"No, this is not a competition. It's a life-and-death duel. The winner will be able to obtain the colorful clan pattern." Soul Wind corrected.

"It's not fair. You are now a Rank [-] Dou Zun, while he only has the cultivation level of a Nine Star Dou Zun. The gap between you is too great." The elder presiding over the coming-of-age ceremony refused.

"It's not you who initiated the challenge."

Hunfeng's eyes fell on Hunhan's body, and he asked sarcastically: "If you admit that you are worthless, you can choose to refuse the challenge!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

If you give up and feel that you are worthless, you can choose to refuse the challenge!

Fearing that Hunhan should not fight, Hunfeng even resorted to aggressive methods.

People looked at Hunfeng with a touch of contempt.Hunfeng is obviously bullying, both sides are of god-grade blood, and Hunhan is a nine-star Dou Zun, and Hun Feng is an eight-rank Dou Zun, this is obviously a battle without any suspense.

Although they knew in their hearts that Hunhan would not fight, everyone still looked at Hunhan.They wondered if Hunhan would fight.Of course, if this matter were placed on them, they would definitely not fight.Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Hunfeng is taking the opportunity to remove the obstacle of Hunhan.

"I will fight." Hun Han nodded.

"No, I object." The Great Elder on the rostrum stood up and said, "Hunfeng, Hunhan, you have all awakened the blood of the gods, and you are the mainstay of the future soul clan. If you two suffer any casualties, For my soul clan, it is a great loss."

The great elder's eyes fell on Hunhan, and then at Hunfeng again.The time spent on Hunhan's body was significantly longer than that of Hunfeng.The battle for the young patriarch of the soul clan is equivalent to the battle for the crown prince in the empire.In the history of the Soul Clan, every dispute between the young patriarchs would cause a bloodbath.

Eleven years ago, the Soul Clan established a new young patriarch - Soul Pan.

Soul Pan is brave but not scheming, and anyone with a discerning eye knows that Emperor Huntian intends to send Soul Pan to death.As expected, in the three years since Hun Pan became the head of the young patriarch, he suffered countless open and dark arrows.In the end, he died in a conspiracy.

Unlike Hun Pan, Hun Han's bright eyes didn't make him look obviously stupid.

"Great Elder, no matter who we are, according to the rules of the Soul Clan, as long as he agrees to a duel with me, no one is allowed to intervene, even my father." No respect at all.

At this moment, the Great Elder stopped him, obviously because he was afraid that something might happen to Hunhan.In other words, between Hunfeng and Hunhan, the Great Elder has already chosen a position to support Hunhan.

This is also the reason why Soul Wind proposes a duel at this moment.

Soul Cold is different from Soul Pan.Hun Pan has almost no supporters in the Hun Clan, but Hun Han is different.When Hunhan's mother was still alive, relying on her status as a ninth-rank pharmacist, she helped many children of the Hun clan.Those descendants of the soul clan in the past are now in high positions and have become a part of the mainstay of the soul clan.

In addition, the Danta, which has always been in a hostile force with the Soul Palace, was created by Hunhan's mother.Now Hunfeng's father, Huntiandi, let Hunhan join the Soul Palace that was originally under the jurisdiction of his mother.

With the support of many strong men and elders in the clan, and the allegiance of Pill Tower behind him, if Hunhan completely controls the Soul Palace, the external power of the Soul Clan, at that time, there will be no hope for his Soul Wind up.

Hunfeng observed well, the great elder had indeed silently stood by Hunhan's side.Originally, the Great Elder was not sure which son the Emperor Huntian wanted to register as the young patriarch.It has been ten years since Emperor Huntian left the Soul Clan because of Hunhan, only then did the Great Elder know the good intentions of Emperor Huntian in the past.Among the several children of Emperor Huntian, Hunhan is actually his favorite son.

Right now, it seems that Hunhan is going to duel with Hunfeng, how could the Great Elder not stop him.

Hunfeng tiptoed, and the person had already flown onto the arena in this square, and calmly said: "Hunhan, come up, you and I will fight to the death!"

"Young patriarch!" The great elder called anxiously, shaking his head slightly, signaling Hunhan not to fight.As long as Hunhan doesn't go to a duel, Hunfeng can't do anything to Hunhan.

Hun Hanmian smiled, stepped on the void, and slowly landed on the ring.

"He agreed?"

"He actually agreed?"

"Don't he know that this is the trap of Mr. Hunfeng?"

The audience around looked at Hun Han in amazement.

"Hunhan, you really have the guts."

Hunfeng's eyes showed a very proud look, and Hunhan actually agreed to his challenge.Immediately, he said in a low voice: "Hunhan, I don't know whether to say you are talented or say you are stupid!"

"Hunfeng, you misunderstood. Regardless of whether I will become the young patriarch of the Soul Clan or not, there will be a battle between us sooner or later. Instead of this, it is better to minimize casualties. Although the Soul Clan is a big clan, it is far from The other seven clans are comparable. However, once a civil war breaks out, our soul clan will definitely suffer losses." Hunhan said crisply.

"Is this what he thinks in his heart?"

"Unexpectedly, at such a young age, he is so aware of the overall situation. All along, I have misjudged him!"

"It's just that what he's facing right now is the soul wind of the rank eight Dou Zun! Can he win?"

Hearing Hun Han's words, the surrounding Hun Clan disciples were slightly taken aback.Unexpectedly, at Hunhan's age, he had a more mature mind than an adult.The reason why Hunhan took part in the battle was to minimize the loss to the Hun Clan.


Hunfeng was also slightly taken aback, he didn't expect Hunhan to think so in his heart.Listening to the discussions among the disciples of the Hun Clan, Hun Han has won the hearts of many people before he knew it.I secretly thought in my heart that I really underestimated Hunhan.At the same time, Hunfeng's thoughts of getting rid of Hunhan became more determined: "Let's fight!"

Fighting Qi surged out of Hunfeng's body, overwhelmingly squeezing towards Hunhan.


Hunhan clenched his hands tightly, unlike Hunfeng, a strong qi gang repelled Hunfeng's space lock seven centimeters away from his body.

"Physical training? He turned out to be a physical training practitioner!"

The elders on the rostrum stood up from their seats one after another.

Hunfeng was also slightly taken aback.For Hun Han to be a physical practitioner, he had already expected it in his heart.Regarding the details of Hunfeng's battle with Hunchen, the relevant people have reported to Hunfeng in detail.The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.He has a deep understanding of Hunhan.However, Hun Han didn't know him very well.This is his advantage.

Hunfeng flipped his hands empty, and in his palm, a small green snake appeared.Since the appearance of the little snake, there has been a strong wind around it, and the five-meter-high ground has been cut with many eye-catching marks by the fierce wind.

"A strange wind! Domineering wind!" Hun Han was slightly taken aback.

The little emerald green snake in Hunfeng's hand is a famous foreign object on the list of strange winds.

"That's right, it's the strange wind. Hunhan, you will definitely die today." Hunfeng smiled triumphantly.

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