It's just that in their view, Hun Han and Old Man Mu Gu belonged to the Soul Palace (Soul Clan), if they were allowed to win the Dan Club champion, it would make Danta look bad in the future.In their hearts, they secretly decided that they must work hard, and for Danta's glory, the two of them must not be allowed to win the competition.

Especially Xiao Yan.Because of Hunhan, Xiao Yan was like a bereaved dog, being beaten by Hunhan to run around.Ran from Wutan City to Xingyun Pavilion, and from Xingyun Pavilion to Dan Pagoda.This time, whatever he said, he wanted to defeat Hunhan in alchemy and frustrate Hunhan's spirit.

A crisp bell sounded, Xuankongzi waved his sleeve and said loudly: "The time has come, all contestants, please use the cauldron to make alchemy!"


As soon as Xuan Kongzi finished speaking, three low and long bells rang out.The battle between dragons and tigers in this alchemy meeting finally kicked off.


s: Do you have friends who like Douluo and humanities? I recommend a boutique leisure article that takes the road of Wuhundian: "Douluo's Beginning Dragon God Nine Tests"

(single heroine, not worshipping the master, not licking Tang San, semi-invincible, casual text)

Introduction [-]: Awakening of the martial soul, coming to the Dragon God's Nine Tests.

You don't need to practice to get stronger in exams.

In this life, I will be the brightest star in the sky, a man stronger than God!

Introduction [-]: Brush Douyin, play games, and watch the news.When he woke up, he traveled to Douluo Continent.At the beginning of the game, you will obtain the inheritance of the divine position of the most powerful god in the God Realm, the Dragon God.

Do you have your own soul skill, Tang Sect's unique skill?Sorry, I can control the elements.Spiral pills, landslides and fissures, Wanjian Guizong... How to die, choose one!

Can you get a [-]-year spirit ring bestowed by God?I'm sorry, mine are all God-given spirit rings!

Can you shoot Guanyin tears, rainstorm pear flower needles, Buddha's anger Tanglian?I'm sorry, I'm extremely powerful, impenetrable, and have an indestructible golden body!

Su Chen stood at the height of Wuhun Hall.In this life, Wuhun Temple is destined to dominate the continent!

Book Friends Group: 1106678637.This book is also known as: "Douluo: The Beginning Sign-in Becomes God", "Douluo: Dragon Douluo", "Showdown, I'm Really a God"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


Three bells rang, and the atmosphere on the stone platform in the sky became tense.The overwhelming medicine cauldron flashed out.Finally, it landed heavily on the stone platform.The sound of gold and iron from the medicine cauldron resounded in the sky one after another.

Thousands of people holy cauldron!

The legendary scene was finally staged in front of everyone.After most of the refining medicines were sacrificed to the medicine cauldron, there were another puffing sound one after another.All kinds of colorful flames rose from the medicine cauldron.Looking from low to high, it looks like rising fireworks, and the scene is extremely dazzling.

That's just for most alchemists.For some master-level pharmacists who are very experienced in alchemy, their expressions are very calm.One by one restrained their breath.Close your eyes and calm down your inner mood.

After closing their eyes and meditating, they sacrificed their own medicine cauldrons one after another.

"Dark Demon!"

Even though Xiao Yan was in a remote corner, the medicine cauldron he sacrificed still attracted the attention of many people.

The black medicine cauldron is quite sturdy, with a calm aura faintly lingering all over its body. On the surface of the medicine cauldron, there are also lifelike flame totems painted on it. As the medicine cauldron rotates slowly, these flame totems are actually like the real thing Normally, people could even faintly notice that the faint flame energy was condensing around the medicine cauldron.

"It turned out to be the eighth-ranked black devil on the Tianding list!"

Some people in the field exclaimed again and again, the appearance of the black devil feasted their eyes.

The medicine tripod on the Tianding list refers to the gathering place of many high-level and high-quality medicine tripods.There are a total of thirteen medicine tripods on the Tianding List, all of which were forged by top craftsmen on the mainland after forging various exotic materials for a long time.

The medicine tripod, like the strange fire, is a treasure that alchemists dream of.Being able to have a good cauldron refining pill will greatly increase the success rate of alchemy and the quality of the pill.

Xuankongzi looked at Yaochen and said, "Yaochen, I never thought you even gave him the black demon!"

Yao Lao said with a smile: "He is my direct disciple. If the Black Devil doesn't pass it on to him, who can he pass it on to? I am old, and helping the Black Devil to find a good successor is also a way to help the Black Devil to accompany me. Such a long time."

"Look, what kind of cauldron is that?"

"Wouldn't that be the Holy Cauldron of Chaos?"

"You mean, the Holy Cauldron of Chaos, which ranks first on the Heavenly Cauldron List?"

In the middle and most prominent position, there is a large gray tripod, which is particularly eye-catching.The big gray tripod is several feet in size.There are many lines on it that seem to have no rules, but there are faint rules to follow.The big tripod is full of brilliance and exudes a simple and calm atmosphere.On the medicine cauldron, there was a faint gray flame.The temperature in the space around the cauldron rose rapidly, reaching a terrifying height.

The contestants on the stone platform within [-] meters of Hunhan's body, the flames they sacrificed originally, whether it was a flame transformed from fighting spirit, or beast fire, all tilted slightly in the direction of Hunhan.It was as if the courtiers were worshiping the king.

"Could it be the Chaos Holy Flame?" Tian Leizi stared at the gray flame.

"It can't be wrong. The temperature is no less than that of the strange fire, and it grows from the same root as the cauldron. The color is gray, it must be the holy flame of chaos!" Xuankongzi nodded.

Chaos Holy Cauldron: It was conceived when the world was opened, and it was born from the same root as the Chaos Holy Flame.Tianding ranks first.

"He actually has such a treasure!" Yao Lao looked at Hun Han enviously.

As the former owner of the Black Demon, Yao Lao knows that the medicine cauldron on the Tianding list has benefits that others do not know.The medicine cauldron on the Tianding list not only increases the success rate of alchemy, but also makes the elixir more pure because of its own flame.Moreover, different medicinal cauldrons will endow the pills with different medicinal properties.

Like the eighth-ranked Black Demon, it can make the elixirs more pure.Greatly eliminate the unstable factors in the elixir.

On the one hand, Xiao Yan also noticed Hunhan's Chaos Medicine Cauldron, and his heart sank. He didn't expect that he would lose to Hunhan just at the beginning.

"Blood Demon Fireworks!"

In front of Cao Ying, a blood-red flame appeared.That is not a strange fire, nor is it a beast fire, but a man-made flame.From the blood of nearly a thousand kinds of fire-attribute monsters, they were finally fused together, relying on the fire-attribute energy in the blood to condense the shape of the flame.Hence, it also has another name: Myriad Beast Fire.

Immediately after Cao Ying, Song Qing and Dan Chen among the five elder families of Danta also sacrificed their own beast fires.They have a strong background, and it is not a miracle to have these top flames in the beast fire.

However, even if Cao Ying, Song Qing, and Dan Chen were born in a family of alchemists, they did not have different fires.As for the old man Mu Gu, he didn't have a strange fire either.Old Man Mugu's flame is a deep purple flame that can be ranked among the best among animal fires.

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