surrounding the position of the young patriarch. Fighting openly and secretly. With Hun Pan's personality, he can't resist open spears and hidden arrows. Little master, don't worry. The Emperor Hun Tian did this to push Hun Pan to the forefront and avenge you! As far as I know, among his wives , several wives are also eyeing the position of young patriarch. Especially the eighteenth concubine!" Qin Lan analyzed for Hunhan in detail.

As for the eighteenth concubine, she is Hunfeng's mother.

"Aunt Qin, why do you only speak good things for him?" Hun Han frowned slightly.All along, he felt that Emperor Huntian didn't like him, it was a special kind.Now, someone wants to tell him that he is the one who loves him the most.Such a big contrast made the soul cold for a while, and it was completely unacceptable.

"Little master, please forgive me for talking too much. Maybe I wasn't sure before, but since Emperor Huntian asked you to go to the Hall of Human Beings in the Hall of Souls, and when he canonized the only son of the Ninth Lady, Hun Pan, as the head of the young patriarch, I have been sure. In my heart, the child I like the most, the child I most want to take over from him, is you!"


ps: I will forcefully push it next time, do you like it?In this life, the soul clan is destined to dominate the continent!

Chapter 118 The Living Dead

"Aunt Qin, why are you so sure?" Hun Han frowned slightly, and for a moment, he wondered whether Qin Lan was arranged by Emperor Hun Tian by his side.Otherwise, how could Qin Lan speak well for Emperor Hun Tian?

"Because I know him!" Qin Lan replied.

"You know him?" Hunhan smiled.

"Yes. Emperor Huntian looks elegant, like a scholar. In fact, he is ruthless and decisive in killing. And he does things with foresight and foresight, and the city is extremely deep." Qin Lan nodded slightly.

"Really?" Hun Han stared at Qin Lan, he thought Qin Lan would say good things about Hun Tiandi.Unexpectedly, Qin Lan really understood Hun Tiandi.

"Well, yes. These words are also Master's evaluation of Emperor Hun." Qin Lan nodded, with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"In this case, how could my mother fall in love with Emperor Hun?" Hunhan asked curiously.

"Because, although Emperor Huntian has these personalities, he still loves his master very much. It is good that a person like Emperor Huntian does not enter his heart. Once he enters his heart, he dares to fight against the world for the other party!" Qin Lan gave mixed comments, but commented pertinently.

"Really, with his protection, how could my mother die?" Hunhan asked suspiciously.

Emperor Huntian is not an ordinary fighter, but his soul has stepped into the realm of emperor, and his Qi cultivation also has the realm of the peak of nine-star fighting saints.Looking at the entire continent, apart from Gu Yuan and the old Dragon Emperor, no one could pose a threat to him.

"Little master, don't ask. Some things, when you have the ability to know, I will naturally tell you." Qin Lan prevaricated Hunhan as if saying a mantra.

"Aunt Qin, I'm already a fighting king now. Don't you think I'm not qualified to know?" Hunhan frowned slightly, he had never known about her mother's death.It can only be vaguely deduced from the awakened holy bloodline that his mother has the bloodline of the Xiao clan.Of course, Hunhan knew Qin Lan's difficulties.Qin Lan was afraid that Hunhan would know the truth and put some pressure on Hunhan's heart.From a certain aspect, Hunhan can also deduce that his mother must have a story.

"Dou Wang, it's still too low." Qin Lan shook her head.Dou Wang, in the eight ancient clans, is not even qualified to be cannon fodder.

"Then what about now?" Hun Han turned his mouth slightly, and flipped his empty hand, a wisp of blue-colored flames floated in his palm.

"Different fire, Qinglian's heart fire!" Qin Lan was stunned, looking at Hunhan in surprise.Obviously, he didn't expect Hunhan to have such a strange thing.However, after being surprised, he still shook his head: "It still doesn't work. With the different fire, you can barely fight against the Dou Huang."

"Then what about this?" Hun Han finally flipped over, and a black ice crystal was suspended in his palm.

"Is this... different water?"

Qin Lan was really shocked.Hun Han actually possessed two different foreign objects, water and fire at the same time.After being surprised, he still shook his head: "It still doesn't work. There is one more foreign object, and the ability to control fire and water is insufficient, so I still can't fight Dou Zong."

"Oh, is it?"

Hunhan smiled, and the two foreign objects in his hands began to touch each other.In the end, it turned into a twist.Oh no, it's two energies that are intertwined with each other.At first glance, it looks like two giant dragons, one green and one black, entangled with each other.The terrifying energy distorts the surrounding space slightly.

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