"This... you always let me cheat?" Xiao Han didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

In the alchemy world, as long as the space stone is crushed, it can be teleported from here.The mysterious tortoise saint gave Xiao Han two space stones, obviously wanting Xiao Han to crush the space stone immediately in case of danger.As long as Xiao Han has a space stone on his body, even if he teleports out of the alchemy world, he will have an excuse.


The mysterious tortoise sage smiled badly and said: "The alchemy world is a dilapidated space, and there are many space cracks here. I accidentally stepped into a crack, and then accidentally teleported it out. This happens too.”

The mysterious turtle saint even helped Xiao Han think of his words.As long as Xiao Han has a space stone in his hand, he can find an excuse.It was said that he accidentally entered a crack, and then it spread.

Regarding this, Xiao Han could only laugh or cry.He knew that if he didn't accept this space stone, the mysterious turtle saint would not let him go to the dangerous central area of ​​the alchemy world.

In addition, seeing Xiao Han put away the space stone, the mysterious tortoise sage touched the ring with his finger, flicked his fingers, and ejected three radiant medicinal materials to Xiao Han's front.

"Isn't it?" Xiao Han looked at the old man Xuangui in astonishment.The three medicinal herbs suspended in front of him were the three medicinal herbs listed on his medicine list.This is already naked cheating!

"Accept it. You need to go to the center of the alchemy world, and you don't have much time to find the medicinal materials. In case of danger, you teleported out from here, but the medicinal materials have not been collected. It will not be a happy time The matter!" The old man Xuangui stroked his beard and said with a treacherous smile.

"Okay." Xiao Han nodded, for the other party's care, there was a warm current flowing through his heart.

At the same time, this is also equivalent to saying that Xiao Han has passed the two checkpoints of Dan Hui.

"With your identity and cultivation, you can directly take over the Pill Tower, and no one will say anything. Why do you still want to participate in the Pill Association?" the old man Xuangui asked curiously.

Danta is a force created by Xiao Han's mother.The ancestor of Danta, the shepherd boy, was a ninth-grade elixir refined by Xiao Han's mother.With the deterrence of the patriarch of the Danta, let Xiao Han become the tower owner of the Pill Tower, who dares to say anything!

"Because I have to rely on my own strength to prove that I have the ability to become the tower master of the Dan Tower." Xiao Han said confidently.

"Well, I am ambitious, as expected of the master's child. Go, be careful! Since I still have my own mission, I can't go with you." The old man Xuangui instructed.

Xiao Han has a space stone, and he has the strength of a three-turn Dou Zun.In addition, there are four kinds of foreign objects on his body: Qinglian Earth Heart Fire, Void Thunder, Nine Nether Wind and Ice, and Ba Shan Mingfeng.Even an old man like him can't compare to him who is well-trained.Once in danger, it is enough to be able to protect itself.

Leaving the entrance of the alchemy world, Xiao Han stepped into the void.In order to prevent the entanglement of some monsters on the ground, he restrained his breath as much as possible, and flew his figure high into the sky.If you stand on the ground, if you don't use your soul perception very deliberately, you can't find Xiao Han's body with your naked eyes alone.

In addition, Xiao Han took out another yellowed scroll from the ring.The scroll is an orphan, a map of the alchemy world.The map given to the contestants by the old man Xuangui only showed some areas such as the Wanyao Mountain Range.The map in Xiao Han's hand is from Qin Lan's hand, and it draws mountains, rivers and rivers in great detail.Even the branch areas of some medicinal materials and monsters are described in great detail.

Of course, time has passed, and after so many years, the medicinal materials and monsters on the map must have some differences from the map in Xiao Han's hand.Those mountains and rivers still haven't changed at all.

After driving for three days, a silver pagoda appeared in the distant horizon.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the center of Danjie, there is a plain.A silver pagoda stands tall, like a pillar supporting the world.The pagoda is very magnificent. Xiao Han dares to say that there is no pagoda in the entire Dou Qi Continent that is taller or larger than the one in front of him.

The pagoda in front of Xiao Han is silver in color, with a radius of over [-] meters at the bottom.Layer by layer, the number of layers reaches ninety-nine.Up to thousands of feet.In addition, there are many exquisite patterns carved around the pagoda.

Around the pagoda, traces of human activities can be seen.The range of broken walls and ruins is as long as thousands of kilometers.You can imagine how glorious it was here at that time.

In fact, people don't know that this is actually the base of Danta, the original Shengdan City!

For unknown reasons, the Dan world was broken, and the Dan tower had to be moved outside.The space around the silver giant tower was extremely distorted and deformed.In addition, there are also large and small, countless space cracks, densely covered in the surrounding area.Those space ripples are the only sign to distinguish them.Occasionally, turbulent flow of space energy is born here.Once involved, it may appear in the outside world, or it may enter the void where life cannot survive.

Relying on his flexible figure, Xiao Han avoided the cracks around his body.Because the space here is very unstable, Xiao Han didn't use the Thunder Bat Tianyi, let alone dare to move forward quickly.Only [-] meters away from Dan Pagoda, it took Xiao Han an hour of walking time.

"Danta, here I come!"

Xiao Han stretched out his hand to touch the tens of feet high gate in front of him. A dragon and a phoenix were carved on it, and a simple and simple atmosphere surged out.As Xiao Han formed seals with his hands, the bronze gate first overflowed with light, and then there was a creaking sound.The gate, which had been closed for an unknown number of years, finally opened slowly in front of a young man.

Stepping into the silver pagoda, the space inside is very wide, and those who don't know it think they have entered a square!The space energy here is very rich, and the silver light illuminates the first floor.

This is not the Treasure Pavilion, nor the Fighting Skill Pavilion. The purpose of the pagoda is for the upper layer of the Pill Pagoda.There are no bookshelves on the first floor, just some rotting reception tables and chairs.According to Qin Lan, the first floor of Danta is the exchange.People used to be able to exchange the medicinal materials, elixir, and even advanced elixirs they wanted here.

Under his feet, there are many exquisite stone slabs.At first glance, the stone slabs seem to have no rules, but upon closer inspection, there seem to be signs to follow.

Xiao Han did not stop at the first floor, but climbed up.In the next few floors, the treasures stored inside have long been transferred to the Holy Pill City outside by the senior figures of the Pill Tower.Floors one to ninety-eight are empty!

As for the ninety-ninth floor of the Danta, it is a restricted area of ​​the Danta.Only the owner of the Dan Tower, that is, Xiao Han's mother, is eligible to enter it.Even the old man Xuangui, the disciple of Xiao Han's mother, has never set foot on the ninety-ninth floor.Looking at the entire continent, Xiao Han dared not say whether his father, Emperor Huntian, had learned the secret of the ninety-ninth floor of the Pill Tower from his mother.Apart from Xiao Han's mother, there is only one person who has set foot on the [-]th floor of the Dan Tower in the Dan Realm, and that is Xiao Han's mother's personal maid—Qin Lan.

On the staircase leading to the ninety-ninth floor of the Dan Tower, there is a space barrier.According to Qin Lan, if you want to open this space barrier, you must have the same combat power as Xiao Han's mother, that is, the cultivation base has reached the peak of the Nine-Star Fighting Saint.Otherwise, you can only rely on your fingerprints to open the space barrier in front of you.

Actually, Xiao Han didn't know.When the alchemy realm was so dilapidated that it could not survive, and the alchemy tower had to be transferred from here, the leader of the alchemy tower at that time used many means to enter the forbidden area on the ninety-ninth floor.In the end all ended in failure.

Xiao Han formed seals with both hands, and the process was very complicated.As one after another dharma seals fell on the space barrier in front of him, some changes began to appear in the transparent space barrier in front of him.First, a transparent energy wall appeared.Then in front of Xiao Han, another circular formation with a radius of three meters appeared.

Nine different handprints were made one after another, and the circular formation burst into silver light.Immediately, a circular arch appeared.Xiao Han stepped into it.The world in front of him suddenly changed.

On the ninety-ninth floor, the surrounding silver energy has become dense like a mist.For some fighters who practice space-type exercises, this place will be a treasure land of cultivation.

The space on the ninety-ninth floor is not very big, about the size of five or six football fields!It is very empty here, and there is an altar in the central area.The altar is entirely made of white marble stones.In the center of the altar, there is a raised stone platform.A formation is also engraved on the stone platform.

Xiao Han touched the ring with his fingers, flicked his fingers, and a silver round bead appeared in his palm.Place it in the sunken groove on the raised stone platform.

When the beads were placed on the stone platform, the lines on the whole white marble stone shone with rays of light.When all the lines were lit up, a force of space enveloped Xiao Han.When the light disappeared, Xiao Han was no longer on the altar.

Xiao Han sat on the ground and slowed down for a while before he got used to the dizziness transmitted by the space.Looking around, there is a silvery white mist in his eyes, and he can't see his fingers.Even his soul state in the early stage of that day state can only be seen five meters away from him here.

Below his feet is a void area.His body was suspended in mid-air, and according to the perception of his soul, Xiao Han slowly approached the place where the power of space was the strongest.

After a while, a figure appeared in front of him.The appearance of that person, at first glance, has seven or eight points similar to Xiao Han.It's just that the other party has long silver hair, silver eyes, and is wearing a silver-white dress.The space around him was extremely distorted.

"Well, you really gave birth to wisdom!" Xiao Han was not surprised, there was only surprise in his eyes.

"You're not afraid of me at all?" The beautiful woman with silver hair and silver eyes said in a slightly surprised tone.

"Why should I be afraid? You are just a foreign object raised by my mother. Am I right, Magic Heart?" Xiao Han asked with a smile.

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