Old man Mu Gu is different from others, he is the elder brother of Yao Chen, the Venerable Yao, and he was born under the same master as Yao Chen.As an eighth-rank pharmacist, he secretly sent someone to inquire about Hun Han's behavior and character for the master who would be loyal to him in the future.The result shocked the old man Mugu so much that he thought his ears had heard it wrong.Hunhan actually gave the strange fire to the people around him twice.Although, one of them is Hunhan's apprentice.However, being able to gift the different fire to someone is enough to show how generous this person is!

Abnormal fire, think of him, the old man Mu Gu, now seventy-eight years old, has become Taishan Beidou in the medicine refining world, yet he has not yet obtained a strange fire.This cannot but be said to be a kind of regret in his life.

When old man Mu Gu heard that Hun Han gave the strange fire to others, he wondered whether Hun Han was a fool several times!After all, only a fool would do that!

Now, I heard that Hunhan promised that if he has any extra strange fires in the future, he can give him one.This made old man Mu Gu so happy that he wished he could call Hun Han father on the spot!

What strange fire should I send to Old Man Mugu?

Hunhan was thinking in his heart: Three Thousand Yanyan Fire is not good, Jinglian Yaohuo ranks too high, and he can't feed Old Man Mu Gu too full at one time.It is said that the Yao clan has a strange fire.Well, there is also the Yan Clan, but there are three different fires!

"Three thousand flames are so attractive. For it, even the older generation is willing to lose face and compete with us juniors!"

"Yeah, I am as famous as Venerable Yao!"

"That's right, if it were me, I would be ashamed to find a crack in the ground and sneak in!"

Some young people, relying on their status, mocked the old man Mu Gu after mocking Hunhan.

"Hmph, junior, if you can't afford it, don't participate in the alchemy meeting. A few words, just to make the old man back down. The hair is not fully grown, if you want to fight the old man, you should go back to your mother's arms to drink milk obediently!" The old man Mugu said indifferently.After that, he ignored these people and sat cross-legged on the spot to recuperate.

Seeing this, Hun Han also sat cross-legged.Take out a treasure from the space ring.The object has the texture of jade.

Xiao Yan looked at the thing in Hun Han's hand, and blurted out, "Earth Core Jade Mother?"

"And the soul essence of the earth's core has been conceived!" Cao Ying looked at Hun Han with fiery eyes.

"If this guy shows such a treasure in public, isn't he afraid that others will snatch it?" Song Qing asked greedily.

"There is old man Mu Gu beside him, and his own strength is not low. Whoever dares to snatch it as cannon fodder, the first one to snatch it!" Cao Ying gave Song Qing a white look, feeling very disdainful of the latter's thoughtless words.

On the one hand, Xiao Yan felt uneasy in his heart.Secretly said: How could the Emerald Mother of the Earth appear in the hands of Hun Han?

The Earth Core Jade Mother in Hunhan's hand has already conceived the Earth Core Soul Essence.There are very few such treasures, Xiao Yan is sure that it is the Jade Mother of the Earth Core he dug out.


Thinking of his own treasure, he was snatched by Hunhan again.Xiao Yan's hands were clenched tightly.

Waiting for Hunhan to absorb the soul essence of the earth's heart, the space in the teleportation array in front of him was slightly distorted.An old man wearing Danta robes and holding a cane came out of the void.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The skin of the elderly is like the peel of an adult orange.On his chest, there is a badge of Danta, and the badge on it is a rather bright purple-gold color.

"One of the eight elders of Danta!"

Seeing the tower badge of this special color, some people in the square exclaimed in a low voice.Immediately, he hastily silenced, for fear of offending the old man.

The old man slowly opened his eyes, glanced at the field casually, and said lightly: "It's time. Give the old man your medicine list and mission medicinal materials, and then you can leave from here to participate in the final Danhui competition! Did not complete the mission People who live here cannot take anything away from here. For the treasures here, we have our own unique identification method."

As soon as the words fell, the old man tapped his cane lightly on the ground.A ray of light lit up the formation, and behind him, the space distorted, and a pitch-black crack slowly appeared.

Those who complete the task can take something away from here.As for those who have not completed the task, they are not allowed to take anything from here to prevent them from taking this opportunity to enter the alchemy world to search for medicinal materials.

As soon as the old man finished speaking, some people looked depressed, as if they hadn't completed the task on the medicine list.The scene was quiet for a while, and some people started to walk out first, and handed over their own medicine list and related medicinal materials to the old man.

"This Pill Tower actually took this opportunity to find some medicinal materials. This is equivalent to free labor!" Hun Han's mouth curled into a smirk.

The medicinal materials on the medicine list are all rare medicinal materials.If you want to find it yourself, it really takes too much time and energy.Moreover, it is still a dangerous job!It is indeed a good opportunity for many alchemists to gather here for the alchemy meeting once every few years.As for Danta, in the end it was just some consolation and the title of champion.

For Danta, this is a sure-fire deal!

During the process of handing in the task, some people wanted to take advantage of troubled waters and make false changes to the medicine list.It's just that the old man in front of him is one of the eight elders of Danta, and his eyes are so elite.For those who wanted to fish in troubled waters, the old man just hit them with a stick and vomited blood.

After a while, it was Hunhan's turn.Hun Han handed the list and the three medicinal materials to the old man.The old man inspected for a while, glanced at Hunhan casually, and said lightly: "Go in!"

Seeing the old man's calm expression, it seems that the mysterious turtle saint has not told him the identity of Hun Han.In this regard, Hun Han felt relaxed and at ease.Step into that space crack.It was dark before his eyes, and when his eyes regained their light, the loud noise was deafening.He reappeared in the square before.

"Young Patriarch!" Old Man Mugu called softly.

"Go for your own activities. You don't have to hold back me in the competition. Take this opportunity and let me see your ability!" Hunhan said very calmly.

The weak will only surrender to the strong, taking this opportunity, Hunhan can just convince Old Man Mugu to him!

"Obey!" Old man Mu Gu bowed slightly, and left Hun Han's side.

The atmosphere in the square was extremely hot.Countless eyes looked at the center of the square.

Wait a minute, when all those who met the conditions came out of the black crack, the door to the space was slowly closed.At the same time, the originally noisy square began to quiet down.

On the high platform, Xuan Kongzi scanned his surroundings, coughed softly, and then said loudly: "First of all, congratulations to all the contestants standing here, you have passed the second round of screening. Next will be the last round, who can Whoever has the last laugh will be the champion of this alchemy meeting! Go, those stone platforms suspended in the sky are the stage for you to show your strength. There, you will shine your own light."

Danhui's final competition is different from the Gamma Empire's alchemist competition. There are no rules and it's completely free play.Contestants can do their best to refine their best elixir.

As soon as Xuan Kongzi finished speaking, the contestants on the square rose to the sky one by one, looking for their respective stone platforms.Some contestants are young and vigorous, and in order to compete for the stone platform, they think that they are the ones they have chosen first, so they do not hesitate to fight.As for Hunhan, he did his part and obtained a magnificent stone platform in the middle.

This stone platform is the highest among all the stone platforms, and it is also the most central and most conspicuous stone platform.So, does anyone want to snatch Hunhan's stone platform?

The answer is of course there is.It's just that the aura of the fifth-rank Dou Zun was exposed outside the soul cold, those contestants who wanted to snatch the soul cold stone platform, their throats squirmed one by one, and consciously chose other stone platforms.

"For the sake of the Soul Clan and Soul Palace, it's really difficult for the young patriarch!" Old Mu Gu said distressedly.

In Mu Gu's view, Hunhan chose the extremely conspicuous stone platform because he wanted to take this opportunity to suppress Danta and kill Danta's arrogance.However, old man Mu Gu didn't know the true identity of Hun Han's mother!

Why did Hunhan choose such a position?That's because, today's him, his status is not what it used to be, he is already the young patriarch of the soul clan.Can be qualified for this position, who else!

On one side, Dan Chen, Cao Ying, Xiao Yan and others looked at Hun Han and Mu Gu.Not only the champion of the competition can enter the star realm and get the chance to subdue the three thousand flames.As long as you enter the top ten, you will be eligible to enter the star realm.

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