When Hunhan's body just rushed into the dark gray twisted space, he clearly felt a strange fluctuation from the level badge on its chest.It was under the spread of this wave that a suction force burst out from it, sucking Hunhan's body in.

Hunhan's eyes flickered, and when he reappeared, he had already appeared in a dark gray strange space.This space is completely filled with dark gray gas.Looking at the line of sight, the visibility is only a short one meter.In addition, the surrounding space has a slight sense of distortion.This is the so-called fantasy level.

Being in this area, Hunhan found that even the power of the soul was suppressed.Such a situation is very similar to the Tianmu Mountains.

"Is this the maze arranged by my mother?" Hun Han stretched out his hand and grabbed it casually.Even though he couldn't catch anything, there was still a look of longing in his eyes.

I'm afraid others don't know, even the five giants of Danta may not know.The so-called alchemy world is actually the real alchemy tower in the past.As for the Wanyao Mountain Range, it was just the medicine garden of Hun Han's mother.

Due to the departure of Hunhan's mother, Danta is not as good as before.Even this base camp couldn't be maintained, so a new base could only be established outside.

Hun Han's mother was once one of the five most powerful Dou Qi Continents, and possessed the cultivation base of the Nine Star Dou Sheng peak.At the same time, he is also a ninth-rank pharmacist whose soul realm has reached the emperor level.If you want to create an independent living space like the ancient eight clans, it is still possible.

In addition, according to Qin Lan, Hunhan's mother is also a master-level formation master.The maze in front of him is a formation to enter the alchemy realm.It can be regarded as a maze that guards the mountain gate and prevents young people from intruding.If you break into it randomly, you will lose your sense of direction and even be trapped in it.There is a very simple way to break through the maze.No matter how complicated the maze is, as long as it is man-made, there will be traces to follow.Relying on the perception of the soul, it can go deep through the artificial traces.After all, a maze is a maze, and the effect is psychedelic.At the same time, if you keep your heart, you will be able to get out of the maze in front of you.

As we all know, the soul perception of alchemists is different from ordinary people.This maze outside the alchemy world can keep more than [-]% of people out.At the same time, this first checkpoint is to assess the sensitivity of the alchemist's soul perception.Unless one is lucky enough, only alchemists whose souls have reached the Mortal Realm Dzogchen and above can get out of the maze in front of them.

From low to high, the soul realm is divided into mortal realm, spirit realm, heaven realm, and emperor realm.Each realm can be subdivided into three small realms: the early stage, the middle stage, and the Dzogchen.

Hunhan's current soul state is already in the early stage of the heaven state.He has just reached adulthood, and his soul realm has improved so fast, thanks to the help of the Soul Palace.The Hall of Souls collects powerful soul bodies from the mainland and refines them into energy beads that can be absorbed by adults.Hun Han is already the young patriarch of the soul clan. Before leaving the soul clan, Emperor Huntian gave enough energy beads.The huge number can make Hunhan's soul state reach the level of the Great Perfection of Heaven Realm, even the legendary Emperor Realm.The reason why he is still in the early stages of the Heaven Realm is because he doesn't have enough time to refine the energy beads.

The Great Perfection of Mortal Realm has reached the standard of being able to pass through the labyrinth. Hun Han's soul realm is the Heaven Realm, and it is more than enough to capture complex spatial traces.

This piece of space leading to the alchemy world is very vast. In the distorted space, there are overlapping space ripples. If you get caught in it, you will be sent out of the maze and lose the qualification to continue the competition.This is because this labyrinth has not been activated.If this maze is activated, it will not only be as simple as being sent out of the maze, but it will be life-threatening.

After walking in the maze for about an hour, the gray fog gradually dissipated, and a distorted black hole of about ten feet appeared in front of Hunhan.

"Is this considered cheating?" Hunhan smiled, and stepped into the space passage in front of him.The scene in front of him suddenly changed.

Beside Hun Han stood an old man in ordinary clothes.The old man sat on the back of a giant tortoise that looked like black iron.There is a badge on the old man's chest, which shows that he is an elder of Danta.

"Dou Zun?"

The old man's eyes opened suddenly, Hun Han was not only the first person to break through the maze, but also a strong man whose strength had reached the level of Dou Zun.However, his strength has reached Rank [-] Dou Zun.

After this period of practice, Hunhan's soul realm has been improved, and the Qi cultivation realm has not fallen.From the first-rank Dou Zun at the coming-of-age ceremony, he drifted up to the third-rank level.The reason why his cultivation base can improve so quickly, apart from having the thunder beads in the void thunder pool, is also inseparable from his own holy blood.

Hunhan looked at the old man in front of him, feeling a little bit in his heart.With his current state, he still can't see through the opponent's cultivation.As expected of a hidden dragon and crouching tiger, the Pill Tower of the Secret Dao actually has such a strong man.

Although Hunhan couldn't see through the opponent's cultivation base, from the opponent's aura that was slightly stronger than Qin Lan, he could probably guess that this person should be a one to three-star fighting saint.

"Here is your quest medicine list, the map of the alchemy world, and a space stone. Only when all the medicinal materials on it are collected can you pass this level. I won't say much about the role of the map. The space stone Once you use it, you will be teleported out of the alchemy world. In that case, you will lose the qualification for the competition." The old man sitting on the giant tortoise, perhaps because of Hunhan's cultivation, talked to Hunhan So much content.

"Okay, little apprentice Xuangui!" Hunhan took the three things from the old man's hand.

Little Taoist disciple?

An old man sitting on a giant tortoise is more than enough to be a grandpa with a cold soul.Hun Han, a junior, actually called him a little disciple?

The old man's eyes were wide open, and the eyes were not filled with anger from Hun Han's rudeness, but a deep shock.

"You...what did you call me?" The old man sitting on the giant tortoise excitedly grabbed Hunhan's hand.

"Young apprentice Xuangui! However, according to your seniority, I should call you Grandpa Xuangui!" Hunhan smiled.

"You... what's your last name?" the old man asked excitedly.

"My surname is Hun, and my name is Hunhan!" Hunhan replied with a smile.

"Surname Hun, Hunhan! You...you are finally back!" the old man said excitedly.

Hun Han was right, the old man in front of him was known as the Holy Turtle.He used to be a disciple of Hun Han's mother.Because he is a bit stupid and likes to keep turtles as pets, Hunhan's mother usually calls him the little disciple Xuangui.

"Yes. Grandpa Xuangui, the alchemy world is so dilapidated, I will talk about the old days later. This time there are only ten days, I need to go to the place where my mother lived." Hun Han looked in one direction.There, there is the biggest opportunity of his trip.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Little brother, no!"

Hearing that Xiao Han was going to the center of the alchemy world, the old man couldn't help but grabbed Xiao Han's hand, and hurriedly said: "Little brother, you may not know the current situation of the alchemy world. The alchemy world is already very dilapidated, especially when we used to The area in the center of the alchemy world! Even if I am there, I dare not get too close!"

"Really?" Xiao Han asked.

"Yes. Therefore, every time Dan will be held recently, the contestants will only be active in the peripheral area. They will not be allowed to go deep into the central area." The old man nodded.Speaking of this, the look in his eyes has a bit of self-blame.

As the former disciple of Xiao Han's mother, he could only watch helplessly that the alchemy world left by Xiao Han's mother was going down day by day, and he felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

As a strong fighter, the old man called himself the Saint of the Black Tortoise, but it wasn't that the old man was lazy by nature and didn't go to restore the alchemy world.Danta's appeal is unparalleled in Zhongzhou.Even if I don't have that ability, if I want to call on some strong fighters to help them restore the space, it can still be done.

Once, Danta did do this once.However, the situation in the alchemy world is very different from other independent spaces.The old man Xuangui has been trying to restore the alchemy world all these years. Although he has not succeeded, he has captured something.Compared with the independent living space of the eight ancient tribes, the huge alchemy world is only a quarter of their space.However, here is more like an extremely huge formation.There is so much energy in the alchemy world, and there are some natural treasures here, which is the reason for this formation.

From a certain point of view, in order to restore the entire alchemy world, it is not only the collapsed spaces that need to be repaired, but also the huge formation under their feet.

Xiao Han is also aware of this.Qin Lan told Xiao Han this before entering the Holy Pill City.

The alchemy world is a formation, it is difficult to understand?

For others, this is indeed difficult to understand.Here is endless, the territory is vast, it is actually a formation?

However, for Hun Han, the young patriarch of the Hun Clan, this is not difficult to understand at all.Compared with the alchemy world, the soul clan is even more unbelievable. They even quietly arranged a monstrous formation with the Zhongzhou Continent as the formation.This large formation is prepared to prevent the worst situation where other races, the strong Dou Di, appear, and at the same time endanger the soul race.That is an unimaginable thing!

"Grandpa Xuangui, don't worry. Since I dare to go there, I naturally have a way to deal with the danger there." Xiao Han smiled confidently.

"Does Qin girl know about this?" Xuangui Sheng still asked worriedly.The Qin girl in the mouth is Qin Lan.

"I know." Xiao Han replied.

"Okay, I believe in Qin girl. Take this!" The mysterious turtle sage flicked his fingers, and a space stone flew in front of Xiao Han.

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