Another half hour passed.

The Longxing Great Spirit Arena announced that the next round will determine the winner, and at the same time it announced that the thirty-ninth-level soul master had withdrawn from the soul fight and recruited relatives.

That means that Feng Xiao will fight Feng Yi directly. I don't know if it is the arrangement of Feng Jianzong or the intention of Dahunchang.

In the next round, the voting system of the audience who has already bought tickets will be used, hoping to watch the soul fight first.

An hour later, the voting result was that [-]% of the audience voted for Feng Xiaotian vs. Huanglong.

That means, Feng Xiaotian's first battle will start with defeating Huanglong.

In a large room of the fighting spirit arena.

Han Donglai, Yang Wudi and the others were all very angry. This arrangement was undoubtedly aimed at Feng Xiaotian.

The two had just argued for a long time with the masters of the Soul Fighting Field and the Wind Sword Sect, and they almost started fighting, but they just bought Feng Xiaotian half an hour of rest time.

In other words, after fighting Huanglong, he only had half an hour to recover before he could fight Feng Yi in the next match.

"Damn it, this soul fighting field actually uses the votes of all the audience to decide the order of the soul fighting sessions."

"It's clear what we want, and there is nothing we can do to make use of this in the Soul Arena." Han Donglai sighed.

This big soul fighting field doesn't give him the face of the lord of Longxing City at all. It seems that he is determined to follow Feng Jianzong. He didn't know it before. It seems that he must be careful when the soul fighting is over this time. Clean up the big soul fighting field in Longxing City.

As the master of [-]%, he still has this right.

Han Donglai turned his anger into anger, looked at Feng Xiaotian and said: "Xiaotian, you have done a good job, I hope you will do your best in these two battles, even if you fail to defeat your opponent, I will tell you about it. "

"Uncle Han, don't worry, I'm [-]% sure of dealing with that Huanglong." Feng Xiaotian replied.

"[-]% sure? Brother Xiaotian, is what you said true?" Xiao Qi said happily.

Xiao Qi also watched the soul fight just now, went to the private room to rest, his expression was not good, he didn't say a word, when he heard Feng Xiaotian said that he was [-]% sure, he immediately smiled like a flower.

"Fifty percent is enough." Han Donglai said happily.

Afterwards, several masters began to analyze Feng Xiaotian's two opponents, and also told Feng Xiaotian some battle experience.

After communicating with the two for a while, Feng Xiaotian also went to a room alone to adjust his state.

He also has a soul bone, but it is a head soul bone, and the skills can only be effective when meeting a specific soul master.For these two soul fights, it has no effect at all.

Unless his spirit bone skill is a mental attack, then he can defeat these two opponents with [-]% certainty.

Because he has the fourth soul ability and self-created soul ability, he is [-]% sure of these two combined, but it is inevitable that the opponent also has self-created soul ability.

After all, Huang Long Zeng Jin is also a person who can represent Wuhun Hall to participate in the high-level soul master competition, so he should not be underestimated. Feng Yi may also have soul bone skills, so he should not be underestimated either.

He still has Fist Blade, which he hasn't used for a long time, recovery, shadow clone attack, concealment, and finisher.

If you really want to fight your opponent desperately, you can definitely defeat your opponent by using these skills, but he only said that he is [-]% sure, and try not to use these skills without leaking them.

Three hours were about to pass, Feng Xiaotian came out from a separate rest room.

The battle with Huanglong was about to begin, and the Soul Fighting Stage, which could accommodate fifty thousand people, was already full.

It seems that Longxing Great Soul Arena has earned a lot.

It was necessary to mess with them, Feng Xiaotian came to Han Donglai's side and said, "Uncle Han, I have something to do, please make a bet for me in your name."

"Bet? Xiaotian, you want to bet on yourself to win?"

Feng Xiaotian nodded and said: "Yes, this Longxing Great Spirit Arena is really too much, if you don't earn money from him, wouldn't it be a little bit cheaper for them?"

He has already inquired, the odds against Huanglong are 1:5, and the odds against Fengyi are 1:10

Feng Xiaotian was even stronger against a soul sect than against a soul king, it's just that Feng Xiaotian couldn't beat Huanglong.

Even if he wins, it's still a tragic victory, after all Feng Xiaotian's strength is not low, under hard work, his soul power will definitely be greatly damaged, or even injured.

And no matter whether he wins or loses the fighting spirit, he only has half an hour to recover, half an hour they don't believe how much Feng Xiaotian can recover.

In this way, Feng Yi can pick up the leaks and easily defeat Feng Xiaotian, so he offered such odds.

Although Feng Xiaotian was very powerful, few people bet on him.

"Xiaotian, how much do you want to bet? If it's less, it won't hurt the soul fighting field." Han Donglai said.

"My long gold soul coin card has a total of [-] million gold soul coins. I won't bet on Huanglong, and I will bet all on Feng Yi." Feng Xiaotian said.

One is five times, and the other is ten times, he must choose to bet ten times, besides, the bet will be over after his soul fight starts, and he can only choose one.

"Okay, after seeing Xiaotian, you are very confident, and I will bet a little with you, plus your [-] million gold soul coins, and I will add another [-] million gold soul coins, for a total of three million Golden Soul Coins. Let this Longxing Great Soul Arena spit out [-] million Golden Soul Coins at a time." Han Donglai laughed.

Yang Wudi at the side also became interested, and said, "Since you both bet, I'll bet a little too. I'll bet [-] gold soul coins."

Two hundred thousand gold soul coins is still a lot for the members of the Pozhi clan. Among the four single-attribute families, the Min clan is the worst.

This broken family can be ranked third, after all, it is a family that sells medicinal materials and refines medicines. The patriarch of the family has the strength of Contra, so it is not surprising that he can take out [-] gold soul coins.

"Come on, boy Xiaotian, if we lose, our family's liquidity will be gone." Yang Wudi said.

"Don't worry, Grandpa Yang, I also bet [-] gold soul coins, it's impossible to send money to the Great Spirit Arena stupidly." Feng Xiaotian said with a smile.

He has the confidence to win, and all this comes from his trust in the fist blade skills. Betting heavily is a good opportunity to make a lot of money.Moreover, Han Donglai's city is still used to do this matter, not afraid that he will not get money in the soul fighting field, so as to repay Longxingdu's big soul fighting field for being able to target him.

Chapter 165 Soul Skill Weakness

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