"Yes, before the old suzerain died, she was actually waiting. She was waiting for your arrival. The old suzerain said that as long as you remember her birthday, even if you ask someone to greet you, she will truly take the position of suzerain Pass it on to you. If you come here in person, she will pass on all her life's skills to you." Yun Yun said.

Hua Jin could no longer speak.This is indeed what she did wrong.

"It's just that the old suzerain never dreamed of it. You actually forgot her birthday, and you didn't show up even when you died, let alone send someone to greet you. Only then did the old suzerain know that what you did to her before , I just wanted to get the position of suzerain. From that moment on, the old suzerain knew that your intentions were not pure. In the end, the old suzerain passed on the suzerain token and the fighting spirit of a lifetime to me." Yun Yun explained.

"A person is dead, and everything you say is right. Anyway, there is no proof of death. Yun Yun, put away your hypocrisy, it is useless to say more. There is no room for two tigers. Since you have a lover, you and I will follow the rules of Huazong and compete. If I win, you must hand over the suzerain's token, as well as the old suzerain's lifelong fighting spirit. And, get back to your Misty Cloud Sect from now on!" Hua Jin said coldly.


Yun Yun's cheeks flushed, and she looked at Hun Han beside her.

Hunhan said lightly: "Okay, she agreed to your request. But, what if you lose?"

Hua Jin smiled and said, "I will lose?"

Hunhan nodded and said: "If you lose, what do you say? You can get some benefits if you win. If you lose, you can't let the senior sister not get some compensation, right?"

Chapter 210 Undercurrent

"Okay, if I lose, what do you want?" Hua Jin asked.

"If you lose, you have to give up the position of the suzerain of Huazong and return it to Yun Yun. And, get out of Huazong from now on." Hunhan said seriously.

Hua Jin hesitated.That is to say, she is no longer a disciple of Huazong.

"How about it, do you dare to agree? If you don't agree, then there is no need for my senior sister to gamble with you!" Hunhan said lightly.

"Junior Brother, I am no different from the position of the Hua Sect's suzerain!" Yun Yun shouted urgently.

"Senior sister, you listen to me this time." Hunhan said flatly.

Soon, the Soul Clan will launch a plan to unify the world.At that time, the Dou Qi Continent will be full of wars.For Huazong's flower-like and jade-like disciples, if they are under the leadership of Hua Jin, they will definitely not be spared.

Therefore, it is necessary for Hunhan to control Huazong in advance.At least, let Yun Yun master it.

"Okay, I'll promise you. Yun Yun, you want to be the suzerain of Huazong, why are you so hypocritical!" Hua Jin mocked.

"I didn't." Yun Yun argued.

"Using the mouth of your junior brother, let you obtain the position of the suzerain of the Huazong, and become even taller. I really underestimated your ambition."

Hua Jin didn't forget to hit and slander Yun Yun at the end, and waved his hand: "It's no use talking more, ring the bell, and the competition begins!"

Hua Jin didn't give Yun Yun a chance to argue at all, and the sound of a dungeon bell rang throughout every corner of Hua Sect.Hunhan could feel that some old Huazong monsters hiding in the dark were watching this square.This competition will determine the future direction of Huazong.

"let's start!"

A highly respected old woman of Hua Zongde waved her hand, and the people around her pushed away one after another.Give Hua Jin, Yaohua Xiejun, Hunhan and Yunyun a big place to go.

"Junior Brother, Yaohua Xiejun has a six-star Dou Zun cultivation base, and Hua Jin has a five-star Dou Zun cultivation base. I will hold Yaohua Xiejun later, and you go to fight Huajin. You can't let Yaohua Xiejun and Hua Jin join hands, otherwise We will not be their opponents." Yun Yun said seriously.

"Go to Nalan Yanran's side, I'll be fine by myself!" Hunhan smiled softly.

"Are you alone?" Yun Yun looked at Hun Han questioningly.

"Yes. Although the fighting spirit in your body is powerful, it has not been refined. If you fight, it will only be disadvantageous to you. Don't worry, I will end the battle soon." Hunhan smiled.

Yun Yun looked at Hun Han suspiciously.She has heard rumors about Hun Han recently.It's just that from her point of view, Hunhan can't fight two with one.

However, because of Yun Yun's trust in Hun Han, she still retreated obediently.

"You are not ashamed to say that you dare to fight with one against two. I want to see. What is so special about you! Xiao Jinjin, let me come, I will teach him a lesson!" Hua Jin said.

"Okay." Hua Jin nodded without worry.

The cultivation base of Yaohua Xiejun is still above Huajin.In Hua Jin's view, Hunhan is younger than Yaohua Xiejun, and his cultivation and combat experience will definitely not be the opponent of Yaohua Xiejun.

"Big Cracking Wind!"

After Yaohua Xiejun finished speaking, the fan in front of her suddenly grew bigger.Immediately, a jet-black crack opened in the space.Like a poisonous snake, it plundered towards the void like lightning, pointing directly at Hunhan.

Hun Han ignored the attack of Yaohua Xiejun.He closed and opened his eyes, revealing his nakedness, and immediately slapped him in front of him.

An incredible scene appeared.Beside Yaohua Xiejun, a huge transparent handprint with the height of two people appeared.Before Yaohua Xiejun could react, he was already slapped away by the transparent palm!

The Yaohua Xiejun was knocked into the air, and flew several meters away heavily.

"Evil Monarch!" Hua Jin called out anxiously.

Yaohua Xiejun spit out a mouthful of blood, looked at Hunhan with terrified eyes, and confided: "Heavenly Soul!"


Celestial Soul?

The surrounding Huazong disciples looked at Hunhan in surprise.Hunhan's soul state has reached the heavenly state.

If Hunhan's soul state hadn't reached the heavenly state, he wouldn't be able to launch an attack to attack the demon flower and evil king in an instant.

The soul clan has a soul palace, and it is too easy to improve the soul realm.Hunhan is also the young patriarch of the soul clan, and is the most important training object of the soul clan.

Under the cultivation of those resources in the Soul Palace, the soul state of Hunhan is now.It has reached the middle and late stages of the Heaven Realm.It is only a matter of time for Hunhan to achieve the Dzogchen in the bed theory.

Even, Hunhan was able to break through to the emperor's realm like his father, Huntiandi.

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