"Qingluan, father will decide this matter."

The patriarch of the Qingluan tribe glanced around, these people were nothing but a mess.Now that the Tianfu Alliance is getting weaker and weaker, as the patriarch of the Qingluan clan, it is indeed inappropriate for him to break up with Yaochen and others at this time.However, the patriarch of the Qingluan clan is not stupid enough to put the entire Qingluan clan on it.

The Qingluan tribe is good, it has joined the Tianfu Alliance.It's just that it was the lobbying of Yaochen and others, plus some promises made by Yaochen and others, so they agreed to join the talent alliance.

"Everyone, I'm sorry! As for the benefits that the Qingluan clan has gained in the Tianfu Alliance these days, the patriarch will find a way to give equivalent items to compensate everyone." The patriarch of the Qingluan clan clasped his fists and said.

"No need. Everyone has their own aspirations. Since the Qingluan clan wants to withdraw, then let's quit. As for those pills, they will all be given to the Qingluan clan as gifts!" Yao Chen replied grandly.

Now that the matter has come to this, what else can Yaochen do!Could it be that the Qingluan clan was left behind by force.This is absolutely wrong!

"Who else wants to leave, you can just leave." Yaochen scanned the surroundings sharply.

Yao Chen really wanted to make an example, but it might be counterproductive.In the current situation, these forces can only be allowed to leave.

"Teacher!" Xiao Yan murmured.

If these forces are allowed to leave as they wish, what will the Tianfu Alliance have to contend with the Soul Race.

"Feel sorry!"

"Feel sorry!"

"Feel sorry!"

Huangquan Pavilion, Fenglei Pavilion, Qingluan Clan, Tianming Sect and other forces that had no deep hatred for the Soul Clan all left the hall with their fists clasped.The main hall, which had a large number of people, suddenly became very deserted and empty.

"Everyone, don't you quit?" Yao Chen's eyes fell on the others.

In today's main hall, there are only the Gold Devouring Rat Clan who originally inhabited the Tianmu Mountains, the cronies brought by Danta Xuanyi, the disciples of the Heavenly Snake Mansion, and the members of the Medicine Clan, there are no other forces.

"Hunhan, the young patriarch of the Soul Clan, made a big fuss about our Gold-devouring Rat Clan and drove our Gold-devouring Rat Clan out of the Tianmu Mountains. I must avenge this revenge!" Jin Shi Yinli, the patriarch of the Gold-devouring Rat Clan, said.

"Yao Chen, don't you know my heart?" Xuan Yi looked at Yao Chen affectionately.

Xuan Yi has always been in love with Yao Chen, so in the years when Yao Chen disappeared, he did not look for his other half.Xuanyi left the Pill Tower, gave up the glory and wealth of the Pill Tower, and followed Yaochen all the way through wandering, without complaint or regret.All this is because she loves Yaochen deeply.

Yaochen felt ashamed in his heart, he looked at Xuanyi just now, and immediately shifted his gaze to the disciples of the Heavenly Snake Mansion.

"Wherever the young master is going, I will go there!" Qinglin replied simply.

"En." Yao Chen nodded.

The young master Qing Lin mentioned naturally refers to Xiao Yan!

"Yao Chen, don't look at me. This is the Yao Clan, where can I go! You guys go!" the Yao Clan patriarch said coldly.

"Ugh!" Yao Chen thought in his heart.

"Patriarch!" Yao Xingji looked solemn, looking at the patriarch of the Yao clan in surprise.

"Xingji, I've made up my mind on this matter, so there's no need to talk about it. Yao Chen, you guys go. I, the Yao Clan, can't keep you!" the Yao Clan said coldly.


Yao Xingji frowned, and shouted: "Could it be that even you are afraid of the soul clan? Have you forgotten, who took my strange fire?"

"It's just a different fire. Our medicine clan has a lot of treasures. If the soul clan wants it, just say hello. You don't have to interfere with the affairs of the soul clan." The patriarch of the medicine clan's eyes fell on Yaochen. , said: "Yaochen, speaking of it, my medicine clan and the soul clan don't have much grievances."

The medicine clan and the soul clan, in fact, really don't have much grievances.The only grievance, that is, Yao Xingji's Jiuyou Fengyan was taken away by Hunhan.Other than that, the friction between the Soul Clan and the Medicine Clan were trivial matters.

As long as the Yao clan can let go of what happened to Yao Xingji, the Yao clan and the Soul clan will indeed have no grudges.Of course, if given the choice, the Yao Clan patriarch would definitely not be so cowardly.

With the current situation like this, the patriarch of the Yao clan is also very helpless.The Tianfu Alliance is now in vain, and the strength of the soul clan is far from being able to compete with these forces in the hall.

"Since you almost brought disaster to our Medicine Clan, I will apply to the Council of Elders again to remove your name, including your parents' mother, from my Medicine Clan's genealogy!" the Yao Clan patriarch said coldly.

For the sake of the Yao clan, the patriarch of the Yao clan must take these measures.From now on, draw a clear line with the drug dust.

"You..." Xiao Yan clenched his hands tightly. He knew how much effort his teacher, Yao Chen, had put into re-engraving the names of his parents on the family tree of the Yao family.

Now, it's just because of the soul race.Due to the pressure, he even wanted to drive Yaochen out of the Yao Clan again, and even erase the names of Yao Chen's parents on the Yao Clan's genealogy!

Yaochen remained silent, staring sharply at the leader of the Yao clan.

"Yao Chen, don't you want to go? I can chase you away once, but I can chase you away twice! Come and see off!" the Yao Clan patriarch said coldly.


Yao Chen felt very uncomfortable.For the Yao clan, she, Yaochen, was actually a guest from now on!

With the order of the Patriarch of the Yao Clan, many disciples poured in from outside the hall.Surround Yaochen and the others!

Yao Chen couldn't remember how he left the Yao Clan Hall.

"What shall we do now?"

It was not Xiao Yan who spoke, but Yao Xingji who followed up.

"Xingji, you can't follow me. What your father did is not wrong. He has to do it for the sake of the Yao clan. I need you to stay. You follow us away, it is far from the meaning of staying in the Yao clan Bigger." Yao Chen said earnestly.

"Okay." Yao Xing was extremely intelligent, and after a little thought, he understood the meaning of Yao Chen's words.

"Teacher, what should we do next?" Xiao Yan asked.

Yao Chen didn't answer immediately, but looked at Xiao Yan.For some reason, the scene of seeing Hunhan for the first time appeared in his mind.Back then, Hunhan asked him to make a choice, should he follow Hunhan, or insist on following Xiao Yan!

Because of Xiao Yan's mother, Yao Chen chose Xiao Yan.Xiao Yan's talent is extraordinary, he always thought that Xiao Yan was a lucky star with good luck.Every day after that, wherever Xiao Yan went, there was disaster.

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