-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Wild Town, a human city that is closest to the ancient wilderness.Because this place is too close to the wild ancient land, there are not many residents living here.Most of them drink blood like fur, and often feed on wild beasts and spiritual things on the edge of the wild ancient land, making the residents here look like rainbows of blood and strength.

The wild ancient land is rumored to be a large forest left behind during the wild period when the world was first opened.Rumor has it that this place was originally covered by a space barrier.In the early days of ancient times, the barrier here suddenly and mysteriously disappeared.In addition, there are many prehistoric alien species here, allowing it to avoid the turmoil on each continent.The cap survived intact.

Dou Qi Continent entered the ancient times, and Dou Di already existed in legends.With the decline of martial arts, there are not many strong fighters.In addition, there are prehistoric remnants here, and some remnants have rare violent bloodlines, so even if this place is born, no one is willing to set foot here.That's why this barren ancient domain has been preserved to this day.

"Brother Hunhan, when will we enter the ancient wilderness?" Gu Xun'er asked the young man in blue clothes beside him.In Gu Xun'er's heart, she had already habitually obeyed the orders of the man beside her.

"How about we wait for these people to enter first?" The little doctor suggested.His eyes scanned the many fighters in Wild Town.

Because of the sharing of news, the number of fighters attracted by the ancient Bodhi tree reached one million.There are more fighters on their way.

It is roughly estimated that more than [-] million people will be attracted by the ancient Bodhi tree this time.It is worth mentioning that among those attracted, even those with the weakest strength have greatly improved the Dou Huang's realm.

"Hunhan, I've already gone to inquire about the news. There were several groups of fighters who entered the wild ancient domain before. Among them, there were no strong fighters at the level of Dou Zun, and I heard that there was also a strong fighter at the level of Dou Sheng who was a hidden sect. They are all dead!" Queen Medusa went and returned.Maybe even Queen Medusa didn't realize that her majestic reputation in the past shocked Her Majesty the Queen of the big and small empires around the Tagore Desert, and she would actually be a human being as a starting errand.

Of course, Queen Medusa didn't think much about it.Soul cold people are nice, especially to those around them.Although his Queen Medusa is mighty in the Tagore Desert, she is just an ant in Zhongzhou Continent.

Leaving aside the friendship with Hun Han, Queen Medusa's snake-human tribe must have a strong backer if they want to survive in Zhongzhou Continent.Moreover, Queen Medusa, as Her Majesty, has a very sensitive nerve to the current situation.Her intuition told Queen Medusa that the Dou Qi Continent was about to change.

Before the mainland is about to reshuffle, how to win greater interests for the snake-human race is what Queen Medusa should care about.

"Yeah." Soul Han nodded.

"Young patriarch, should we wait for others and enter behind them?" A woman beside Gu Xun'er asked Hunhan aloud.

The woman was wearing a colorful short skirt, and the colorful skirt was fluttering. Looking from a distance, she revealed an undisguised noble temperament. Her cheeks were slightly thin, and her perfect oval face, coupled with those pair of purple-brown gemstone eyes, was beautiful and elegant. holy.Among the colorful skirts fluttering, a pair of white shorts can be vaguely seen under the skirt.Its temperament and beauty are both top choices, even Xiao Yan praises Zhansheng in his heart.

She is Feng Qing'er, the young master of the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan and now the Fenglei Pavilion!

The Dragon Emperor of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan is Zi Yan's junior sister, and the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan and the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan have deep grievances.Originally, Hunhan didn't want to agree to the surrender of Fenglei Pavilion and the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan.It's just that, with his extraordinary status, he can no longer act rashly.If he doesn't accept it, without any reason, it will only bring him adverse effects.It will greatly affect those forces that originally wanted to surrender to his soul cold, but in the end they did not dare to surrender because of this matter.

"No, we have gathered almost all the forces in the Central Plains. They are also a part of our world. We must reduce the casualties among them to the lowest level. Qing'er, let me know. Tomorrow we will enter the barbaric ancient world. Domain. Those who want to enter the Wild Ancient Domain can follow behind us!" Hun Han rejected Feng Qing'er's proposal.

"Yes." Feng Qing'er nodded.No matter how arrogant she was in the past, she dared not put on airs in front of the young patriarch of the Soul Clan.

Although the young man in front of him is of the same age as her.It's just that the young man in blue clothes in front of him is already a terrifying powerhouse who has reached the realm of a six-star fighting saint, while she, Feng Qing'er, is only a half-sage now.In addition, the soul state of the young man in front of him has reached the terrifying emperor state.

"Tang Ying, Wang Chen, Mu Qingluan." Hun Han called the names of three people in succession.

"Young patriarch!"

"Young patriarch!"

"Young patriarch!"


Tang Ying from Wanjiang Pavilion, Wang Chen from Huangquan Pavilion, Yuan Xingyu Pavilion, and now Mu Qingluan, the young patriarch of the Qingluan Clan, all stood in front of Hunhan.Waiting for Hunhan's order.

The three of them, together with Feng Qing'er, were called the Four Great Young Talents of the original Sifang Pavilion.Now that their respective forces have surrendered to the Soul Clan, the three of them will naturally be led by the Soul Clan.

Especially for Mu Qingluan, even if the Xingyu Pavilion was destroyed, her teacher, Venerable Feng Xianfeng, died at the hands of the Hall of Souls.At this moment, she didn't dare to have the slightest hostility in her heart.

When Mu Qingluan came out, her father seriously told her to behave well and make contributions.The situation on the continent is about to change.And let her remember that she must never be hostile to the soul race.

Today's soul clan has many soldiers and generals, and can cover the sky with one hand.Although the Qingluan clan is the third-ranked race in the world of Warcraft, if the soul clan wants to destroy them, it is as simple as crushing an ant.

"You three also go to help." Hun Han ordered.





Tang Ying, Wang Chen, and Mu Qingluan nodded one after another, and headed in the direction Feng Qinger left.

"Everyone should leave. Tomorrow morning, we will gather here again!" Hunhan said casually.

"Little master, Queen Medusa has obtained information that tomorrow there will be a team of fighters entering the wild ancient domain, why don't you wait for them to enter before entering?"

Hun Han was sitting by the window, Qin Lan's voice rang in his ears, and there was a ripple in the space around Hun Han's body, and Qin Lan's body came out of the void.

"They are also part of the Douqi Continent. Now the top ten forces in the Zhongzhou Continent have all surrendered to our Soul Clan. The greater a person's ability, the greater the responsibility. I have to protect their safety." Hunhan said lightly .

"Little master, you have grown up!" Qin Lan looked at Hun Han with relief.

"someone is coming!"

As soon as Qin Lan finished speaking, she disappeared into Hunhan's room again.

"Xun'er!" Hun Han thought, looking at the latter in surprise.

The latter's hair was wet and his clothes were thin.At this night, with the help of the light from the moonstone, one can see the snow-white skin around the neck.In this silent night, it is really hard not to think about it.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Xun'er, it's so late, do you have anything to do with me?" Hun Han asked curiously.

A ray of cool wind blows, and Hunhan can even smell the faint fragrance of Xun'er's body.

"Brother Hunhan, is that person in the room just now Aunt Qin?" Gu Xun'er asked.

"Yeah." Soul Han nodded.

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