Emperor Realm, that is synonymous with strength.

"Hua Jin, for Yun Yun's sake, I can give you some dignity. Hand over the position of Hua Sect's suzerain, and get out of Hua Sect." Hun Leng said indifferently.

Hua Jin's eyes flashed, and the thoughts in her head raced rapidly.Wanting her to hand over the position of Huazong suzerain is even more uncomfortable than killing her.It's just that she is definitely not Hunhan's opponent right now.

Hunhan's soul state has not only reached the heavenly state.Even his qi cultivation realm seems to have the cultivation base of a seven-rank Dou Zun.One is a Dou Zun of several stars, and the other is a Dou Zun of several revolutions.The two sides are not comparable at all.

In this battle, even if Hua Jin is unwilling to admit it, it is impossible for her to win.

"I lost." Hua Jin said helplessly.

"Since this is the case, you should fulfill your promise. Return the position of Huazong's suzerain to Yun Yun!" said the old woman who presided over the referee.

"Great Elder, I have worked hard for many years, and I have just made Tianmingzong and my Huazong have a tendency to join forces. Moreover, I have also cooperated with the pavilion masters of Huangquan Pavilion and Fenglei Pavilion in Sifang Pavilion. Fenyangu, the Gold-eating Rat Clan and Qingluan Clan in the World of Warcraft, and the Yao Clan among the eight ancient clans, have a long-term friendship. They all expressed their willingness to join hands with me to attack and retreat. Now if the position of suzerain changes, they He also injured Yaolang, with Tian Mingzong's behavior style, maybe he won't let it go!" Hua Jin said in a deep voice with an uncertain face.

After twenty or thirty years of operating Huajin, it was only after hard work that he won the position of the suzerain of the Huazong.If she were to hand over the position of Huazong's suzerain from now on, how would she feel reconciled to it!

The meaning between the lines is already quite clear.If the position of suzerain is replaced by Yun Yun, everything Huazong has achieved now will be blown away, and Tianmingzong will be established, and even the entire Tianfu Alliance will be hostile.

Hearing this, the white-haired old woman frowned.She is naturally not afraid of Tian Mingzong.It's just that she knows the entire Tianfu Alliance where Tian Mingzong belongs.

Although Huazong is almost indifferent to world affairs, he is not inclined to power struggles.It doesn't mean they don't know anything about the outside world.The entire Tianfu Alliance is not a terrifying existence that Huazong can contend with.The medicine clan of the eight ancient clans alone is enough to destroy the Huazong.

Chapter 211 A Powerful Alliance

"Yunyun, how about you"

The white-haired old woman looked at Yun Yun, forced by the situation.Now Huazong can only sacrifice Yun Yun.

"Elder, what do you think of the soul race?" Hun Han asked suddenly.

"Soul clan?"

The Great Elder was taken aback, and asked, "Are you from the Soul Clan?"

"Yes, it is the young patriarch of the soul clan. Great elder, please answer my question!" Hunhan smiled.

"The Soul Clan and the Medicine Clan are both eight ancient clans. The Soul Palace is just the external power of the Soul Clan. The power of the Soul Palace is enough to show how powerful the Soul Clan is." The white-haired old woman replied.

"Grand Elder, you should be clearer than anyone else about the style of the Soul Clan." Hua Jin was in a hurry, and said, "If you join hands with the Soul Clan, sooner or later, there will be a day when the Soul Clan will turn against you. At that time, the Hua Sect will I'm afraid I have to become an external force of the Soul Clan!"


The white-haired old woman frowned and glanced at Hunhan.Indeed, the reputation of Soul Palace is not very good!

"Then what about my Danta?" Hunhan smiled.

"Danta?" Hua Jin frowned.

"Yes, to be honest. Apart from being the young patriarch of the Soul Clan, I am also the Pagoda Master of the Pill Tower. My identity has been recognized by all the alchemists up and down the Pill Tower. Great Elder, if you and I Danta Alliance, what do you think if you don't join my Soul Clan alliance?" Hun Han asked.

The white-haired old woman exchanged glances with the people around her and nodded excitedly.

One hall, one pagoda and two sects, although the second sect is in the back.But Huazong's strength is far inferior to the previous two.There are pharmacists in elixir, and that kind of appeal is absolutely unmatched by Huazong.There are so many masters in the Soul Palace, if it is not bound by the Pill Tower, I am afraid that there are two sects, three valleys and four square pavilions, which is a question worth thinking about.

Hunhan has two identities, and the famous Pill Pagoda and Soul Palace on the mainland are all in the hands of Hunhan.If you still go to form an alliance with Tianmingzong, Yingu, Fenyangu, Huangquan Pavilion, Fenglei Pavilion and other forces at this time, you will be really blind.

The hesitant look in the white-haired old woman's eyes turned into a very firm one, and she said: "Of course we can trust Danta's reputation."

"Senior, junior Xiao Yan, on behalf of the master, I would like to send my greetings to everyone!"

Just when the white-haired old woman was about to announce the result, a black figure suddenly walked out of a rippling space.

"Xiao Yan!" Hun Han was slightly taken aback.

Hunhan didn't expect that Xiao Yan came to Huazong anyway.In the dark, it seems that there is a certain definite number.

This time, Hun Han didn't know that Xiao Yan didn't come to help Yun Yun.Xiao Yan and Hua Jin looked at each other, this time, Xiao Yan came to murder Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran, and wanted to help Hua Jin.

When Xiao Yan threw out an olive branch to Hua Jin and wanted Hua Jin to join the Tianfu Alliance, Hua Jin asked the Tianfu Alliance to help Hua Jin solve the hidden danger of Yun Yun.Then Huajin would agree to Huazong to join the camp of Tianfu Alliance.

Xiao Yan didn't expect that just as he arrived on the front foot, Hunhan's back foot arrived.Originally planning to conspire to frame Yun Yun, because of the appearance of Hun Han, Hua Jin impulsively wanted to obtain the token of the suzerain of Huazong openly and aboveboard, as well as the lifelong fighting spirit of the old suzerain Hua Granny.In the end, I never expected that Hunhan's realm was so high.Let him, a man in his forties or fifties, have to look up to him.

"Hunhan, are you surprised?" Xiao Yan said hostilely.

"May I ask who your tutor is?" the white-haired old woman asked.

"Master Yao, Yaochen!" Xiao Yan replied.

"It turned out to be Yaochen!" The white-haired old woman said in surprise.

"Everyone, presumably with the reputation of the family teacher, the seniors will not have any doubts!" ​​Xiao Yan said with a smile.

"Hehe, Venerable Yao has a great reputation, let me ask anyone in Zhongzhou who doesn't know it. Naturally, no one can question it." The white-haired old woman smiled, and immediately looked at Hua Jin, who was overjoyed.However, the old woman said: "From now on, Yun Yun will be the suzerain of Huazong, and there must be no disputes in the future!"




Xiao Yan, Hua Jin and Yaohua Xiejun looked at the elder Huazong in surprise.They heard it right, right after Xiao Yan brought out Yao Chen, the Venerable Yao, the elder of the Hua Sect even bluntly said that Yun Yun would become the suzerain of the Hua Sect.

"You don't have to question it. To be honest, although Yaochen is an eighth-rank pharmacist, the young patriarch of the soul clan in front of him, the current tower master of the Pill Tower, can refine a ninth-rank elixir. In addition , When I was young, I was fortunate enough to meet a Heavenly Venerable of the Soul Palace. From his mouth, I learned that the strength of the Soul Clan is far higher than any of the eight ancient Clans, including the Yao Clan, Lei Clan, Yan Clan and Gu Clan. Even, the soul clan has the tendency to dominate the world. If my Huazong insists on taking a position in the future camp, ten old seniors have already entered the room for me, and eight are willing to choose to stand on the side of the soul clan and Danta. One remains neutral, and the other chooses the Tianfu Alliance." The white-haired old woman felt the questioning eyes around her, and said the meaning of those old monsters in Huazong.

Every faction has its strong protectors.Since the guardians of the Hua Sect clearly stated that they want Yun Yun to become the suzerain of the Hua Sect, even some of Hua Jin's original cronies clasped their fists in respect at this moment.

"I will follow the orders of the ancestors. From now on, I will respect Yun Yun as the suzerain of Huazong. I have met the suzerain!"

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