After saying that, the disciples of the Hua Sect in the field bowed towards Yun Yun with great respect.

"Get up. Sisters, there is no need to perform such a grand ceremony." Yun Yun had no choice but to accept the position of the Hua Sect's suzerain.

"Elder, don't worry. You will be happy with today's choice in the future." Hunhan smiled.

"In the future, I will still look at Danta and my Huazong to watch and help each other." The white-haired old woman smiled at Hunhan.

"Must. In addition, since the alliance has been formed, I also need to tell you. In fact, the ancient clan and the Taixu ancient dragon clan are also our allies!" Hunhan said again.


The white-haired old woman was startled. Among the eight ancient clans, the ancient clan formed an alliance with the soul clan and Danta, so forget it.Even the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, which ranks first in the World of Warcraft list, is actually an ally.

"Well. Although the Tianfu Alliance is powerful, we should not be underestimated." Hunhan looked at Xiao Yan provocatively.

"Hua Zong, remember your choice today. You will definitely regret it in the future. Let's go!" Xiao Yan's body was gloomy, and his trip to Hua Zong came in vain again.

Xiao Yan looked at Hunhan with complicated eyes.How come there is a place where Hunhan exists, and he always returns home in the end!

Xiao Yan was puzzled by this.

"Xiao Yan, do you want to leave?"

With a movement of Hunhan's figure, he stopped Xiao Yan who wanted to leave.

Chapter 212 The Battle of Alien Objects

"Hunhan, what are you...doing again?" Xiao Yan asked tremblingly.Every time Hun Han showed such evil eyes, it was Xiao Yan's unlucky time.Not to mention far away, it was the most recent time, in the cave of the Creation Saint.Hunhan also showed this kind of evil look at that time.That time, Xiao Yan got some treasures after going through a lot of hard work.It also took a lot of effort to snatch the heaven-level fighting skills.Seeing that the fighting skill was about to be obtained, Hun Han actually robbed him in the end.Stolen all his treasures.It made his last trip in vain.This time, Hun Han showed such a look again, Xiao Yan's heart stopped beating. "Don't be nervous. Xiao Yan, since we're here, let's have a fight!" Hunhan smiled. "You... want... to kill... me?" Xiao Yan's eyes darkened. "No, I don't want to kill you yet. I just want to take something from you!" Hunhan said evilly. "What?" Xiao Yan asked. "Your left hand!" Hun Han replied. "What?" "From now on, at the end of every meeting we meet, I will take a part of your body." Killing people, Hunhan wants to show people in the whole continent, and Hunhan is an enemy, is it right? What kind of fate.The worse Xiao Yan is played by him, the more beneficial it will be for his future rule. "You..." Xiao Yan couldn't find any words to refute as Hunhan said.After a pause, there was a sharp light in his eyes, and he said, "Hunhan, do you think I will just sit and wait for death?" "You want to resist?" Hunhan smiled. "If you are not alone here today, I might still be afraid. But, you are only here alone." In Xiao Yan's view, after hard training these days, Xiao Yan has been able to be with Hun Han. war. "Okay, then come on!" Hun Han smiled. "As you wish!" Xiao Yan said calmly.Xiao Yan didn't think ordinary fighting skills could hurt Hunhan.Rather than that, Xiao Yan flipped his hands empty-handed, and took out his nirvana. "Heavenly fire?" The expressions of the onlookers in the arena changed when they saw the flame in Xiao Yan's palm.That group of dark white flames turned out to be the eleventh ranked Bone Spirit in the strange fire list."That's... Nine Nether Wind Flame?" "There's also Wind Fury Dragon Flame!" The black Jiuyou Fengyan, the khaki-colored Fengfurylongyan, and the dark yellow Xuanhuangyan were summoned continuously. "Four different fires? He actually possessed four different fires at the same time?" The elder of Huazong couldn't help but exclaimed. "Great Elder, if you want to change your mind now, it's still too late." Hua Jin said proudly.The Great Elder of Huazong remained silent, but looked at Xiao Yan with flickering eyes.If Xiao Yan is allowed to continue to grow, the elder Huazong has an intuition in his heart.This son must surpass the former strongest man who controlled the three different fires.At that time, Xiao Yan must be a threat to Huazong.Thinking of this, the elder Huazong was a little vacillating in his heart.Was her idea just now right or wrong? "Aren't there four different fires very powerful?" When everyone was shocked and terrified by what Xiao Yan showed.Hun Han's voice came to mind.Hunhan flipped his hands empty, and in the palm of his right hand, a blue-colored flame appeared, "He also possesses a strange fire?" the elder Huazong exclaimed. "It's just one kind of strange fire. Xiao Yan has four kinds." Hua Jin said disdainfully. "Oh, really? Then look at what this is?" Hunhan smiled, and with a thought, another black ice crystal appeared in front of him.The appearance of ice crystals slightly eased the terrifying temperature around. "Different water - Jiuyou Fengbing!" Huazong Great Elder exclaimed.Originally, because of the appearance of Xiao Yan Jiuyou Fengyan, he was a little irritable, but after the appearance of that ice crystal, he was soothed.The mood returned to calm.Both Jiuyou Fengbing and Jiuyou Fengyan were born in the abyss where the wind was extremely strong.The difference is that the latter can make people feel irritable, but the former can make people feel peaceful. "It's just two kinds of foreign objects." Hua Jin still smiled disdainfully.There was a look of shock in his eyes that was hard to hide.In addition to Xiao Yan, there are people in the world who possess two kinds of foreign objects at the same time.Xu Hunhan smiled, and with a thought, a silver thunderbolt appeared beside him. "Different thunder—thunder in the void!" Hua Sect Great Elder exclaimed. "It's just three kinds of foreign objects." Hua Jin put away her disdainful expression.Immediately afterwards, there was a strong wind around Hunhan. "Different sky - Domineering Mingfeng!" The elder Huazong was already numb.In the past, if one obtained a foreign object, it would be enough to increase the fighting power of the fighter.Now, the two juniors in front of them actually possess four kinds of foreign objects.Huh~ The Great Elder of Huazong looked at Xiao Yan, and then at Hunhan.I thought to myself: Could it be that the foreign objects are very easy to see now? "Hunhan, even if you have four kinds of foreign objects, you can only fight against Xiao Yan." After all, Hua Jin is from the same camp as Xiao Yan, and continues to help Xiao Yan. "Oh, is that so?" Hunhan smiled.After the strange wind, another thing appeared in front of Hunhan.That thing is very strange, and it appears in the void.At first glance, it looks like nothing. "That can't be a strange space, can it?" Huazong's elder exclaimed, with her experience, she still couldn't see through the real origin of that foreign object. "Elder Elder has good eyesight, this is indeed a different space, it is called Magic Heart Space!" Hun Han praised triumphantly. "Magic Heart Empty!" Hua Jin murmured.He looked at Hunhan with fear in his eyes.The young man in front of him actually possessed five different foreign objects at the same time.This is simply the biggest miracle in thousands of years.Hua Jin looked at Xiao Yan, at this moment Xiao Yan was fusing with his four different fires without distraction.His gaze turned to Hunhan's body, but Hunhan possessed five kinds of foreign objects.In terms of quantity, Xiao Yan already belonged to Hunhan. "Hua Jin, don't you continue to mock me?" Hun Han smiled.Hua Jin was stunned, wondering what Hun Han meant by that.Could it be that Hunhan has another foreign object?Amidst Hua Jin's questioning expression, a sixth foreign object appeared in front of Hun Han.The foreign object was so golden that it looked like a piece of gold.It looks like a lotus flower in full bloom, very beautiful.However, since its appearance, the surrounding earth elements have become very manic. "A different land?" The elder Huazong didn't exclaim, she was already numb from the shock. "Yes. This is exactly the foreign soil - the nine-petal golden dust lotus!" Hun Han replied proudly.

Chapter 213 Destroying Fire Lotus VS Six-Colored Dragon

"Six kinds?" "He actually has six kinds of foreign objects at the same time." "And, each kind is different." The exclamation never left Hunhan's side.Everyone couldn't believe that Hunhan possessed six different foreign objects in the legend.On the one hand, Hua Jin felt very uncomfortable.Faintly, she felt her face being slapped severely.Originally, Hua Jin also mocked Hun Han, and there were not as many foreign objects mocking him as Xiao Yan.In the end, Hun Han took out two more foreign objects than Xiao Yan.It was literally slapping herself in the face.Hua Jin looked at Xiao Yan and Hun Han again.Although the difference between the foreign objects is only two, such rare treasures as foreign objects have already tilted the balance of the battle towards the side of the cold soul.Hua Jin doesn't know.In fact, Hunhan can own not only six clothes, but ten.It's just that Hunhan didn't always think about himself.The Falling Heart Flame obtained from the Canaan Academy was given to Ya Fei, the president of the Mittel Chamber of Commerce and Hun Han's apprentice.Ya Fei, who is mediocrely talented, is a cheating tool of cultivation, Fallen Heart Flame, but she is a perfect match!Hai Xinyan, obtained from Han Feng's drug seller, was given to the Princess of the Gamma Empire——Yao Ye.Yao Ye practiced fire-attribute skills, and possessed Hai Xinyan, which could increase her strength dramatically.The three thousand flames that could have been obtained from the Alchemy Star Realm were given to Zi Yan of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan.The three thousand flames were originally left by the seniors of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan.Zi Yan is also Hun Han's junior sister, so there is no reason not to help her family.As for the Jiuyou Fengyan obtained from the robbery of Yao Xingji, it was given to Old Man Mu Gu.The old man Mugu is the confidant of the Emperor Huntian, and was later bestowed upon Hunhan by the Emperor Huntian.Old man Mu Gu can refine eighth-grade elixir, if he is allowed to obtain a strange fire, Hunhan will save himself from refining elixir in the future.In addition, I also feel sorry for the old man Mu Gu, who has been running around for the strange fire all his life, but in the end he couldn't find the strange fire.Of course, Hunhan's qi cultivation method is the Supreme Nine Yuan Jue.For the extra strange fire, it is not necessary.This is how to give it to those around you. "It turns out that he was merciful before!" Yaohua Xiejun, who was seriously injured by Hunhan, looked at Hunhan with less hostility than before.If Hunhan used foreign objects, given the strength gap between him and Hunhan, Hunhan could easily kill him. "Hunhan, you have six different kinds of foreign bodies. I want to see whether your six kinds of foreign bodies are more powerful, or the four kinds of strange fires that I have used to the extreme." Xiao Yan has no fear, After leaving the cave of the Holy Creator, Xiao Yan has become a rank seven Dou Zun under the training of the Yao Clan.From Xiao Yan's point of view, he has the strength to fight Hunhan. "Okay, as you wish." Hunhan smiled, looked at the people around him, and shouted: "Senior, Yun Yun, let the disciples of Huazong evacuate five kilometers from this place!" After awakening, they ordered Huazong elders, Dharma protectors and others to lead the disciples out of this square. "Go, destroy the fire lotus!" With a wave of Xiao Yan's hand, a fire lotus formed by the fusion of four different different fires left behind a beam of light and shot towards Hunhan in front of him.Where the fire lotus passed, the space was extremely distorted. "Go, Six-Colored Dragon!" It was different from Xiao Yan's Destroying Fire Lotus.The final product of Hunhan condensed from six foreign objects is not a fire lotus, but the shape of a dragon.The lines on it are so lifelike that they can be confused with real ones.There are six different colors blooming on the body.With a pinch of Houhunhan's handprint, the six-color dragon opened its mouth wide and shot towards the destroying fire lotus in front of it.When the two sides came into contact, the space trembled violently.The entire Huazong was shaking violently.At the point of collision between the two sides, there is a huge mushroom cloud.Cracks like spider webs also appeared in the space.It felt as if it could be easily pierced by poking it casually.Looking at the space ahead, Hun Han was also surprised.The divine dragon formed by fusing six kinds of foreign objects was able to bring the space to the brink of collapse.Now Hunhan's realm is Dou Zun, if Hunhan enters the realm of semi-saint, or even Dousheng.Or if Hunhan has a foreign object, wouldn't that be able to collapse the space directly.When Hunhan was shocked by the battle situation in front of him, he also realized that he had always underestimated the qi cultivation technique he practiced - Taishang Jiuyuan Jue. "He lost!" Hua Jin's complexion changed drastically.The explosive mushroom cloud spread extremely fast, and the remaining explosive power rushed towards Xiao Yan violently.After a while, Xiao Yan was swallowed up.This shows what?This shows that Xiao Yan's Destroying Fire Lotus, which fuses four kinds of different fires, is no match for Hunhan's six-color dragon, which fuses six kinds of different objects.The mushroom cloud continued to rise, and a terrifying shock wave swept across the surrounding wantonly.The destructive power was so strong that even Huazong's protective barrier broke with a click. "The barrier is broken?" The elder Huazong was astonished, and dissatisfaction appeared in his pupils immediately.The broken space barrier of Huazong will definitely expose Huazong's position.Some young people may take this opportunity to sneak into Huazong.For the Huazong who are all women, this is not a good thing!When everything is calm, the big square of Huazong no longer exists.A huge crater with a radius of one thousand meters replaced it.Around the huge crater, all the originally colorful flowers have been razed to the ground.The hard ground is exposed, and within a thousand years, no grass will grow.A figure stood on the edge of the giant pit.The clothes on his body were hung on his body like ribbons.The skin appears an unusual black.The corner of his mouth was bleeding, his hair was disheveled, and he no longer had the air he had when he first appeared. "You are defeated." Hunhan's voice rang out clearly in this square.Xiao Yan remained silent, looking up at the unscathed Hunhan in mid-air.Originally, he thought that the Destroyer Fire Lotus, which had fused the four different fires, had brought the rage of the different fires to a peak.Even if he loses to the six-colored dragon of six different foreign objects, he can still retreat completely.However, Xiao Yan didn't expect it.After the fusion of six different kinds of foreign objects, the power produced is no less than that of the fusion of ten kinds of different fires.Xiao Yan was defeated.Defeated convinced. "Do you need me to do it?" There was a cold arc on the corner of Hun Han's mouth.Uh!Xiao Yan frowned. "Do you want me to do it, or you do it yourself. Or you can choose, death or an arm?" Hunhan looked at Xiao Yan with determination in his eyes.Phew~ Xiao Yan let out a breath and closed his eyes.With his current strength, it is impossible to leave here safely.This is the territory of the Huazong, and we can't place our hopes on Huajin, who is no longer the suzerain of the Huazong.Xiao Yan's right hand was holding onto his left arm.A hero does not suffer from immediate losses, but a man can bend and stretch.I still understand this principle.The right hand, which was glowing with the little fighting spirit left in the body, yanked fiercely, ripping off the entire left arm, and blood gushed out.The severe pain made Xiao Yan's face turn pale, and the skin on his face twitched non-stop.Obviously, he was trying his best to contain the heart-piercing pain.After briefly bandaging the sky, Xiao Yan opened his eyes and looked at Hunhan.This trip, he not only made another trip in vain, but also put on an arm for it: "Can I go?" "Let's go, see you next time. I will definitely take another part from your body." Hun Han smiled, possessing the vision of God, he was completely sure of Xiao Yan.Looking at the back of Xiao Yan going away, Hun Han thought about it.He didn't rush to save Qing Lin who had blue eyes and three flower pupils before Xiao Yan.What should be done to make Qing Lin leave Xiao Yan's side?

Chapter 214 Sister, Do You Like Me?

"Junior Brother, I haven't seen you for a few years. I didn't expect you to grow to such a level. If Uncle Shi knows, he will be very proud of you!"

Yun Yun stepped on the void and slowly landed beside Hun Han.In my heart, I feel very happy.

Hunhan smiled.His strength has nothing to do with Yunjian.The reason why it is so powerful depends on the sign-in system.

However, Yunjian is not useless.By worshiping Yun Jian as his teacher, at least through this, he got acquainted with Yun Yun who is so beautiful in front of him.Inadvertently, he also captured the other party's heart.

Hunhan turned around and noticed the dissatisfied expression of the elder Huazong.

In the battle between Hunhan and Xiao Yan, although Hunhan won in the end, he killed people and killed his heart by the way. This move will definitely deter the Tianfu Alliance.It's just that this is the Huazong, because of their battle, two fifths of the Huazong were destroyed.No one would be happy if their own house was destroyed like this.

"Senior, I'm sorry. I didn't stop for a while." Hun Han smiled embarrassingly.

"You don't have to take it to heart. If it wasn't for your reminder, all the disciples of my Huazong would not be safe and sound!" The elder of Huazong smiled, a little reluctantly.

"Senior, I, Hunhan, promise you in my capacity as the young patriarch of the Hun clan and the Patriarch of Danta. I will give you an independent space in Huazong in the future." Hunhan said seriously.

"Is what you said true?" Huazong Great Elder asked in surprise.

"Of course. Anyone who knows me, Hunhan, knows that I, Hunhan, never break my word." Hunhan nodded, looking at Yunyun.

The reason why Hunhan gave Huazong an independent living space was because of Yunyun's face.Anyway, sooner or later the Soul Clan will dominate the mainland, and the Yao Clan dares to help and take in Xiao Yan and Yao Chen, it must be destroyed.When the time comes, give the Huazong the living space of the Yao clan as a gift.

Yun Yun is the suzerain of Huazong, but Hunhan's own.

The Great Elder of Huazong followed Hunhan's gaze and shifted his gaze to Yun Yun.Immediately understood, he said: "Everyone, what are you waiting for. Immediately spread the hero posts and invite heroes from all walks of life to come to our Huazong to participate in the succession ceremony of the Huazong suzerain!"

"Ding dong!"

"Congratulations, you have completed the location sign-in task and signed in in the main hall of Huazong. You have obtained the item: the boots of the ancient supreme."

"Ding dong!"

"The system issued a new sign-in task. Please sign in at the Dragon Emperor Hall on Gulong Island of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan. Do you want to receive the sign-in task?"


Hun Han responded without hesitation.Today, he has obtained four pieces of ancient supreme equipment.

"Ding dong!"

"Congratulations, you have received a new location sign-in task. Please sign in at the Dragon and Phoenix Palace on the Ancient Dragon Island of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan. The time limit is half a year."

In the back mountain of Huazong, Hunhan sat on the cliff.Although two fifths of the sea of ​​flowers in front of him was destroyed after the battle between him and Xiao Yan, this did not hinder, the air was mixed with the fragrance of various flowers.

"How to choose?"

Hun Han felt a little tangled in his heart.The concept of monogamy dominates Hunhan's thoughts.

This trip to Huazong has been full of harvest.Hunhan indeed defeated the Yaohuaxiejun and shattered Huajin's conspiracy.However, Hun Han participated in the competition as Yun Yun's lover.

After today, Huazong's disciples will definitely think that Hun Han is Yun Yun's lover.With his current status and status, who would dare to pursue Yun Yun?

Hun Han was struggling in his heart, whether he should accept Yun Yun or not.Once Yun Yun is accepted, will Gu Xun'er have any objections to it?

"Senior brother!"

While Hun Han was thinking this way, a female voice came from behind.When Hunhan turned his head, it was not someone else who came.What a soul-cold senior sister, Yun Yun.

"Senior Sister!" Hun Han murmured.

Yun Yun walked to Hun Han's side and turned her head to look at Hun Han.At this time, the sun was setting to the west, and the golden sunlight shone on Hunhan's face, making Hunhan look even more handsome.

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