"Everyone, Bai Xuan and Luo Feng Luo Qiang, it's up to you." Tie Long said.

At this moment, the fighting spirit of the four of them was completely aroused.

Ning Baixuan's first soul ring lit up, and he was also chanting a mantra, a contract of force, which was instantly blessed on Tie Long, and Tie Long also used the first soul skill again, increasing his own strength.

After the iron dragon's strength increased, and under the blessing of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, its strength increased by another [-]%, and Ning Baixuan's second soul ability was activated again.

At the second speed, Ning Baixuan applied this soul skill to the three people in front, and the speed also increased by [-]%.

Feng Xiaotian also knew that he should attack Ning Baixuan, the support of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda.

But just when he was about to make a move, the control effects of Luo Feng and Luo Qiang were revealed.

The sky green vines flying all over the sky are entwined towards Feng Xiaotian. Luo Feng's sky green vines are cyan vines, and Luo Qiang's vines are turquoise with a hint of blood red, which is completely different from Luo Feng's color. It is a mutated martial soul.

But what they met was Feng Xiaotian, Feng Xiaotian whose wind element still had the cutting attribute, it had no effect at all.

When the two thought they wanted to control Feng Xiaotian, the iron dragon also started to act. As long as they were controlled by the two, Feng Xiaotian would become his living target.

At the same time, Feng Xiaotian's only yellow soul ring lit up, and several wind blades were issued from both hands.

Under the cutting of the wind blade, the sky green vines near Feng Xiaotian were broken into small sections under the cutting of the wind blade.

The wind element is the most restraint of the control effect of this kind of plant vine martial spirit, and it is the same with Feng Xiaotian in the original book, Tang San's control ability is useless here at Feng Xiaotian.

All were destroyed by Feng Xiaotian's wind blade, even the mutated version of the fourth soul ability, Blue Silver Spike Formation, was the same, except that the fourth soul ability was used that time.

If Luo Feng and Luo Qiang's control is destroyed, the attack tactics of the four will be in vain. After all, their tactics are aimed at control, and Tie Long is not stupid, and did not attack rashly.

"Brother, that's the only way to go." Luo Qiang said.

"Okay, our second soul skill may not be useful to him." Luo Feng replied, to deal with a soul master of the soul sect level, it is better to restrain their wind soul masters, and the strongest control ability must be used.

After the two finished speaking, they stood shoulder to shoulder.

The two hands with martial souls were put together, and at the same time their soul rings lit up again.

What soul skill is this?Feng Xiaotian was a little puzzled, it seemed that it was not a martial soul fusion skill.

At the same time Feng Xiaotian was thinking, the Sky Ivy Spirit and Sky Green Demon Vine Spirit of the two were entangled together, like twisting a hemp rope, from one strand to two strands.

After turning into two strands, the one on the vine looks even more coquettish, it should not be as simple as one plus one.

This does not seem to be a martial soul fusion skill, it should be the second use of the two martial souls, it is the prototype of the martial soul fusion skill, and this is the first time I have seen a plant-based martial soul fusion skill.

The two are truly geniuses, and the Kamikaze Academy is about to find a treasure.

Chapter 133 Strongest Control and Attack

It's the first time Feng Xiaotian has seen that the martial spirit of the plant system has such a magical effect, and it doesn't seem to have been mentioned even in the original book.

Most of them are the magical effects of animal spirits, and there are too few plant spirits that can perform like this.

The two martial souls have not been combined into one, maybe because the degree of fit is not enough, but they can already be applied as a skill.

Under the action of the soul power of the two, the intertwined skygreen vines attacked Feng Xiaotian again.

Still the same, Feng Xiaotian continued to send out wind blades, this soul skill is also the best way to solve the problem of vines controlling martial souls.

When the wind blade and these two vines were on the ground, it was obvious that the cutting effect of his wind blade had been reduced. The vines that could have been cut off in an instant, unexpectedly cut off the azure vines of the two of them after the wind blade acted on them for a few seconds. cut off.

The toughness of the vines seems to have increased by more than two times. Although the wind blade issued by Feng Xiaotian can cut some of the vines, a large number of vines still go around.

Entangling Feng Xiaotian, the whole body is entangled by the sky green vines of the twin brothers. Generally speaking, the martial soul fusion skill can be improved by a maximum level.

This of these two brothers can only be regarded as the embryonic form of the martial soul fusion technique, and the soul skills of these two brothers are definitely enough to deal with ordinary soul masters.

But what they were dealing with was Feng Xiaotian, a forty-three level soul sect, and not just an ordinary soul sect.

While entangled Feng Xiaotian, it was also the best time for Tielong to attack, Tielong unexpectedly jumped high, and the two soul rings lit up again.

Luo Feng and Luo Qiang actually entangled the iron dragon at this moment, Feng Xiaotian was also very puzzled, what kind of coordination is this?

At this moment, it seems that it is still difficult to deal with these four geniuses only by relying on the first soul ability, Feng Xiaotian's two soul rings also light up at the same time, the second soul ability is activated, and the two wolves possess him.

Physical strength, attack, defense, and speed all increased by [-]% at the same time, this is the benefit of his second spirit ring, which also benefited from the mutant martial spirit Gale Wind Two-headed Wolf.

The general assault system can only increase strength, attack and defense at most, and will definitely not increase speed.

Although the strength has been improved, Feng Xiaotian's body shape is still the same, there is no change in muscle swelling and body shape, it is a perfect combination of strength and speed.

After completing the second soul skill, Feng Xiaotian used the first soul skill again, and the wind blades shot out from between his hands, continuously cutting the vines of the Ivy on this day.

But the two of them knew that Feng Xiaotian would do this, as soon as Feng Xiaotian destroyed a part of the vines, another part of the vines would grow.

The combination of these two brothers' martial souls really has terrifying control power. As long as they are used well in the future, they will be really difficult to deal with.

It can be said that it has the ability to control the entire audience, especially the Sky Green Demon Vine. Its toughness is 50% stronger than ordinary Sky Green Vine. Judging from the time and degree of wind blade damage, the mutation The Azure Demon Vine is particularly powerful.

At the same time, the iron dragon was about five or six meters above the ground, and the two brothers' sky green vines seemed to be using their own power to forcefully send the iron dragon towards Feng Xiaotian from the air.

At the same time, Iron Dragon's second soul ability, Iron Dragon's back, attacked him. This attack was a coordinated attack, and the two brothers controlled it first.

Accelerating with the help of the Azure Vine, and then landing from a high place, the inertia of the body will also increase the attack power, and the upper itself is also a powerful attack.

With the strength and speed of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda increased by [-]%, Tielong used Tielong's attack to the extreme.

Although Tie Long is only a twenty-seventh-level great soul master at this moment, it seems that his attack power is not weaker than ordinary soul masters.

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