"Unlock the seal you left on Hai Lao!"

"Elder Hai? You mean Hai Bodong?"

Queen Medusa's eyes fell on Hai Bodong who was standing in the courtyard and still dared not come in.

"Yes." Soul Han nodded.

"It's just that simple?" Queen Medusa looked at Hunhan suspiciously.

"Yes, it's that simple. Could it be that you are still worried that I can sell you?" Hun Han teased with a smile.

"Hehehe, I am really worried that you will sell me, and I will count the money for you!" Queen Medusa said poorly.

"Don't worry, for a beautiful woman like you, even if I sell myself, I won't be willing to sell you." Hun Han said with a grin.

Hearing this, Queen Medusa also smiled.She probably hasn't noticed it yet.The Sky Swallowing Python has already subtly affected her.The majestic Queen Medusa actually teased humans.Moreover, she also enjoys this relaxed and pleasant way of talking.Afterwards, Queen Medusa looked at Hai Bodong outside the courtyard, and calmly said, "Hai Bodong, come in!"

One second

Two seconds

three seconds

Five seconds passed, and Hai Bodong in the courtyard remained motionless.

Seeing this, Queen Medusa raised her eyebrows slightly, and said sharply, "Why, is the skin itchy again?"

Call ~

Stared at by Queen Medusa, Hai Bodong shuddered all over.With a sound, like a ghost, it appeared in the hall like a flash.

The curse of Queen Medusa on Ice Emperor Haibodong originally came from Queen Medusa.As Queen Medusa bit her index finger and squeezed out a drop of blood, her hands formed seals.The blood formed a rune and shot into Ice Emperor Haibodong's body.

Around the body of Ice Emperor Haibodong, a very strong energy shock wave swayed.The former Ice Emperor has finally returned.

Chapter 128 Void Thunder Pond

In the dark void space, the light will disappear in this kind of area.The world here is full of monotony and loneliness, and is full of crises.The spatial turbulence that surged up from time to time was enough to smash a strong Dou Zun into pieces.

This empty space is rarely visited by people, and it can be described as a bird without shit.However, where there is danger, there is opportunity.In this area filled with space turbulence, there lived a powerful monster, that is Taixu Gulong.

Tai Xu is famous in the Dou Qi Continent for his proficiency in the power of space.The turbulent flow of the surrounding space can exercise their control over the power of space.In addition, the tearing force in the turbulent flow is also of great benefit to their cultivation.

In this empty space, there is a ray of light that suddenly appeared. I wanted to look along that ray, and I saw an extremely huge island floating in this void out of thin air.

The area of ​​the island is extremely vast. Above the sky of the island, there is a group of light silver bowl-shaped masks, which fold down and cover the entire island.Outside the island, there is a dark and permeating void.

Long Island was right in front of him, and the three figures did not move forward, but rushed into the endless void.

"Little master, the three of us should be careful. The ancient dragon clan has a huge internal branch. As long as we don't invade their territory, we won't be in too much danger!" Qin Lan instructed.

"Yeah." Soul Han nodded.

After leaving the Gamma Empire, Qin Lan asked someone to send a message to Emperor Huntian, asking him to come here to help Hunhan obtain the strange thunder.However, after waiting for a month, Emperor Huntian still did not show up at the pointed place.Finally, seeing that the important time was about to be missed, Qin Lan and Hun Han went to Jia'an Academy, brought Zi Yan, and came to this void.

"Little master, don't take it too seriously. If he didn't come, something important must have happened!" Qin Lan comforted.

"Aunt Qin, you don't need to comfort me, I'm fine!" Hun Han smiled, he was already used to Hun Tiandi.

However, the three people who were walking forward did not realize at all that there was an extremely weak fluctuation in a certain space behind them.Because here is void, endless darkness, without any light.Therefore, with their current state, they did not notice this at all.

"Little master, Zi Yan. The Void Thunder Pond is where thunder gathers. This space is very strange and exudes a natural suction. It makes the energy condense here chaotically, and finally spawned countless thunder. Etc. After entering, the two of you must follow me closely. Remember, within the Thunder Pool, don't use your fighting spirit, especially fighting skills!" Qin Lan instructed solemnly.



Hun Han and Zi Yan nodded heavily.

For a while, I followed Qin Lan.Hun Han and Zi Yan discovered that at the end of the empty space, a silver luster began to faintly appear continuously.An unusually violent energy permeated the surrounding space.

"It's coming!" Qin Lan reminded.

As the distance gradually narrowed, the silver luster became bigger and brighter.The sound of thunder all around is endless.

In front of the three of them, a "lake" of nearly a thousand feet appeared.In the lake, it is not ordinary water, but filled with bright silver thunder and lightning.This is a real thunder pool formed by thunder!

"What a strong thunder power!" Hun Han couldn't help but sigh.

According to the development of the original story line, in order to restore the Sky Demon Puppet, Xiao Yan borrowed the power of thunder from this thunder pond.At that time, Xiao Yan met Mang Tianchi who was rushing into the Thunder Pond here.

At the beginning, Xiao Yan also realized that there must be something terrible in the depths of the Thunder Pond.Through Mang Tianchi's narration, Xiao Yan vaguely knew that there were some thunder monsters with a little bit of wisdom.

If the different fire exists for a long time, it will have its own wisdom.The thunder in this thunder pool has been condensed for countless years, and it is not surprising that some strange creatures are born.

It's a pity that Xiao Yan, who has little knowledge, didn't tell the elder medicine about this matter at that time.Otherwise, he would understand that in this pool of thunder, there is a foreign object like the strange fire, the strange thunder—the thunder in the void.

Thunder in the Void: Ranked second in the list of different thunders, this thunder was born in the void, gathered into thunder from countless energies in the void, and formed a thunder pool after tens of thousands of years.After tens of thousands of years, it is possible to breed a ray of original thunder.Because it was born in the void, apart from being violent, this thunder also has the characteristics of devouring energy and strengthening itself.

"For safety's sake, little master, you use the strange fire now. Zi Yan, you use the talisman now." Qin Lan ordered.



Hun Han and Zi Yan nodded.With a thought, Qinglian's heart fire shrouded her soul cold inside.As for Zi Yan, she was very obedient, touched the ring, flicked her fingers, and took out a talisman with yellow light.A ray of soul power penetrated into the talisman, and with a click, the talisman turned into a rocky yellow light, covering Zi Yan's body.

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