Feng Xiaotian knew that it was absolutely impossible for Qian Renxue to fight against him, so he deliberately said, "Would you like to compete now?"

"Let's forget it, as long as we don't compete, the bet won't count." Qian Renxue laughed.

"The dignified eldest prince is still acting helpless. Could it be that you are a woman?" Feng Xiaotian said.

"What kind of girl, you are the girl." Qian Renxue said a little unhappy.

"Look, I'm still in a hurry, is it true?" Feng Xiaotian said in a joking manner.

At this moment, Feng Xiaotian felt a strong murderous aura.Seeing Qian Renxue wave her hand, the murderous aura disappeared again.

"You are the first one who dares to joke with me like this." Qian Renxue laughed.

Feng Xiaotian just wanted to say that brother wasn't joking, what he said was true, but he couldn't say that.

"What's the purpose of looking for me this time?" Feng Xiaotian put away his joking gesture just now, and said seriously, Qian Renxue just came to chat with him.

"Then let me just say it directly. I want to ask your parents to come to the imperial capital to help me." Qian Renxue said.

Now she can say that she is absolutely sure of the crown prince, but she still lacks some real masters with positive backgrounds around her.

Feng Xiaotian's parents are fine, one Contra and one Soul Sage.

Coupled with the fact that the martial soul fusion skill exerts a power comparable to that of an ordinary titled Douluo, this is helpful for her ascension and the consolidation of her status after ascension.

"Your Highness, it seems that this is not possible. Mom and Dad have returned to the academy to take over important positions, so they cannot come to Tiandou City." Feng Xiaotian replied.

How could he let his parents take orders directly from Qian Renxue? This is impossible, and besides, he agreed to be a guest three years ago.

"It's because I'm not sincere enough, it seems that I have to invite them in person." Qian Renxue said.

The words have already been said for this sake, Feng Xiaotian can only clarify the words.

"Actually, you really don't need to invite them, they won't agree." Feng Xiaotian said.

Qian Renxue smiled and said: "Why don't you know if you don't try? I have decided, I want to go to Kamikaze City with you, you take me to meet your parents, even if it doesn't work, just treat it as if I were traveling with you Take it easy, this will never reject me."

It's all said that this is up, if you refuse again, you will really lose face.

At least on the surface she is still the eldest prince Xue Qinghe of the Heaven Dou Empire, so Feng Xiaotian had no choice but to agree to Qian Renxue's request.

Chapter 114 I Was Really Targeted

They agreed with Qian Renxue to meet at the gate of Tiandou City after noon and set off together.

After leaving, Feng Xiaotian was also thinking, Qian Renxue really has her eyes on their family, it seems that even she will not let her go.

Thinking carefully about Qian Renxue's current situation, it is not difficult to find that he really needs the assistance of masters like his parents, and none of the masters above the Contra level of the Wuhun Palace are not long-established figures.

How could those people be sent to join the First Prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, so Qian Renxue needs to find masters and young people with potential in the territory of the Heaven Dou Empire.

And both Feng Xiaotian and his parents are suitable for this, this may be the reason why Qian Renxue recruited them.

The idea that Qian Renxue likes her is completely nonsense, at least it is not possible now, but it is not impossible.

After going back, Dugu Bo also asked him about some of the previous situation, and didn't say much, just let Feng Xiaotian pay attention.

At noon, Feng Xiaotian and Zi Linger also embarked on their way home. Not far from the city gate, Feng Xiaotian met Qian Renxue again. Along with her were not only Charlie, but also Qin Feng and Qin Feng. Yu two.

It seems that this is to build a relationship with the father.

Qin Feng and Qin Yu saw Feng Xiaotian approaching, and beside him was a beautiful girl of similar age, and said with a smile, "Xiaotian, is this your girlfriend?"

"No, don't get me wrong."

"Uncle, Uncle, let me introduce you, this is my younger sister, Zi Ling'er, who is also the new daughter of my parents this month." Feng Xiaotian introduced.

"Hello, uncles." Zi Ling'er stood beside Feng Xiaotian and shouted, maybe she blushed a little after hearing what the two said just now.

"Not bad, very discerning." Qin Yu said first.

"Xiaotian, why don't you introduce me?" Qian Renxue walked over and said.

"This is the eldest prince of the Heaven Dou Empire." Feng Xiaotian introduced.

"What about the eldest prince, just call me brother Qinghe." Qian Renxue said with a smile.

"Let's hurry up. The journey is nearly [-] kilometers, and we will try to reach the next foothold in the evening, otherwise we will have to sleep in the wild at night." Feng Xiaotian said.

The clothes Qian Renxue wears today are very ordinary, not very expensive, and there are not many people with her. Apart from Charlie, there are only two uncles, Feng Xiaotian.

A carriage, two horses, and a group of six people left Tiandou City and headed for Kamikaze City.

This time Feng Xiaotian finally stopped driving the car, because of his status at home, Feng Xiaotian only had the role of driving the car, so here naturally it was Charlie, the soul sage, who was going to drive the car.

Feng Xiaotian, Zi Ling'er and Qian Renxue naturally only stayed in the carriage, while Qin Feng and Qin Yu rode horses one behind the other to guard them.

Qian Renxue was basically bored in the palace, laying the groundwork for her future position. She had been thinking about it for a long time when she came out this time, and seeing the scenery outside the carriage was extremely comfortable.

"It's so boring, Brother Xiaotian, come and tell us a story." Zi Ling'er suggested, did he know that Feng Xiaotian had many good stories there.

"Xiaotian can tell stories? Tell me too?" Qian Renxue also asked curiously. For her, listening to stories is simply a luxury.

"Okay, I'll tell you a fairy tale about a white snake." Feng Xiaotian adapted the legend of the white snake.

Feng Xiaotian adapted it on the spot, describing the White Snake as a soul beast that has transformed for [-] years, while Fa Hai is a titled Douluo.

The ending of the final story also becomes which titled Douluo the protagonist has defeated and is with the White Snake.

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