The beautiful woman in front of him is Xiao Han's greatest opportunity for this trip!A foreign object of the space system—the magic heart that ranks [-]st in the list of strange spaces!


ps: Do you have a recommendation ticket? Please ask for a wave of recommendation tickets.Regardless of the grades of this book, it will definitely end normally.Ask for a wave of recommendation tickets!thank you brother~

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"After so many years, you are the only one who has entered this place!" The beautiful woman with silver hair and silver eyes said with emotion.

"Don't struggle, follow me, is it okay?" Hun Han asked.

"Follow you?" The woman with silver hair and silver eyes frowned slightly.

"Yes, merge with me, I will take you to see the sunrise, the earth, the sea, the mountains and rivers!" Hun Han nodded.

"You want to devour me?" the woman with silver hair and eyes asked in astonishment.

"You should understand that you are a foreign object. Even if you escape the shackles of this space, you will be refined by humans. If you follow me, I can give you spiritual wisdom." Hunhan said seriously.

"Hehe, do you think I will believe your words? If you want to devour me, use your strength to speak!" The silver light in the eyes of the silver-haired and silver-eyed woman shone, and the surrounding space energy, like a surging tsunami, rushed towards the soul cold Squeeze away.If it is affected by it, it is absolutely possible to turn a strong Douzong into powder in an instant.Even if it is a strong Dou Zun, if he does not die, he will be seriously injured.

Hunhan bit his index finger, and quickly formed seals with both hands.Between the eyebrows of the silver-haired and silver-eyed woman in front of her, a strange rune surged.


Almost at the same time, Hunhan gave a soft drink, and the original qi formed by the fusion of the four foreign objects of different thunder, different fire, different water, and different wind spewed out from Hunhan's body, resisting the squeeze from the outside space.


Magic Heart let out a sound of surprise, and she suddenly had a very mysterious connection with the human in front of her.She could faintly feel the latter's emotions.

The magical heart with a sluggish expression seemed to understand something.In the beautiful eyes, a cold and fierce light burst out suddenly.Staring fixedly at Hunhan.The rune between her eyebrows became brighter and brighter.

"Since you don't want to drink the toast, you can only eat the fine wine." Hunhan smiled triumphantly, the rune light on his forehead became more and more intense, and when the intensity of the light reached a certain level, the scene in front of Hunhan suddenly changed. Change, living in a silver world.

"Stupid human being!" Magical Heart Kong taunted.

This is the origin of the magical heart, where her energy is endless.

When Hunhan's mother was looking for strange fires all over the continent, she found several foreign objects.Like the previous Void Thunder.In order to benefit her descendants, Hunhan's mother planted these sigils on every foreign object that was useless to her.When the foreign objects mature, her descendants can rely on the mysteries of the seals to control those foreign objects and take them as their own.

As for this strange space—the magical heart space, Hunhan's mother sealed it in the alchemy realm.Now that the magical heart space has matured, it is really time to pick it.

Around Hunhan's body, there is a shield formed by four kinds of foreign objects.No matter how violently the silver energy in the surrounding space is bombarded, it still cannot break through the shield.Next, what Hunhan needs will be time.This time it was about soul power and personal will.Whoever can persist until the end is the final winner.

Under the effect of the mysterious symbol, the power in Hun Han's body was gradually increasing.On the other hand, the power of the magic heart is gradually weakening.The power of the latter is being transferred to Hunhan in a strange way.

"It can't go on like this!" Hun Han frowned slightly, but he still had to attend the alchemy meeting.The hand seals speed up the transfer of power.

Feeling the rapid loss of power in his body, Magic Heart Kong's complexion changed drastically, his attacks became more and more frequent, and his mentality became more and more violent.Both parties say that there is no right or wrong.Just like humans and secondary creatures, do humans still have to argue with pigs when they eat pork?

This is just a world where the weak prey on the strong!The moment Hun Han stepped into this place, a fiery gaze appeared in the pupils of Mo Huan Xin Kong.Even if he doesn't devour the magic heart, the magic heart will still want to devour the soul cold to strengthen his own strength.

With the transfer of power, the magical heart of a young girl has become a dying old lady.

Hun Han stood up and slowly approached the old lady in front of him.He smiled and said, "You lost!"

"Despicable." Mo Huanxin cursed.

"The victor is the king, soldiers never tire of deceit, and nothing despicable!" Hun Han's eyes flashed brightly, and a spatial lock bound the old lady in front of him.

It is said that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, the ancients did not deceive me!

Even if the current magic heart is empty, half a foot has already stepped into the coffin.However, the space energy emitted by itself made Hunhan's space lock tremble violently.Gives a sign that it's about to break at any moment.

Hun Han stretched out his hand, and pulled out a ray of silver light from the opponent's heart.He smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't dishonor your name."

With the entry of the original emptiness into the body, Hun Han's body began to be extremely twisted, it felt like putting you into a meat grinder.The pain in it can only be understood by Hunhan.

There are records in the history of the soul clan that a super strong man was once born in the Taixu ancient dragon clan.That super strong man obtained a different kind of space, which made the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan stand out in the ancient prehistoric period.The mystery of the alien space is the most mysterious of all alien objects!

Relying on the talisman, Hunhan has already obtained the control of the magical heart space, and then only needs to erase the arrogance formed in it after years of condensation, Hunhan has completely mastered this foreign object.

Hunhan didn't know if he was considered a son of a plane.If it is said that he is not the son of the plane, but now he has obtained five kinds of foreign objects.If it is said that he is the son of the plane, the foreign objects he obtained, one is to snatch Xiao Yan's opportunity - Qinglian's heart fire, one is to find by himself - Jiuyou Fengbing, and the other is to kill the soul. What the wind got--Bashan Mingfeng, two kinds of blessings from Hunhan's mother--Void and Thunder and Magic Heart.

With the experience of devouring foreign objects several times in a row, Hun Han took even less time this time.In just one day, the arrogance in Mo Huan's heart was completely wiped away.

With a thought in Hunhan's mind, a wisp of five-colored fighting spirit sprang out from the palm of his right hand.After devouring five kinds of foreign objects, his fighting spirit became more pure and surging.Checking his own cultivation, he has broken through from Rank [-] Dou Zun to Rank [-].

Looking around, as the magical heart space was swallowed, the surrounding silver fog had disappeared.A tall Optimus Pillar appeared in the center of this space.

With a thought in Hunhan's mind, he only took half a step forward.However, this half-step footsteps spanned three to four kilometers, and they came to the side of the Optimus Pillar in the blink of an eye.

Swallowing up the different space, Hunhan has mastered the supernatural power of shrinking the ground into an inch that only the gods of the Chinese plane have invisibly!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Half a step of three or four kilometers, Hun Han could feel that this was not his limit.Thinking of Monkey King in the Chinese plane from afar, a somersault is a hundred and eight thousand miles. Now it seems that this is not completely bragging.

Looking at the Optimus Pillar in front of him.The pillar looks like a whole, with a height of four to five hundred feet, a circular shape, and a radius of six to seven meters.There are obscure and difficult-to-understand runes on it, which are radiant and colorful, and are connected with the ground under Hunhan's feet as a whole.

There are many cracks on the stone pillars, and there are many gaps in some places.It's like using brute force and smashing some.

Looking down at the ground, Hunhan found that even the stone slab under his feet had many lines.

"I didn't expect the alchemy world to decline like this. It only takes a hundred years, and the magic Xin Kongjiu can hopefully destroy the entire alchemy world!" Hunhan said with emotion.

The stone pillar in front of him is not a simple stone pillar.It is the eye of the entire alchemy world.Relying on it, you can monitor all the situations in the alchemy world, and even activate the huge formation in the alchemy world.At the same time, it is also the seal that binds the magical heart.

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