The Tianfu Alliance seemed to have disintegrated recently, which made Yaochen couldn't help doubting it.Is the student he accepted a bad star?

"Things have become like this because the other party has another strong man with the soul of the emperor. If we want revenge, we can only let us give birth to a strong man with the soul of the emperor. Or break through to the emperor Realm!" Yao Chen said solemnly.

"Dou... Dou Di!" Xiao Yan thought in his heart.For nearly ten thousand years, no one has been able to step into such a level, can they do it?

"Well, let's go. Find a place to stay, and we'll discuss it in the long run!" Yao Chen let out a nonchalant tone, and now they are about to become homeless dogs again!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Ten days after Yao Chen left the Yao Clan, the Soul Clan was very lively.

In the beginning, it was Huangquan Pavilion, which entered the soul clan first, and begged the soul clan to accept their knees. From then on, it was willing to respect the soul clan and become a subsidiary force of the soul clan.

Emperor Huntian naturally agreed.The background of Huangquan Pavilion is far inferior to that of the Soul Clan, and even the Soul Palace, the external power of the Soul Clan.But it is at least one of the four pavilions. When necessary, Huangquan Pavilion can still be used as cannon fodder!

After Huangquan Pavilion became a subordinate force of the Soul Clan, Fenglei Pavilion and Tianmingzong followed closely behind.Emperor Huntian did not reject anyone who came, regardless of past suspicions, he accepted the attachment of Fenglei Pavilion and Tianmingzong.

In the words of Emperor Huntian, he doesn't have too much cannon fodder!

I saw Huangquan Pavilion, Fenglei Pavilion, and Tianmingzong successively attached to the soul clan.In the mainland of Zhongzhou, there is one hall, one pagoda, two sects, three valleys and four square pavilions.

Except for Huangquan Pavilion and Fenglei Pavilion, the Xingyun Pavilion of the original Sifang Pavilion was destroyed by Hun Han and the army of the Soul Palace.The Pavilion Master of the Five Poisons Pavilion who replaced him, the Little Doctor Immortal, was Hunhan's friend.That is to say, apart from the Ten Thousand Swords Pavilion, the Four Pavilions have become subsidiary forces of the Soul Clan.

In the Fenyan Valley among the three valleys, Hunhan used Qinglian's inner fire to trigger nearly a thousand volcanoes in the Fenyan Valley to erupt at the same time, causing Fenyan Valley to suffer a catastrophe.Strictly speaking, there are only Glacier Valley and Sound Valley left in Sangu today.

Yun Yun, the head of Huazong of the second sect, is Hunhan's senior sister.It is said that someone saw the two of them flirting with each other, and their relationship was very ambiguous.There were even rumors in Zhongzhou that the head of Huazong had been put to sleep by Hunhan.Huazong has long been in the pocket of the young patriarch of the soul clan.

Now with the addition of Tianmingzong who has surrendered, even the second sect has become the dependent force of the soul clan!

As for the soul hall in one hall and one tower, it is itself an external force of the soul clan.As for the holy place in the hearts of pharmacists - the Danta, the Danta has long been declared to the whole continent, and Hunhan has been the owner of the Danta for nearly a thousand years.

One hall, one pagoda, two sects, three valleys and four square pavilions in the mainland of Zhongzhou, except Wanjiang Pavilion, Glacier Valley and Yingu.As well as Fenyan Valley, whose vitality was severely injured, it can only be regarded as a second-rate force, and now it has all become affiliated forces of the Soul Clan.

The Zhongzhou Continent seemed to have become the private property of the Soul Clan overnight.This made Wanjiange, Glacier Valley and Yingu have to be anxious.If the Soul Race has the ambition to dominate the world, it will be a disaster for their three sects.

Therefore, after they got the news, Wanjiange, Glacier Valley and Yingu rushed to the Soul Clan with big gifts, expressing their willingness to submit to the Soul Clan and become a subsidiary force of the Soul Clan.

Emperor Huntian naturally accepted all of these three forces.Being able to control Zhongzhou Continent without bloodshed is not a bad thing for the Soul Race.

After the matter simmered for a few days, not only the forces in Zhongzhou Mainland, but also the Stone, Spirit, and Medicine tribes that had joined the Tianfu Alliance were already restless.They didn't forget that apart from the first hall, one pagoda, two sects, three valleys and four square pavilions, even the ancient clans of the eight ancient clans had a marriage relationship with the soul clan.In other words, the strength possessed by the Soul Clan has already threatened the existence of the Thunder Clan, Yan Clan, Medicine Clan, Stone Clan, and Spirit Clan among the eight ancient Clans.Especially the weakest Stone Race and Spirit Race.

Following these forces, the Patriarchs of the Stone Clan and the Spirit Clan came to the Soul Clan in person.Of course, this time they didn't bow their heads and bow their heads. After all, they belonged to the eight ancient tribes.They came to marry the soul race.They voluntarily asked to betroth their respective jewels to Emperor Huntian.

This decision was naturally rejected by Emperor Huntian.Thus, the key person in the marriage became Hunhan, the young patriarch of the Soul Clan.

Hun Han knew exactly what Emperor Hun wanted to do in his heart!The cultivation base has stayed at the peak of the Nine-Star Fighting Saint for a long time, and Emperor Huntian has become impatient with waiting.Hunhan tactfully expressed what Emperor Huntian was thinking.

At that time, the Patriarchs of the Stone Clan and the Spirit Clan looked very troubled.Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade is the most precious treasure. It is rumored that in the cave left by the last Emperor Dou, there is a treasure that can be promoted to Emperor Dou.Once Emperor Huntian got that thing, there would really be nothing in the whole continent that could restrain and counterbalance the Emperor Huntian.

After thinking about it again and again, the patriarch of the spirit clan still took the initiative to hand over the fragments of the Tuoshe ancient jade to Emperor Huntian.As for the Patriarch of the Stone Clan, he left the Soul Clan arrogantly.

As a result, under the mobilization of Emperor Huntian, the army of the Soul Clan and the Ancient Clan drove straight in and attacked the Stone Clan.Destroyed the Shi clan, forcibly seized the fragments of Tuoshe ancient jade kept by the Shi clan.

The Shi Clan suffered annihilation, and the Lei Clan, Yan Clan, and Yao Clan were hesitant and wanted to form an alliance.It's just that the three forces clearly know that with the joint efforts of Gu Yuan, the patriarch of the ancient clan, and Hun Tiandi, the patriarch of the soul clan, and the two remaining superpowers on this continent, even if they have their own guardians The big formation is definitely not the opponent's opponent.

Reluctantly, the three major races of Lei Clan, Yan Clan, and Yao Clan voluntarily handed over the fragments of Tuoshe Ancient Jade that they kept in their respective custody.

The Fallen Peak, located on the periphery of the Tiangang Hall of the Soul Hall, is a natural barrier for the Tiangang Hall of the Soul Hall.

Rumor has it that in ancient times, there were three Dou Emperors here, and hundreds of Dou Sheng powerhouses fell here.This is where the name Fallen comes from.Here you can see the traces of many strong battles.

Due to the fall of a Doudi-level powerhouse here, the vegetation here is very lush, and monsters are rampant.If there is no map and a strong person to lead the way, it will never be possible to get out of here.

"Hun Mie Sheng, there used to be Dou Di powerhouses who fell here, and you can fall here without burying your identity as the master of the Soul Palace!" Hun Han was suspended in midair, looking at a man in front of him with a smile.

The man was wearing a black brocade suit, and his eyes were evil.Beside him, there are three or four fighters who can also step into the void.Hunhan knew that they were all the Celestials of the Soul Palace.The status is second only to the deputy hall master and hall master of the soul hall.It's just that the few Celestial Venerables who used to be glorious in the past are now pale and have many scars on their bodies.Apparently there's been a big fight.

"Young patriarch, I don't accept it. Even if you want to kill me, you have to let me know." The master of the soul hall, Hun Miesheng, was suspended on the peak of the fall, looking sharply at Hunhan.

"Not convinced. Alright, I'll convince you!" Hunhan touched the ring with his hand, and ejected a piece of guilt to Hun Miesheng's face.

Hun Miesheng took over the crime and briefly reviewed it.His complexion changed drastically.It contains some of the mistakes he made as the master of the Soul Palace.Each of these crimes can put him to death.

"Are you convicted now?" Hun Han asked with a smile.

"Young patriarch, from now on, I am willing to be your person. I only hope that you save my life. The reason why you want to kill me is only because of Mrs. Eighteen!" Hun Miesheng said solemnly.

Madam Eighteen, the mother of Hunfeng.He is also the one who has been truly loyal to Hun Miesheng all along!

"A mistake is a mistake. Accept the punishment!" With a thought in his heart, Hun Han launched an attack instantly.A pair of huge hands appeared around Hun Mie Sheng.

Following Hunhan's fist, he squeezed his palms tightly.The huge invisible giant hand also grabbed it fiercely.Those who will destroy Sheng and others will be caught and killed directly.


The scene in front of him changed the face of Tianzun in Soul Palace.

"Swear allegiance to the young patriarch!"

I don't know who was the first to bow to Hunhan first, and the others followed suit.

"Swear allegiance to the young patriarch!"

A loud voice sounded on this fallen peak.

Although Hun Miesheng has a soul in the Dzogchen realm, he is vulnerable to the coldness of the emperor's soul!

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