Just after two soul fights, a middle-aged man from Feng Jianzong came to Han Donglai's box.

"My lord, my suzerain is here to invite you." The middle-aged man seemed very respectful, and he did not lose his etiquette at all.

"I see, take me there." Han Donglai said, the suzerain of the Fengjianzong is an eighty-eighth-level Contra powerhouse, and he must give it to him.

Not long after Han Donglai left the house, he met another Yang Wudi from the Soul Fighting Stage. It seemed that he was also invited by the Sect Master of the Wind Sword Sect.

"Brother Han, have you also been invited by Feng Yuzi?" Yang Wudi said, now Yang Wudi is twenty years older than Han Donglai, so there is nothing wrong with calling him brother.

"Isn't Brother Yang the same?" Han Donglai also said.

"I don't know what's going on with Feng Yuzi, is he going to go back on his word when fighting for soul?" Yang Wudi pondered.

"Probably not. After all, this matter has not only spread in Longxingchang, but also in several nearby cities. I don't think they will openly repent. As for what is going on now, did we know about it not long ago?" Han Donglai said.

In the beginning, the three of them were going to be in the same private room, but because two soul fighting platforms were going on at the same time, the three were separated.

The two entered the room, only Feng Yuzi, the master of the Fengjian Sect, was inside.

"You two came just in time, please sit down." Feng Yuzi got up and said.

One of these two is the city lord, a person belonging to the Xingluo Empire is the master of Longxing City in name, and the other Yang Wudi is a person who can fight against his Contra with the soul sage cultivation level.

"I don't know why Sect Master Feng asked me to come here? Right now, the soul fight is in full swing!" Yang Wudi said first.

Suddenly, Feng Yuzi's smiling face disappeared, but he took a document from the side with a serious face.

"Master Han, this man named Silver Faced Iron Wolf should have been sent by you. It's amazing to be able to defeat the genius of Wuhundian Academy." Feng Yuzi said, his subordinates had come to inform him just now. After a battle, Han Donglai immediately found a room for the silver-faced Sirius to rest and recover his soul power. It must be theirs.

Moreover, judging from the information collected by his subordinates, this silver-faced Sirius actually participated in two soul fighting stages at the same time.

He was the only one among more than a hundred participants who participated in both parties at the same time, which made Feng Yuzi have to guess that this silver-faced Sirius was the countermeasure that these two invited to resolve his simultaneous proposal of marriage by Feng Jianzong.

"Sure enough, I still can't escape the eyes of Sect Master Feng. I do know this silver-faced Sirius, as well as my little girl and Brother Yang's granddaughter Yang Wuying."

"However, this silver-faced Sirius was not sent by me. He actively participated in it." Han Donglai explained.

"He took the initiative to participate? Then why did he sign up for both?" Feng Yuzi asked.

"Sect Master Feng, it's normal for both sides to participate, and the rules for the soul-fighting and recruiting marriages this time were agreed by the three of us at the same time, so there is no problem for both parties to participate." Yang Wudi analyzed.

"Also, how many wives and concubines do you have, Sect Master Feng?" Han Donglai asked suddenly.

"One wife and three concubines, what's wrong?" Feng Yuzi asked a little puzzled.

"That's right, Sect Master Feng also married four of them, so it makes sense for this kid to marry Ermei of our Longxing City at the same time. This is also normal." Han Donglai added again.

"You two really want to? Shiyu and Wuying are the daughters of the Son of Heaven, so you just let such an outstanding daughter and granddaughter serve one?" Feng Yuzi asked back.

"If he can win the final victory, then there is no problem." Han Donglai said.

"I think so too. To win both sides at the same time is such a powerful talent. I agree with my granddaughter Wuying marrying such a person." Yang Wudi said.

"You guys? Well, if it turns out to be like this, we'll wait and see." Feng Yuzi said.

He can control the opponent who has been added to fight the spirit, and his two grandsons have each absorbed nearly ten thousand year spirit bones, so he is absolutely confident in defeating this opponent named Silver Faced Sirius at the same time.

"Sect Master Feng, let's go back if we have nothing else to do. We've been fighting souls for several times now, and there are many geniuses this time, and there are also geniuses from the Fire Leopard Sect. Can you, a disciple of the Wind Sword Sect, How about passing the level of the Fire Leopard Sect?" Han Donglai said.

"Hmph, the Fire Leopard Sect, how could it be my two grandchildren's opponents?" Feng Yuzi said to himself.

He watched Han Donglai and Yang Wudi leave.

Hearing a bang, Feng Yuzi was so angry that he smashed the wooden table next to him.

"You guys joined forces to fight against me. It seems that you really don't take my Feng Jianzong seriously. This time I must let my two grandsons win, even if I use some other methods." Feng Yuzi decided.

"Bai, proceed according to the original plan. This silver-faced Sirius arranges the most powerful opponents on both sides. Even if he can't be injured or defeated, at least it is necessary to completely expose this kid's hole cards and find his weaknesses." .” Feng Yuzi said.

"But suzerain, in that battle just now, the silver-faced Sirius seemed to have exposed all his trump cards. He created his own soul skills, two, three, and four. All three soul skills have been used. Only the first soul skill has not been used. The first soul skill shouldn't be this kid's hole card, right?" Feng Bai analyzed.

"I don't know, but I always feel that this kid still has some spare energy to use. He needs to observe more, let a few more people observe, and must find out his weaknesses." Feng Yuzi ordered again.

"Your subordinates know, let's make arrangements immediately." Feng Bai clasped his hands.

Leaving from Feng Yuzi, Han Donglai and Yang Wudi also decided at the same time that they must help the silver-faced Sirius to win, especially during the period of soul fighting and recruiting relatives, they must ensure Feng Xiaotian's safety and not let Feng Jianzong's people go down. Violent hands.

Feng Jianzong's style, both of them are very clear, bright and dark will come, we must guard against.

Then, outside the room where Feng Xiaotian was resting, two people came to guard the door.

Time passed slowly, after about three and a half hours, Feng Xiaotian stopped meditating, and his soul power had recovered at least [-]%.

A month ago, Feng Xiaotian would need at least four or five hours to recover to his current state without the help of drugs. This is also due to the cultivation method he got from the master, which improved his soul power production during meditation. speed.


After a big battle in the morning and several hours of meditation, my stomach has already started to growl.

It's time to go out and get something to eat, and get ready for the afternoon's fight.

As soon as Feng Xiaotian opened the door, he saw two middle-aged men guarding his room. Beside the room, Xiao Qi was waiting for Feng Xiaotian with a food box in his hand. It seemed that he had been waiting for a long time. It's time.

Chapter 158 Feeling Arranged

Before Feng Xiaotian walked out of the room, Xiao Qi had already walked over and went straight into the room.

The relationship between the two seems to be very good.

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