Yun Yun's heart moved violently.Immediately looking at the setting sun in the distance, he said, "Thank you for what happened today."


Hun Han nodded, and turned his head to glance at Yun Yun.The cloud rhyme illuminated by the setting sun is full of another kind of beauty.This kind of beauty is something that Gu Xun'er never possessed.The beauty of Yun Yun is the kind of mature beauty, which is beautiful and moving.

At this time, the memory of the previous Hunhan was ready to move.In this world, there is no concept of monogamy.

"Senior Sister, Senior Uncle sent me a letter." Hunhan said suddenly, the Uncle Senior in his mouth naturally meant Yunshan.

"Oh, what did the master say?" Yun Yun asked.

"Uncle Master wrote to say, let me take care of you!" Hun Han said.

"Oh." Yun Yun's cheeks flushed slightly.

"Uncle Master said that he asked me to take care of you as a lover?" Hun Han said.

Yun Yun's face turned redder.

"The uncle also said that you have fallen in love with me, and you just want to find me when you go out on a trip, so that you can stay by my side!" Hunhan said again.

"Master is talking nonsense, don't take it seriously!" Yun Yun's face was red like a ripe apple.

"Is it really just nonsense?" Hun Han asked seriously.

"Of course, I just want to improve my cultivation, so I went out to practice." Yun Yun's expression was flickering, and she prevaricated casually.

"Well, I think so too. I thought you liked me, Senior Sister. Just now, I have decided in my heart that if Senior Sister likes me, I will accept Senior Sister." Hunhan said seriously.

"I..." Yun Yun was in a hurry.

"Senior Sister, do you like me?" Hun Han asked.

"I..." Yun Yun's face turned redder.

"Forget it, Senior Sister, I'm teasing you. Uncle Senior must be thinking too much." Hun Han said again.

Yun Yun was really in a hurry.Clenched hands tightly.Don't look at her as the suzerain of Huazong, her thinking is very conservative.For a beautiful woman with traditional thinking like her, how could she say that kind of words!

"Senior Sister, I'm going back. Otherwise, Xun'er will think too much." After speaking, without waiting for Yun Yun to respond, with a thought, ripples rippled in the space, and the person disappeared on the edge of the cliff.

"Junior brother is really impatient!" Yun Yun glanced at her side, looking at the setting sun in the distance.He murmured to himself: "Brother, do you know that I like it!"

"Senior sister, who do you like?"

A voice suddenly sounded from behind, startling Yun Yun a lot.The frightened Yun Yun couldn't sit still for a while, and fell down the cliff.

When Yun Yun was still in shock, the figure behind her jumped towards the cliff in front of her, with one hand already wrapped around her waist.

"Master and brother!"

Yun Yun murmured, and the two slowly fell from the cliff.Before Yun Yun could explain, her red lips had already fallen!

Chapter 215 Ancient Dragon Island, Dragon Emperor, Zi Yan

"Master, is Master gone?"

On the top of Huazong Mountain, Nalan Yanran walked slowly to Yun Yun's side.

"En." Yun Yun nodded.

"Why is he walking in such a hurry?" Nalan Yanran asked with some reluctance.

"There is an urgent message from the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, it seems that Zi Yan has some problems!" Yun Yun replied.

"Oh." Nalan Yanran nodded.Immediately, he looked at the master Yun Yun beside him.

During the three days that Hunhan stayed in Huazong, Nalan Yanran already knew that her sweetheart was already with her master.It cannot be said that this was not a blow to her.

"Hey, this child Yanran." Yun Yun sighed.

It is better to know a son than a father, and to know a daughter than a teacher.

How could Yun Yun, as a woman, fail to see that Nalan Yanran fell in love with her uncle!

Yun Yun looked at the back of Hunhan going away, and murmured in her heart: I have suffered too much for you, a child, and met so many young heroes, but it is a pity that you only fell in love with your uncle.Even if I can accept it, can your uncle accept it?

"Gulong Island, here I come again!"

Hunhan looked down at an island in front of him.Strictly speaking, an island is not an island.The island is very large, larger than the territory of the Gamma Empire.

In the sky of the island, there is a light silver light.It is like an upside-down bowl, covering the island.It is really hard to imagine that there is such a place in this void.

"Senior Heiqing, how dare the other three dragon kings of Gulong Island make trouble again?" Hunhan asked suspiciously.

Today's Taixu Gulong has formed an alliance with the Soul Clan, Ancient Clan, Pill Tower, and Flower Sect, so how dare someone make trouble?Could it be that with the abilities of the other three Dragon Kings, there are still people who can surpass the Soul Clan and the Ancient Clan.

"Some time ago, people from Tianfu Alliance infiltrated Gulong Island." Hei Qing replied.

"Tianfu Alliance?" Hun Han wondered.

"Yes. Originally, the three dragon kings had agreed to follow Zi Yan as the new dragon king. As a result, the North Dragon King of the three dragon clans, under the instigation of the Tianfu Alliance, refused to honor Zi Yan as the Dragon King. As for the South Dragon King and West Dragon King , vacillating." Hei Qing replied.

"Northern Dragon King!" Hun Han thought in his heart.

In the original story line, the North Dragon King secretly collaborated with the enemy and devoured the West Dragon King and the South Dragon King.In the end, she was beheaded by Zi Yan.The Tianfu Alliance is not stupid, and plans to defeat them one by one.If they instigated the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, it would definitely weaken Hunhan's combat effectiveness.

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