Silence, the incomparable silence around!

A pair of questioning looks fell on the elder who presided over the coming-of-age ceremony.They heard it right, the higher-level Hunfeng didn't get the seven-color family pattern, but the lower-level Hunhan could get the seven-color family pattern!

"There will be a good show soon." A disciple of the Soul Clan said with a smile.

In the square, almost all eyes fell on Hunfeng at the same time.Becoming the focus of attention, Hunfeng felt the burning eyes.No matter how good his self-cultivation is on weekdays, Hunfeng couldn't help but question at this moment: "Elder, are you wrong?"

"Sir Hunfeng, I'm not mistaken. The family pattern that Mr. Hunhan was awarded is the colorful family pattern. At the same time, after the coming-of-age ceremony, Mr. Hunhan will become the young patriarch of our soul clan!" The elder presiding over the ceremony said politely replied.

"I don't agree. His realm is lower than mine, why can he get the colorful clan pattern?" Hunfeng protested, clenched his hands.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"If you don't agree, you have to obey. This is the unanimous decision of the elders, and it has been approved by the patriarch." The elder who presided over the coming-of-age ceremony said.


Hunfeng's tone was calm and terrifying: "Why is his cultivation level lower than mine, but he is more qualified than me to obtain the colorful clan pattern?"

One is Nine Star Dou Zun, and the other is Rank Eight Dou Zun.The gap between the realms of the two sides is not just a little bit.Could it be that it is just because the former possesses the bloodlines of the Xiao Clan and the Soul Clan?

The elder who presided over the coming-of-age ceremony looked around.Not only Hunfeng, but even the children of the Hun clan who had nothing to do with the matter looked at him curiously.

The young patriarch of the soul clan has a peculiar status, which is related to the rise and fall of the entire soul clan.If a reasonable explanation is not given, riots are very likely to occur.

The elder presiding over the coming-of-age ceremony looked at the first elder, second elder, and third elder who were sitting on the rostrum.Seeing the last three nodding, he said, "Okay, I'll give you an explanation. Hunfeng, let me ask you, what was your cultivation level when you were eleven or twelve years old?"

Hunfeng looked at the elder curiously, not understanding why he would ask this question.Out of curiosity, Hunfeng still replied, "Three-star Dou Zun."

"it is good."

The elder who presided over the coming-of-age ceremony, his eyes fell on Hun Jianhao again, and asked: "Hun Jianhao, what was your cultivation level when you were eleven or twelve years old?"

"Eight Star Douzong." Hun Jianhao replied truthfully.

Hun Jianhao and Hun Feng are now on the same level.Being able to catch up with Soul Wind is thanks to a cave.In that cave, his cultivation had risen several stars in a short period of half a year.

"it is good."

The elder who presided over the coming-of-age ceremony, his eyes fell on Hun Yutong, the sixth-rank Dou Zun, and asked, "Hun Yutong, what about you, what was your cultivation level at that time?"

"Seven Star Douzong." Hun Yutong thought for a while, but still answered truthfully.

"Then do you know that Hun Han was already a nine-star Dou Zun at your age?" the elder presiding over the coming-of-age ceremony asked back.

"Nine Star Dou Zun? Elder, do you mean that Hunhan is only eleven or twelve years old now?" Hunfeng smiled mockingly.

The Soul Clan's coming-of-age ceremony must be at least sixteen years old to participate.Hun Han is currently attending a coming-of-age ceremony, only eleven or twelve years old.Isn't this talking nonsense with your eyes open!

"You're right, Hun Han is indeed only eleven or twelve years old!" The elder presiding over the coming-of-age ceremony nodded.

There was an uproar all around again, sighing endlessly.Sixteen years ago, everyone knew that the Soul Clan had a good-for-nothing, and that was the thirteenth son of the Soul Clan.Now that sixteen years have passed, someone even said that the thirteenth son is only eleven or twelve years old.

This is really lying without making a draft!

"Silence, silence, silence."

The Great Elder couldn't sit still any longer and stood up from the rostrum.The voice containing fighting spirit rang in everyone's ears.When the surroundings became quiet, he asked: "Everyone, I wonder if any of you have heard of the Void Thunder Pond of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan?"

"Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan? Void Thunder Pond?"

"I've heard of it. They do have a Nether Thunder Pond, which is a good place for tempering. In the depths of the Nether Thunder Pond, there is also a kind of creature. If you can kill them and get the thunder beads on them, you will be half Saint powerhouses can also obtain great benefits."

"Great Elder, why did you mention this place? Could it be that Mr. Hunhan is only eleven or twelve years old, and it has something to do with the Void Thunder Pond?"

There are some strong soul clans around who have gone out for training.Hearing the Great Elder's question, he felt thoughtful.


The Great Elder of the Soul Clan nodded and said: "The Void Thunder Pond is very strange. It is formed by the violent energy gathering in the void to generate lightning. It is even more peculiar in its central area. The time flow of the space there is completely opposite to that of the sky tomb. Outside After ten years, only one year will pass. Once, Mr. Hun Han stayed there for a long time. His real age is indeed younger than Hun Yutong, Hun Jianhao, and Hunfeng. Four or five years old."

Hearing this explanation from the Great Elder of the Soul Clan, everyone believed it somewhat.

"In addition, the patriarch personally testified about this matter. Our three elders re-examined Mr. Hunhan's bone age and confirmed that it is true. There is no doubt about it. When he was eleven or twelve years old, he was already a nine-star Dou Zun. Compared with the same age, other The disciple's cultivation level. Mr. Hunhan is more qualified to obtain the seven-colored clan pattern than anyone else." The great elder of the soul clan cut the gold and cut the iron.


Hunfeng was stunned.He had no words to refute the words of the Great Elder of the Soul Clan.The second elder among the three elders was the one who supported his soul wind.Even the Second Elder didn't say a word at this time, this matter seems to have nothing to do with it.

However, Hunfeng has always been fighting for the young patriarch of the Hun Clan.For this seat, how much suffering and suffering in secret.What I always thought was his, is about to turn into a chill at this moment.

Thinking of this, Hunfeng couldn't be content.

"Go on." The Great Elder of the Soul Race said calmly, and sat back on his chair.

The elder presiding over the coming-of-age ceremony nodded, stretched out his palm respectfully, and then gently shook the void in front of him.With the grasp of his palm, a dragon brush shining with colorful luster appeared in front of everyone.There was a trace of respect on the face of the soul disciple.

"Colorful Celestial Emperor Brush! Something that hasn't been used for thousands of years, someone is finally qualified to reproduce it today!" The elder presiding over the coming-of-age ceremony said with emotion.

Seeing that Hunhan was about to obtain the most noble colorful pattern of the Hun Clan, Hun Feng became anxious, and a thought came to his mind.Regardless of whether it is useful or not, he suddenly said: "Hunhan, I want to fight you!"

"Duel?" Hunhan looked at Hunfeng in astonishment.

"Yes. Apart from me, I don't think anyone else is qualified to own it. I wonder if you dare to fight?" Hunfeng is now treating the dead horse as a living horse doctor.If Hunhan obtained the seven-colored family pattern, relying on the coercion of the blood, coupled with Hunhan's better talent than him, Hunfeng is not sure whether he will be able to suppress Hunhan in the future.

"Soul Wind. Now is the time for the coming-of-age ceremony. If you want to find someone to compete with, wait until after the coming-of-age ceremony." The referee who hosted the coming-of-age ceremony reminded.

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