The elder of the Gold-devouring Rat Clan witnessed the fall of a strong member of the Dou Zong realm in the clan.His face was very gloomy.He had a feeling that today the Gold Devouring Rat Clan would suffer a catastrophe.

"Anyone who comes close to me will be killed without mercy." Hun Han once again issued an order to No. [-] puppet.

As the soul-cold Dou Qi continuously poured into Qinglian's heart fire on the palm of her hand, the surrounding temperature became higher and higher.At the same time, there was a slight fluctuation that began to spread towards the surroundings.Under the influence of this fluctuation, the volcanic ash in the crater on the top of the Tianshan Mountains, which was originally a dormant volcano, began to have crimson lava gushing out of the volcanic ash.

"Elder, if you want to depose my patriarch, you have to get rid of him first. You guys go up with me, and you must stop him!" Jinshi looked solemn, and walked towards the sky.

The surrounding gold-eating rats, one by one, turned their fighting spirit into wings, or stepped on the void, flew into the sky, and killed Hunhan overwhelmingly.

Seeing this, the No. [-] puppet revealed a crimson light in its pupils.Immediately, two extremely hot rays of light shot out from its eyes.That appearance, like a superman in another world.

The red laser light contains terrifying energy.The light caused the space to vibrate violently. Wherever it passed, the bodies of those gold-eating mice were cut in half by the laser light one by one, as if they were made of paper.Pieces of corpses of gold-eating rats fell from the air to the ground.

Blast legs

Rat Surge

Gold Devouring Claw


Facing the unstoppable No. [-] puppet, members of the Gold-eating Rat Clan launched their own attacks.The colorful fighting skills fell on No. [-] puppet.However, this did not effectively traumatize the Zero puppet.However, it still hindered the attack of No. [-] puppet and bought precious time for other gold-eating rats.Many members of the Golden Rat entered the area within [-] meters of Hunhan's body.

Even so, No. [-] puppet held the laser sword in his hand and killed the gold-eating mouse that rushed over.Even so, the encirclement is still gradually decreasing.

"Stinky boy, you are very good. However, I, the Golden Rat, is famous in the World of Warcraft because of its large number of members. Today, you don't want to escape from the Tianmu Mountains alive." Jinshi looked at Hunhan with sharp eyes, waved his palm, and slapped him. On the body of No. [-] puppet, the latter's body moved back five or six steps.

"Although it's still a little short of fire, I think it's enough to accumulate energy. Jinshi, you can enjoy the wailing of your gold-eating rat clan!" Hunhan moved, and a crane soared into the sky.Dodged the pounces of many members of the Gold Eater Clan.


At this moment, the ground below trembled violently.

"This is……?"

Jin Shi's complexion changed drastically, and he felt the fluctuations from the ground below.Eyes overlooking the crater directly below.There, the original Tianshan Blood Pool has disappeared.The crimson magma filled the Tianshan Blood Pool.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


With a thunderclap, the ground below shook violently.Gray ash spews from the crater below.It was sprayed fiercely into the sky.Along with volcanic ash, there are many huge rock blocks, ejected from the crater.Then it fell heavily to the ground.

The dormant volcano in the Tianmu Mountains erupted!


As those huge fireballs fell, the Tianmu Mountains resounded with miserable cries of mice.


Faintly, one could even hear the rats that had turned into human form making miserable cries.

"Stinky boy!"

Jin Shi was furious, looking up at Hun Han who was flying higher and higher.Clenching his hands tightly, he just wanted to chase and kill Hunhan.He was stopped by the elder behind him.

"Jin Shi, what the hell are you doing standing still, come down and organize the evacuation of the clan." An elder of the Gold-eating Rat Clan cursed.

Call ~

Patriarch Jinshi let out a long breath, and stared at Hunhan fiercely.Looking down, a large number of clansmen died at every moment.Moreover, the magma of the Tianshan volcano has begun to pour out of the crater.

This is where the Gold-eating Rat Clan lived for generations.After countless years of reproduction, a lot of treasures have been accumulated.It doesn't matter if some of the clan members die, anyway, the gold-eating rat clan has a strong reproductive ability.If those collected treasures were lost, that would be unbearable for the Gold Devourers.

Reluctantly, Patriarch Jinshi weighed one or two in his mind, and could only lead his troops from the sky to land on the ground.

However, before Patriarch Jinshi and the others breathed a sigh of relief, there were countless talismans floating in front of Hunhan.

"go with!"

With a wave of Hunhan's hand, the talisman in front of him fell towards some members who were rescuing the Golden Rat.


Thunderbolts fell from the sky and struck those gold-eating rats.It exacerbated the death of the members of the Gold Devouring Rat Clan.In addition to lightning, there are also attacks caused by talismans, such as earth thorns, wind blades, and fireballs.

The scene of sudden aggravation and deterioration made the eyes of all the gold-devouring rat tribe powerhouses focus on Hunhan again.If eyes could kill people, Hunhan would have been shattered into pieces by now.

"Gold Eater, listen to me, Hunhan. This matter is endless, and one day, I, Hunhan, will destroy your entire clan!" Hunhan said coldly.Immediately, with a burst of wings, it rushed towards the sky at the fastest speed.

"This brat has never finished." Patriarch Jinshi's voice was very low and full of gunpowder.In the next second, the eyes of all the Gold-devouring Rat Clan that were originally looking at Hun Han fell on Patriarch Jinshi.


After flying for more than ten minutes, Hunhan looked around and found a cave in the mountain ahead.Without hesitation, he flew over.

The cave is covered by several trees, and there are some monster feces in the cave.After searching for a while, he found that there were no figures of monsters, so with a wave of his hand, a battle energy turned into a tornado, and the excrement from the cave was rolled out of the cave.

"Wait outside, if any creature approaches here, kill without mercy!" Hunhan ordered the zero puppet.

"Yes, Master."

The zero puppet was very obedient, walked out of the cave, and stood at the entrance of the cave like a sentinel.

In this way, Hun Han let go of Queen Medusa.Holding the opponent's jade hand, the power of the soul penetrated into the opponent's delicate body.Immediately, an exquisite and delicate body with uneven bumps appeared in his consciousness.

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