The wonderful ketone body is in consciousness, and Hunhan has no intention to appreciate it at all.The power of the soul began to penetrate every part of Queen Medusa.

"Huh?" Hunhan was slightly taken aback.

Although the vicious mouse poison invaded Queen Medusa's body, even the internal organs showed signs of being poisoned.However, Queen Medusa's heart was shrouded in a nine-color light.Block out all those toxins.

Hun Han took a deep breath to calm down.With an empty hand flip, a small ray of void thunder followed the contact point of the two people's skin and penetrated into the other's body.

Void Thunder has the characteristic of devouring, and it has an unexpected miraculous effect on treating poisoned people.

The Void Thunder penetrated into Queen Medusa's body, and the unconscious body of the latter suddenly trembled.

Hunhan's fingers touched Queen Medusa's back, and the soul power controlled the ray of void thunder, and began to pass through some main meridians.Wherever it passes along the way, it will devour the fierce mouse poison that has invaded the main meridians.


Queen Medusa, who was in a coma, suddenly opened her eyes and let out an exciting moan.

"Your Majesty, I am detoxifying you. You must endure this severe pain. Otherwise, I cannot help you remove the toxins from your body." Hunhan glanced at the sweaty Queen Medusa, and said lightly .

"Hunhan, just come, I can hold on." Queen Medusa bishop twitched, endured the severe pain in her body, and said with a stubborn smile.

"Well. If it hurts, you can call out. I'm the only one here, there's nothing shameful." Hunhan nodded.

As Hunhan slowly released the characteristics of the void thunder, strands of green venom began to be swallowed by the void thunder.Different from Nalan Jie, Queen Medusa has not been poisoned for a long time, and she has that strange nine-color energy to protect her heart veins.It makes the situation less dangerous and the toxins in the body are easier to remove.

In the cave, with the swallowing of the void thunder, wisps of toxins were swallowed by the void thunder.Queen Medusa is worthy of being a hero among women, and the whole process was forced by her.

"All right."

Hun Han withdrew the Void Thunder from Queen Medusa's.There is a touch of green faintly in its void and thunder.This is the rat poison that was swallowed in Queen Medusa's body.

Glancing at Queen Medusa, the latter was pale and exhausted at the moment.Sweat had soaked through her clothes, and her beautiful figure was looming, full of lethality.There are a few strands of messy hair floating on her forehead, coupled with her peerless face, one can't help but feel the urge to push her away.

Hunhan took a deep breath, and his lower abdomen was hot.Could it be that he likes s?

Shaking his head, dispelling the lingering thoughts in his heart, he said, "All the toxins in your body have been expelled. Before you recover your peak strength, we will temporarily live in this cave."

"En." Queen Medusa obeyed, and began to sit cross-legged, recovering her vitality.

Seeing Queen Medusa in meditation, Hunhan looked at the ray of green in the void and thunder in his hand, and a thought came to his mind.Controlling the perception of the soul, he began to compress the wisp of green toxin.

When all the green toxins were compressed by Hunhan, Hunhan sacrificed Qinglian's heart fire and began to slowly temper the green liquid.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

With the passage of time, the green liquid was tempered by the soul cold into a round green bead.The beads were only the size of marbles, and green poisonous gas curled up.

When Hunhan walked out of the cave with the beads in his hand, the flowers, plants and trees around the entrance of the cave quickly withered and turned black.The range of influence reached five or six meters.

"It's very poisonous. The energy contained in it is no less than that of the seventh-grade elixir. I have a gift for the little fairy doctor." The corner of Hun Han's mouth twitched slightly.

Poison can change the color of fighters when they hear the news, but for the little fairy doctor who has the body of Enan poison, it is a rare and great tonic.

Hunhan put away the poison beads and looked into the distance.Volcanoes in the Tien Shan have stopped erupting lava.Lots of volcanic ash covered the sky and fell from the sky.The volcanic eruption in the sky is also a rare sight.

"Soul cold."

After a while, there was a beautiful voice like a swallow in the cave.Turning her head to look, Queen Medusa was full of energy, not at all as if recovering from a serious illness.

"You helped me again." Queen Medusa thanked.

"Isn't it touching?" Hunhan smiled.

Queen Medusa was silent.

"Your Majesty, am I ugly?" Hun Han asked again.

"It's okay!" Queen Medusa replied without thinking.

"It's over. I'm finished, and now I'm really going to be finished!" Hun Han was completely hopeless.

"What's wrong?" Queen Medusa asked with concern.

"According to my understanding of you women, whenever you meet your savior, if the man looks extremely ugly, you will say, the son saved your life, and the little girl can only be a cow and a horse in the next life, and she will repay your kindness." "If the man looks good, you will say that the young lady has no way to repay the young master's life-saving grace, but she can only agree with her body. Just now you were very touched by my saving you, and then you said that I am not bad." It's over, this is over, you definitely want to agree with your body!" Hun Han grinned and said with a joking smile.

Queen Medusa: "..."

Queen Medusa was speechless, she really wanted to pick up the stone on the ground and slap it on Hunhan's head.However, he was still teased by Hun Hanxiu and grinned endlessly.Hunhan is really too funny.

"Okay, so you already know what I'm thinking. How about it, think about it, and go back to the snake-human race with me?" Queen Medusa has never seen any scene before, with a half-smile, half-fake and tentative asked.

"No, now I have broken through to Dou Zong. I'm going to take office in the Hall of Humans!" Hun Han looked in the direction of the Undead Mountain Range.

"Human Palace? Let's go, I'll go with you." Medusa woman said.

"Okay." With a wave of Hunhan's hand, he put the No. [-] puppet into the ring.Glancing at Queen Medusa, he asked, "You look good, it seems that your cultivation has improved a lot?"

Today's Queen Medusa, even Hunhan can't see through the opponent's cultivation.

"Well, I have completely refined that nine-color original fruit." Queen Medusa said this, looking at Hunhan with complicated eyes.The eyes flickered for a while, as if something was hiding the soul cold.

Hun Han shook his back slightly, and the Thunder Bat's Sky Wings spread out.With a flutter of wings, he flew into the sky.Seeing this, Queen Medusa stepped into the void and followed.

The first-class forces in Zhongzhou mainland can be summed up by one hall, one tower, two sects, three valleys and four square pavilions.Among the first-class forces in the ten directions, the Soul Palace is the most mysterious.Even other forces that are as famous as the Soul Palace don't know where the main hall of the Soul Palace is.They only roughly know that there are three levels of palaces in the Soul Palace, Heaven, Earth and Human.Among them, Tianzun is the highest powerhouse in the rank of elders.

In the Hall of Souls, if you want to call yourself Tianzun, you must have a realm above five-star Douzun.As for those Dou Zun powerhouses below five stars, they are not qualified to call themselves Tian Zun.The Human Palace in the Soul Palace is directly managed by Tianzun.

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