"Brother Hunhan, do you want to move on?" Gu Xun'er asked.

"Yeah." Soul Han nodded.

Out of trust in Hunhan, Gu Xun'er and Hunhan relied on the power of the strange fire to stimulate the strange fire and burn those gray-white rocks to ashes.Relying on the power of the strange fire, the speed of the two slowed down a lot.It only takes a second for each step to start.After walking a hundred meters, it takes ten seconds to take a step.

"The rock has changed, Brother Hunhan, you are right." Gu Xun'er encouraged.

As he continued to move forward, the surrounding gray-white rocks began to have golden stones.There are more and more golden stones as it goes deeper.

"This is... gold?" Gu Xun'er was slightly taken aback!

Gu Xun'er looked at the thing in her hand in disbelief, the pile of powder was not ordinary powder, but golden powder.Although Gu Xun'er is not an appraiser, she can still appraise gold.

"Brother Hunhan, we didn't enter a golden mountain, did we?" Gu Xun'er smiled with a very calm expression.

For Gu Xun'er and Hun Han, in their identities, in their eyes, gold is just some vulgar things.

"It can't be wrong." Hun Han was overjoyed.It's not that he was happy for discovering a golden mountain, he was already sure that there was definitely a foreign land deep in this golden mountain.

I don't know how long it will take, but Hun Han and Gu Xun'er's every step forward will become very difficult.In front of them, a small hole appeared.The incomparably surging earth element is seeping out from that hole.

Overlord Fist

Hun Han punched forward, and the small hole suddenly became bigger.The whole cave vibrated violently, and Hun Han and Gu Xun'er had already flown out of the passage when huge pieces of gold fell down.

In front of him was a golden space.A golden lotus blooms in front of it.The extremely rich earthy yellow around it turned into golden ribbons of energy, converging towards the golden lotus.

"Nine-petal Golden Dust Lotus!" Gu Xun'er exclaimed.

Nine-petal Golden Dust Lotus: Ranked sixth in the exotic land list, born deep in the earth, it was originally a golden mountain.After countless times of tempering, fusion, compression, and carving... It takes ten years to become a spirit, a hundred years to form, and a thousand years to become a lotus. When it is fully formed, its color is golden, with nine petals, indestructible.

"This trip is really worth it!" Hunhan looked eagerly at the golden light in the void ahead.

The surrounding space is huge, larger than the Tianmu Mountains.When Hunhan flew up to it, he found that the refining flower was only the size of a palm.It is conceivable that such a large thing is compressed to such a small extent, how terrifying the density of the earth element is.

"Brother Hunhan, let's start! I will protect the law for you!" Gu Xun'er said with a smile.

"it is good."

Hunhan nodded, sat down on the spot, operated the Taishang Nine Yuan Jue, and began to refine the nine-petal golden dust lotus.


In the cave of this ancient relic, there is a copper-yellow hall.After endless years, the hall has become significantly deeper.

The main hall occupies an extremely large area, and many people have gathered here.Above their heads, there are ten light clusters.A strange coercion emanated from the light group.

In the center of the hall, there is a jade throne.On it sat a jade-white skeleton.The skeleton made prints with both hands and sat cross-legged.

"The bones of the Dou Sheng powerhouse?" A surprised voice came from the entrance of the hall.

"Xiao Yan?"

Queen Medusa and little doctor Xiandai frowned slightly, and the person who walked in was Xiao Yan.

"Queen Medusa, Immortal Doctor, Zi Yan, Old Man Mu Gu... Hey, why are there no figures of Xun'er and Hun Han?" Xiao Yan's expression changed.Immediately thought in his heart: It's just right that Hunhan is not here.If he can obtain the skeleton of the Dou Sheng, he can revive his teacher Yao Chen.So, will Yaochen's strength advance to the realm of Dou Sheng?

"Where is Soul Han?" Queen Medusa asked with concern.

"I don't know, several of our people have arrived here, there is no reason why he hasn't arrived here yet." The little fairy doctor looked worried.

"Little Immortal Doctor, don't worry. Senior brother is very familiar with this place, he is the one who shouldn't be in danger!" Zi Yan comforted.

"En." The little fairy doctor nodded, her brows still unfurled.

"Little Immortal Doctor, do you like Senior Brother?" Zi Yan asked jokingly.

"I... I don't have it." The little fairy doctor replied hesitantly.

"You still said no, your face is red!" Zi Yan said with a smile.

"Is there?" The little doctor said in astonishment.

"Yeah." Zi Yan nodded.

"I... I might have been walking in a hurry just now. Why is it so hot here!" The little doctor turned around, with his back to Zi Yan, afraid that Zi Yan, who would speak without restraint, would continue to tease her.

"Little Immortal Doctor, if you like Senior Brother, I can match you up!" Zi Yan said with a smile.

"You're being lied to nonsense!" the little fairy doctor said urgently, his face turned even more red.

"Look, senior brother is here!" Zi Yan pointed to the entrance of the hall.

There, Hun Han, who was wearing a water-blue shirt, walked slowly into the hall accompanied by Gu Xun'er.At this time, Hunhan was different from before, and the aura on his body became more calm.

"Brother, you are finally here. From your looks, it seems that you have got a good chance?" Zi Yan looked Hunhan up and down.


Hun Han nodded, and asked: "Zi Yan, how about you, did you succeed in obtaining the original fruit of the Dragon Phoenix?"

"Of course." Zi Yan smiled sleepily at the corner of her mouth, and stretched out her hand. On her jade hand, there was a pattern of dragon and phoenix.This was formed by sealing the original fruit of the dragon and phoenix.

"Brother, do you know that someone secretly likes you?" Zi Yan said suddenly.

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