"No." Hunhan shook his head.

"Then you can't refine the elixir, why did you call me here?" Hai Bodong scolded angrily.

Go back to the Mittel family like a black sheep.Today, Hai Bodong has lost all his face in his life.

To break the seal in Hai Bodong's body, one needs to reach the level of Dou Huang.Otherwise, no sixth-grade elixir can be refined.

Hun Han's cultivation base did not break through to Dou Huang, but he was called back. Isn't this purely to make him embarrassing and mess around with the old man!

"Don't worry, Hai Lao, although I haven't broken through to the Dou Huang, but I have it!" Hun Han smiled, reached into his chest, and grabbed a colorful little snake.

Chapter 127 Cailin, do you plan to get married?

"Snake?" Hai Bodong frowned slightly.

"Yes." Soul Han nodded.

"Colorful Sky Swallowing Python!"

On one side, Qin Lan blurted out in surprise.She looked at her little master in surprise.Her little master actually raised a colorful sky-swallowing python that was said to be able to compete with the Dou Sheng powerhouse.

"It's just that it can't help me!" Hai Bodong glanced at Qin Lan, whose cultivation level even he couldn't see through.At the same time, although it was not easy to sense the little snake in Hunhan's hand, he was not stupid enough to break the seal in his body with just a little snake.At the moment, he looked at Hunhan questioningly.

"Don't underestimate it!"

Hun Han smiled, patted the Seven-Colored Heaven-Swallowing Python lightly on the head, and whispered in a negotiating tone: "Little guy, can you let Queen Medusa come out?"

"What? Queen Medusa?"

Hearing this, Hai Bodong's fine hairs were about to stand on end.

The seven-colored sky-swallowing python shook its head, walked to Hunhan's finger with Najie, and spit out the snake letter.

"What a cunning guy!" Hunhan smiled helplessly, and took out a jade bottle containing earth-core body-tempering milk from the ring.Opening the bottle cap, the Colorful Sky Swallowing Python got into the jade bottle without any worries.

When the colorful sky-swallowing python came out, it was already full of satisfaction.

"Can we let her out now?" Hun Han asked with a smile.

The seven-colored sky-swallowing python nodded.

Then, from the body of the seven-colored sky-swallowing python, seven-colored rays of light burst out.The light expanded rapidly, forming the outline of a figure.

Hai Bodong looked at the figure, his eyes overflowed with fear, his hair exploded, he jumped ten meters behind him, flew out of the hall, and landed in the courtyard.

"Little guy, what do you want me to do for you this time? If my king remembers correctly, I have already helped you once. But you, you haven't helped me refine the melting spirit pill yet!" Medu There was a hint of sadness in Sha's eyes.A sad look appeared from the triangular pupils, mixed with a touch of chill.

Queen Medusa helped Hunhan capture the original fire of Falling Heart Flame, and according to the deal between her and Hunhan, she really had no obligation to help Hunhan again.

"Hehe, Your Majesty, don't worry. I'm a talisman master and a pharmacist. Apart from elixir, you must use me for other things. For example, Your Majesty, do you have any plans to get married? "Hun Han asked with a smile.

"Hehehe, little guy, you won't tell me that you want to get married, you want me to marry you?" Queen Medusa looked at Hunhan with a smile.

"Your Majesty, if I want to get married, will you accept it?" Hun Han asked jokingly.

"No." Queen Medusa did not hesitate

"That's right. If that's the case, why should I humiliate myself!" Hun Han smiled.

"Then you want to..." Queen Medusa was puzzled.

"If you have plans to get married, you will definitely have children in the future. As far as I know, you snake people have a secret method to nourish babies, which requires the use of pills. At that time, you will inevitably come to me again." Hun Han smiled road.

"Not necessarily!" Queen Medusa smiled.

"Well, there are many alchemists in the world, and I'm not the only one. Then I'll change one. I don't know, but have you heard of nine-colored rough stones?" Hun Han asked with a slightly raised corner of his mouth, looking at The eyes of Queen Medusa completely engulfed the other party.

"Nine-colored rough stone?" Queen Medusa couldn't sit still, and repeated in a heavy voice.

"Yes, it's the original nine-color stone!" Hun Han nodded.

Familiar with the story line of Dou Po, Hun Han knows a secret about the Tuntian Python.The seven-color sky-swallowing python is not the highest form of the sky-swallowing python, only the nine-colored body is the highest form of the sky-swallowing python.Moreover, if the swallowing python wants to evolve from colorful to nine-colored, it must rely on nine-colored raw stones.

"Do you have nine-color rough stone?" Queen Medusa asked excitedly.

"I didn't." Hunhan shook his head slightly, he knew: The snake has already taken the bait!

"That's so nonsense!" Queen Medusa gave Hunhan a cold look.

"Although I don't have one, I know where there will be." Hun Han smiled again.

"Where?" Queen Medusa asked.

"Why, do you want to make this deal with me?" Hun Han chuckled.


Queen Medusa wondered, unconsciously, how she fell into the trap designed by Hunhan again.This is already the third time, and he was eaten to death by Hunhan again.Not even the ability to refuse.

This time, no wonder Queen Medusa.After the continuation of the strange fire and the melting spirit pill, the temptation of the seven-colored rough stone was too great for her.

Queen Medusa stared deeply at Hunhan, and a thought suddenly popped up in her heart: Could it be that Hunhan is her nemesis?

Queen Medusa's reputation shocked the surrounding empires, and she has never been eaten to death by a human being.The terrible thing is that this human being is still a little boy.

"Tell me first, what do you want me to do for you this time?" Queen Medusa asked curiously.His eyes deliberately glanced at Qin Lan who was beside Hun Han.Even she couldn't see through Qin Lan's cultivation.With such a good helper by her side, she didn't know what Hunhan needed to ask Queen Medusa to help her.

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