The speed at which the wind blade cut and destroyed the sky green vine was a bit slow. If it was not resolved as soon as possible, it would have to be passively hit by the iron dragon.

Feng Xiaotian's whole body burst out with strength, and the [-]% strength bonus was displayed instantly.

With a low growl, a sound like a rope splitting was heard, and the sky green vines that bound Feng Xiaotian's body all snapped in an instant.

This is the principle of breaking ten thousand spells with one force, brothers Luo Feng and Luo Qiang did not expect that their strongest attack would be broken by Feng Xiaotian in this way.

Facing Tie Long's attack, Feng Xiaotian was not ready to dodge, he clenched his fist and punched Tie Long on the back, this punch was powerful and heavy.

Although Tie Long used various methods to bring out his second soul ability to its maximum power, what he was facing was the [-]% bonus of Kuang Feng Xiao Tian's power.

The power and attack of Feng Xiaotian's blow are far greater than that of Iron Dragon, the collision of the two forces.

There was only a bang sound, hitting Tie Long's back, Feng Xiaotian felt as if he was hitting iron.

Tie Long was thrown out again by Feng Xiaotian, this time it was more important, while flying out, he was caught by Luo Feng and Luo Qiang brothers with sky green vines and then slowly released his strength.

In fact, it took Feng Xiaotian only ten seconds to defeat them. He first killed the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, then killed the two from the control department, and finally dealt with the attack department's soul master.

But Feng Xiaotian has already taken a fancy to these people, and will give them the highest score, and at the same time pay attention to the time on the sidelines.

Half a stick of incense time is not so easy to pass, and now they have survived at most a dozen tricks, and they have already scored three points. There is no problem that three of them should be enrolled.

But for Ning Baixuan of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, it was a bit difficult. He only got [-] points in the first two tests, and with these three points, it was [-] points.

The future team of the genius class also needs such an auxiliary soul master.

If these four people confront Tang San in the future, who can win?Twelve years later, these people are all less than twenty-five years old. If they are well cultivated, they may reach the level of soul kings even if they do not have immortal grades.

Feng Xiaotian was looking forward to it, he couldn't participate in Tang San's advanced soul master competition, but he could let these people go, and he didn't know if there would be any Shrek Seven Monsters at that time.

His enrollment will undoubtedly cut off Shrek's way of life, but Feng Xiaotian also hopes that the future genius class will defeat Shrek, wouldn't it be more challenging.

What Feng Xiaotian didn't expect was that at this moment Shrek had already closed the gate of the academy and was heading towards Tiandou City.

Originally, Feng Xiaotian wanted to give them some chances, but these four people suddenly put away their martial souls.

I only heard Tie Long say: "We are defeated."

After all, these four people have already displayed their strongest attack and control, but they still have nothing to do with Feng Xiaotian. If they continue to fight, they will only be abused. After all, they still have their own pride.

Taking the initiative to admit defeat, Feng Xiaotian didn't expect such a result, and thought of entrusting them with half a stick of incense time.

"You guys have survived ten tricks, and you can get three points. There shouldn't be any big problem entering the genius class." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Do you think we still have a chance to enter?" The four asked at the same time.

Feng Xiaotian nodded and said: "Of course, you are also geniuses, of course you can enter the genius class. It's just Baixuan, your score is relatively low, the other three are basically fine, you only have [-] points, if you have It will be difficult if twenty people are higher than you, just wait patiently for the result."

Chapter 134 Ranking, Ning Rongrong's Brother

While talking, everyone's total score and rankings have been displayed on the big screen in the combat classroom.

And it was Teacher Yunlan who was on the sidelines to do this.

Kamikaze Special Talent Class Enrollment Test Ranking:

First place, Zi Linger: 46 points

Second place, Dugu Yan: 39 points

Third place, Iron Dragon: 38 points

Fourth place, Luo Qiang: 37 points

Fifth place, Huang Yunxi: 36 points

Fifth place, Luo Feng: 36 points

Sixth place, Ning Baixuan: 35 points

Seventh place, Wang Lin: 34 points

Seventh place, Du Qingqing: 34 points

A total of nine people have reached the minimum score for admission.

Tie Long and the others also saw the above scores, especially Zi Linger's high score of 46 points was particularly dazzling.

Looking at their peer Feng Xiaotian who was testing them, he suddenly realized that his own pride didn't seem to be enough here at Shenfeng Academy.

"You can go to the lounge next to it, or you can leave. After four days, the final admission will be announced at the entrance of the college." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Thank you, are you also a member of the genius class?" Ning Baixuan asked.

Feng Xiaotian himself didn't think clearly about his identity in the genius class, teacher?College?Or other identities, he didn't think about it clearly.

"It doesn't count, but geniuses, our genius class welcomes you." Feng Xiaotian said.

"I understand, I hope I can be within the range of twenty." Ning Baixuan said.

After all, the enrollment has not passed for a morning, and he is already ranked sixth, so the enrollment will continue for another four days.

"Baixuan, are you a member of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School? Isn't your father the Ning Sect Master of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School?" Feng Xiaotian asked curiously.

"Yes, I also sneaked out this time. If I can't join your academy, maybe I will go back to the sect." Ning Baixuan sighed.

"Don't worry, you still have a chance." Feng Xiaotian said, this turned out to be Ning Rongrong's elder brother.

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