The little fairy doctor's expression changed, his heart beat like a deer's.Glancing at Hunhan, he immediately lowered his head again!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Who is it?" Hun Han asked knowingly.

The little fairy doctor raised his head, met Hunhan's eyes, and immediately looked away dodgingly.

Hunhan thought, secretly thinking that the little doctor fairy really fell in love with him!He didn't do anything to the little fairy doctor!

Even so, Hun Han still had to admit that the little doctor's waist was the thinnest among all the women in the venue.

However, when Hun Han's eyes rolled over Queen Medusa's body, Queen Medusa's cheeks turned red.

"Of course it's me!" Zi Yan glanced at the little doctor and immediately replied.

"You?" Hunhan asked in astonishment.

"Yes, you are my senior brother, and I am your junior sister. Junior sister doesn't like senior brother, but it is not conducive to the unity of the division!" Zi Yan said with a smile.

"You girl, you actually want to play tricks on your senior brother!" Hun Han smiled, and reached out to stroke Zi Yan's beautiful hair.Naturally, Zi Yan's words were not taken seriously.

However, Hun Han didn't pay attention at all, Zi Yan's drooping expression clearly had a look of disappointment and melancholy.

This scene happened to be captured by Gu Xun'er who was beside Hun Han.As a woman, Gu Xun'er was thoughtful.

Feeling a scorching gaze, Hunhan subconsciously followed the gaze.He asked in astonishment, "Xiao Yan?"

In Xiao Yan's eyes, he was clearly jealous of Hun Han.There are so many beauties around Hun Han, if you want to touch your head, you can touch it.On the other hand, beside Xiao Yan, Qinglin recognized him as the young master just now, Feng Qing'er was very cold, even Mu Qingluan, whom he had been chasing for a long time, had always been lukewarm towards him.Wanting this, Xiao Yan felt very uncomfortable.

Looking at Hun Han's gaze, Xiao Yan's heart suddenly changed, and he quickly looked away.

"Brother Hunhan, what are you going to do?" Gu Xun'er asked.

With the strength of Hun Han and her Gu Xun'er, they can completely occupy everything in this hall.The truth is they've done that before.Anyone who has the treasure they fancy and wants to snatch it, if they don't want to die, they have to give up the treasure obediently.

People from various forces have gathered in this hall, but their comprehensive strength is not high.Even if Hun Han and Gu Xun'er wanted to occupy everything here, forgive them for not daring to say anything!

"Go out first!" Hun Han replied.

"Go out?" Gu Xun'er frowned slightly.

"Yes." Hunhan nodded, and he was already heading towards the main hall.


Queen Medusa, Immortal Doctor, Old Man Mu Gu, Gu Xun'er and others were all speechless inwardly.Hunhan, do you want to give up everything in the hall?

Seeing that Hun Han had already walked to the entrance of the main hall, Queen Medusa, Immortal Doctor, Gu Xun'er, and even Old Man Mu Gu walked out of the main hall helplessly.He gave up snatching the Heaven Rank Fighting Technique and the skeleton of the Fighting Saint.


Xiao Yan was slightly taken aback, feeling extremely puzzled.The other powerhouses in the hall were also puzzled.However, for them, it was only a good thing that Hun Han, Gu Xun'er and others left.

In the vast hall, figures stand scattered.Among them, except for a few lone rangers, most of them are from the big powers in the Zhongzhou Continent.Among them are the forces of Ice River Valley, Fenyan Valley, Sky Demon Phoenix Clan, Fenglei Pavilion, Gold Devouring Rat Clan, Huazong, Yingu, Wanjian Pavilion, Huangquan Pavilion, Tianmingzong and so on.

No matter which faction they came from, their eyes all fell on the ten scrolls suspended in mid-air in front of the hall.The scrolls were shrouded in a layer of light, and there were more than a dozen figures below them.Their bodies were lime-coloured, and they sat cross-legged with their eyes closed.

These powerful men with extraordinary experience knew that those dozens of figures were actually puppets.If their predictions are correct, every puppet has the fighting power of a Dou Zun.A dozen puppets, that is, a dozen strong men whose strength has reached the realm of Dou Zun.

Moreover, puppets are very different from people, they don't feel pain.That is to say, they will fight for the sake of fighting, going forward without fear of death.This is the real scary thing about puppets.

"I hope they don't know how to fight!"

The strong people in the field, like Xiao Yan, were no exception, praying silently in their hearts.

Low-level puppets can only use physical attacks, so as long as they don't get close to them, they have nothing to fear.For high-level puppets, they can use several fighting skills and can attack from a distance.In addition, they are unconscious, alive, and never stop, which makes people feel very troublesome.

As time went by, the light of the ten light clusters covering the scroll became weaker and weaker.The seal above is gradually becoming invalid.Once the seal is completely invalid, everyone knows that there will be a big battle.

Xiao Yan wanted to find out which scroll was the one that recorded the Heaven Rank fighting skills.However, to his disappointment, he found that each scroll was completely shielded from the detection of the power of the soul due to the seal on it.

Not only the ten scrolls, but also the skeleton of the fighting saint sitting on the stone seat in front of the hall.It can also block the detection of the power of the soul.

"Could it be that those ten scrolls are a cover-up. The real heaven-level fighting skills are actually on that skeleton?" Xiao Yan guessed boldly.

According to Yao Chen, some strong people will record their very important things on their own bones.Once, Yao Chen had seen a pharmacist who hid the elixir he had mastered in his bones.

In the alchemy room before, Hunhan had already obtained a alchemy beast.It can be known that the owner of this ancient ruins is actually a master of alchemy who can refine ninth-grade pills.

For alchemists, hiding things in bones sounds very cruel.But it is not impossible.Alchemists have many elixirs that can regenerate limbs from the body.

As time went by, apart from the gradual release of the seal, there were still many figures entering the hall from outside the hall.The atmosphere in the arena was very depressing.No one whispered to each other, and many people had cold sweat on their foreheads.Secretly driving the battle qi in the body, once the seal is completely released, the battle qi will immediately erupt and snatch the heaven-level fighting skills.

A crisp sound sounded, and a wave appeared on the scroll.Immediately, a dazzling light burst out.The ten scrolls turned into ten streams of light, raging in the hall.

At the same time, the dozen puppets sitting around the stone seat opened their eyes at the same time.A strong murderous aura came oncoming, making people shudder.

"Dou Zun!"

Some strong men frowned slightly, these puppets really have the fighting power of Dou Zun.Moreover, grudges gushed out from each of them.This shows that they are all high-level puppets that can use long-range attacks!

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