The time they spent together was actually only a few days, seven or eight days after they came out of the Star Dou Great Forest, making their relationship as if they had known each other for several years.

In fact, this is mainly due to Feng Xiaotian really saving the lives of the seven of them, and Feng Xiaotian has eaten a few celestial products, which improved his body, and his face can be said to be extremely handsome.

Now, apart from the fact that the height is not enough, other aspects are perfect. There is no rush for the height, it will take time to do it slowly.

Coupled with the fact that Feng Xiaotian is a human being in two lifetimes, he is naturally in control when chatting with people, and he takes care of the seven of them all the way without any unreasonable behavior, which also won Xinglan Qimei's approval.

After all, at that time, if Feng Xiaotian was a bad person, it would be absolutely easy to do evil things to them.

After Xiao Qi entered the door, she slammed the door shut.

Not far from Feng Xiaotian's rest room, Feng Ping also looked here.

He muttered in his mouth: "Damn it, this kid is actually in the same room with Shi Yu, I must kill him."

Feng Ping originally wanted to have lunch with Xiaoqi, but he didn't expect that the goddess in her mind was actually delivering food to his strongest competitor.

Immediately, I felt mixed feelings. I wanted to go forward to destroy it, but I looked at the two standing at the door and retreated.

After entering the room, Xiao Qi immediately opened the food box, which contained two meat and one vegetarian, took out three plates, and brought out a large bowl of rice.

"I don't know what brother Xiaotian likes to eat, so I will make three good dishes according to the order, I hope you like it."

Xiaoqi took out the food box and buttoned it, and sat aside.

Feng Xiaotian was not too polite, he picked up the rice and started to eat, he was already hungry, in this case, as long as it is not too bad, it is delicious.

Besides, these are all good dishes, so how can they be delicious?

"Thank you, Xiaoqi, wow, it's so delicious, I'm just so hungry." Feng Xiaotian said while eating, almost gobbled it up.

There is no image at all, but it is precisely this point that makes Xiao Qi feel particularly comfortable in his eyes.

The first is that Feng Xiaotian praised the food she brought, how about that girl doesn't like to be praised.

The second reason is that Feng Xiaotian really doesn't pretend in front of him. Other men, even if they are about to starve to death, will pretend to be a nobleman and eat slowly in front of her.

Although she is also a nobleman, she also likes a real person, and Feng Xiaotian is such a person in her eyes.

A large bowl of rice and three dishes, Feng Xiaotian finished eating them all in less than five minutes.

"It's really delicious. It's been a long time since I ate such a delicious meal." After Feng Xiaotian finished eating, he lay on the sofa and seemed to be enjoying himself very much.

"Brother Xiaotian, are you not full yet, why don't I get some more?" Xiao Qi said.

"No need, I'm already [-]% full, it's not good to eat too much." Feng Xiaotian said.

"En, brother Xiaotian is right." Xiao Qi said, while tidying up the plates and bowls that Feng Xiaotian had eaten, he also kept in mind Feng Xiaotian's appetite, today's amount is [-]% full.

"By the way, Xiao Qi, why are there two masters guarding the door?" Feng Xiaotian asked curiously.

"This one was sent by Dad and Grandpa Invincible. They are masters. One is that both of them are soul emperor-level masters. Although the one sent by Grandpa Yang is only level [-], it is said that it is level [-]. The soul saints are not afraid." Xiao Qi said.

Xiaoqi didn't know the reason for this, nor did she know about the deal between Feng Xiaotian and his father Han Donglai, she just felt that both of them valued Feng Xiaotian very much, maybe this was the common destiny of her and Sister Wuying.

In comparison, he would rather be with Hefeng Xiaotian and Yang Wuying for the two of Hefeng Jianzong.

As a nobleman, she clearly knew that it was normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines.

Hmph From now on, there can only be me and Sister Wuying, if there are other people, let's see if Sister Wuying and I don't drive her away.Xiao Qi was a little stunned after thinking about it.

Feng Xiaotian was also very strange, what about Xiao Qi?As he spoke, he was in a daze.

However, he knew that sending two masters to protect him was entirely for the benefit of the two families, after all, the Wind Sword Sect would probably do it secretly.

"Xiao Qi, what is Xiao Qi thinking?" Feng Xiaotian shook his hand in front of Xiao Qi and said.

Xiao Qi immediately came back to his senses, his face flushed, and he said: "It's nothing, then I'll go first, Brother Xiaotian, you take your time to rest."

After Xiao Qi finished speaking, she left without even opening the door for the food box.

"Xiao Qi, I forgot to take the food box." Feng Xiaotian picked up the food box and said.

I saw Xiaoqi coming back at a speed like the wind, picking up the food box and leaving.

Feng Xiaotian turned his head away, and said: "This girl won't really like me, will she, is she lucky?"

But when I think about it, I'm not even thirteen years old now, let's forget it, now is not the time to think about these things, right now, becoming a Titled Douluo or even becoming a god.

This is what he is looking for now. Only when he is strong can he protect the people around him and be worthy of freedom.

After another hour, Feng Xiaotian's soul power had all recovered.The state has been tuned to the best.

Although the previous battle was a tragic victory, it also benefited him a lot, and he seemed to be more diligent after recovering his soul power.Sure enough, fighting is one of the best ways to practice.

Just as Feng Xiaotian came out, one of the middle-aged people outside the door said.

"Hello, I am sent by City Lord Han, Han Li, Soul Emperor of the [-]st control system."

"I'm Yang Guo from the Yang family, the soul emperor of the [-]rd-level assault system. The two of us will protect you these few days and prevent the Wind Sword Sect from attacking you."

Somebody is better for protection, so there is no need to refuse, Feng Xiaotian clasped his hands and said, "Then thank you two uncles."

"You are welcome. Protecting you is also protecting the interests of our two families. The spirit fighting in the afternoon is in a random order. In the first fighting stage, you are the sixth, and in the second fighting stage, you are the thirteenth." field, so let's go to the No. [-] Soul Fighting Stage first." Han Li said.

This service is too good, it seems that the two forces have already had a showdown with Feng Jianzong, so this is even better.

Feng Xiaotian came to the first soul fighting stage, which belonged to Yang Wuying.

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