Unexpectedly, his random adaptation turned out to be a good story.

Qian Renxue heard nothing, but Zi Ling'er was different, she blushed like an apple.

"Your story is very ordinary, change it again." Qian Renxue said, if she did it according to her, the hundred thousand year soul beast would kill the soul-snatching ring and explode the soul bone.

"Okay, I will retell another story, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, both of them are students of Advanced Soul Master Academy"

Feng Xiaotian adapted the story in the same way, incorporating the elements of this world. It is impossible for a real story to fit this world.

It's just that the story setting has been changed a bit, which is more in line with this world.

After hearing the story behind, Qian Renxue's expression changed drastically.

Even though she hid it well, Feng Xiaotian also observed it.

After the story was finished, Zi Linger seemed to be still reminiscing about the previous story.

But Qian Renxue was in a complicated mood.

Seeing that neither of them spoke, Feng Xiaotian just looked out of the window by himself, these two stories of his are really very directional.

One corresponds to Zi Ling'er, and the other corresponds to Qian Renxue's female companion's men's clothing.

Then he brought himself into being the protagonist in the book.

"Brother Xiaotian, what did the story mean just now? Are you giving me a hint?" Zi Linger thought to herself.

"Then pretending to be a man, did you discover my identity?" Qian Renxue was shocked, a coincidence, appeared in Feng Xiaotian's mouth twice or three times, did she really find out?

She knew that Feng Xiaotian obtained the [-]-year-old head spirit bone, could it be that he really has special skills to see me?

The first time I said it when Feng Xiaotian hugged her when she was nine years old, I also said it when we met in the morning, and today's story is the same.

Qian Renxue was a little tangled in her heart. It was related to her mission, the future development of Wuhun Hall, and how she should choose.

There are two ways, either to completely turn the person in front of him into one of his own, or to die.

Feng Xiaotian didn't know why he wanted to tell these two stories. When he saw Zi Ling'er and Qian Renxue, it seemed that these two stories were the only ones he could think of. I can't afford to scrutinize.

The journey was much quieter. Five hours later, they had traveled more than [-] kilometers and arrived at a small town smoothly.

At this point in time, it was a bit late to arrive at Kamikaze City, so they decided to rest in this small town for one night and set off the next day.

After checking into the hotel, Qian Renxue immediately called Charlie over.

"Charlie, what should I do if Feng Xiaotian finds out my real identity?" Qian Renxue asked.

"Young master, it's impossible, but you have the hidden identity of the spirit bone skill, how could he see it." Charlie replied.

"Don't forget, Poison Douluo gave this kid an [-]-year-old head spirit bone, so he is really willing."

"What exactly is his soul bone skill? Feng Xiaotian has a lot of secrets, and special skills are emerging one after another. It is very likely that he has seen through my identity, and it was three years ago. I suspect that we saw it when we first met. My identity." Qian Renxue analyzed.

"How is it possible? At that time, Feng Xiao was only nine years old, and he had such an ability?" Charlie was puzzled.

"I don't know either. I need to test it out recently. Let Grandpa know that Douluo Palace will send two titled Douluo masters. It may be useful." Qian Renxue said.

"Two Titled Douluo, young master, do you want it?" Charlie made a gesture of wiping his neck with his hand.

"Go and inform. My plan must be kept secret, and there must be no risk of it being leaked." Qian Renxue said with a ruthless face.

"Feng Xiaotian, I hope you make the right choice, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

Chapter 115 Night talk, showdown

Qian Renxue thought about it again, and notified her grandfather to send people from Douluo Palace before finding out the facts, as if she seemed too incompetent.

Charlie just walked to the door of the room, only to hear Qian Renxue's order.

"Wait a minute, don't tell me yet, all of this may be a coincidence, let me try again." Qian Renxue said.

"Yes, Your Highness," Charlie replied.

At this moment, Feng Xiaotian and Zi Linger are also looking at their respective rooms, Feng Xiaotian always feels that there is something wrong with the two stories he told today, and it's okay to tell the first story.

But the second story is really a bit targeted, could Qian Renxue already suspect me?

Could it be that there will be a showdown directly, and it is clear.

Qian Renxue is not an ordinary person, she is ruthless, but she is ruthless, she is only twelve years old now, about the same age as herself.

Even at dinner time, Qian Renxue didn't dine with them, and Charlie didn't show up either.

Feng Xiaotian also became more and more worried, and also blamed himself for being cheap, didn't he absorb the skull that increased his intelligence?And make yourself stupid?

Returning to the room after dinner, Zi Linger kept looking at Feng Xiaotian with a heavy expression on her face, and asked worriedly, "Brother Xiaotian, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I made up the story this afternoon, don't mind." Feng Xiaotian said.

Zi Ling'er smiled and said, "I know, isn't the conclusion of brother Xiaotian's story finally protecting the white snake?"

From Zi Linger's point of view, Feng Xiaotian told her this story, which meant that even if there was a Title Douluo who wanted to kill him, he would come out to protect him.

This is a story of expressing one's own determination.

"It can be understood in this way, it's getting late, you should go back to your room to rest." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Well, brother Xiaotian, you have to tell me in advance if you have anything to do." Zi Ling'er said.

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