Longxing Great Soul Arena looked down upon him being able to win. After all, Huang Long was a master at the level of a soul king, and he only used the fourth soul skill when he had a soul bone.

What exactly is his fifth soul ability is still a mystery, and it is even said that he also has some hole cards, maybe it is a self-created soul ability.

However, creating one's own soul skills is not that simple. Creating one's own is a difficult process, and it needs to have a powerful effect after being created, otherwise it's just a waste of time.

Therefore, unless there is a soul skill with special potential, most people will not waste a lot of time developing soul skills, such as Feng Xiaotian in the original book.

It stands to reason that with his innate talent full of soul power, he was only at the forty-fourth level at the age of twenty-four. This cultivation speed is really too slow, but after the Advanced Soul Master Competition, his cultivation speed has become faster, not at all faster than the protagonist. Difference.

It is very likely that the self-created soul skills have delayed a lot of his soul power training time.

At this moment, Feng Xiaotian also had the honor of having read the original book, and he also knew what kind of skill Gale Wind's Thirty-Six Slashes was about, so he could further explore based on guesses. In two years, he only practiced to Twenty-Six Slashes.

Creating your own soul skills is really not an ordinary difficulty.

While Feng Xiaotian was thinking, Han Donglai and Yang Wudi had already placed their bets, and the millions of gold soul coins made the people who specialize in gambling in the Longxing Great Soul Arena very excited.

From their point of view, these millions of gold soul coins were all given to them. No matter how powerful the silver-faced Sirius is, how can he defeat Huang Long, who is the king of souls?

Even if he wins, it may be just a tragic victory. There is only half an hour of rest and adjustment time, so there is nothing to fear.

The fighting spirit field smiled and accepted the bet from the city lord Han Donglai.

At the same time, Han Donglai also told Feng Xiaotian about the success of the bet, telling him to fight hard, and he must win the two soul fights.

It was getting closer and closer to the start of the fighting spirit, and the [-] spectators in the fighting spirit field had already gathered, and it was very lively.

Feng Xiaotian also came to the waiting area of ​​the Douhuntai at this moment, and the battle with Huanglong was about to begin. This was the first time he faced such a powerful and talented opponent.

The fifty-level soul king who is less than twenty-five years old is still a bit worse than the golden generation of the future martial soul. After all, the age of the three people is about two years younger, and they are all about two years old. Looks like eleven or twelve years old.

Such a person is already very powerful, no matter in the Star Luo Empire or the Heaven Dou Empire, they are all super geniuses.

When the pointer points to the designated time, the host immediately announces that the two will enter the venue.

The two stood at the designated positions one after another. The next moment, the audience of more than [-] people was surprisingly quiet at the moment, because the soul fight was about to begin.

"Two prepare, release their martial spirits, count down to three, and start automatically"



The two released their martial souls one after another, and circles of soul rings shone around them, and at the same time they completed the possession of their martial souls.

I saw that Huanglong used the third soul ability from the very beginning, turning his arms into flood dragons. He also knew Feng Xiaotian's combat power, so he didn't use the first two soul skills to test it.

Seeing this, Feng Xiaotian immediately used the second soul skill Twin Wolf Possession, the second soul skill increased the strength, speed, defense and attack by [-]%.

Moreover, his body is already very strong, able to leapfrog to absorb soul rings, and it is ten thousand years old, his body ratio is already close to that of a soul emperor.

So his [-]% increase is really equivalent to at least the soul king using this soul skill.


The two shot almost at the same time, very fast, and collided together.

Originally, Feng Xiaotian's Gale Two-Headed Wolf Spirit and Huanglong's Flood Dragon Spirit were both comparable to top-level martial souls. To put it bluntly, they were the most powerful high-level martial souls, and there was still a thin line between them.

But now only Feng Xiaotian's martial soul was possessed by Sanfeng before, and with the help of Sanfeng, Gaifeng's two-headed wolf martial soul changed from light blue to dark blue, becoming a real top-level martial soul.

In the battle between the two, Feng Xiaotian unexpectedly gained the upper hand, no matter in terms of strength or speed.

After a few rounds, Huanglong probably used the fourth spirit ability because he was still unable to fight Feng Xiaotian with the third spirit ability.

Feng Xiaotian then also used the third soul skill, further improving it.

"As expected of a spirit ring absorbed by a leapfrog, the second spirit ability is actually higher than my third spirit ability." Huang Long said lightly.

Huanglong's fourth soul ability, which Feng Xiaotian has seen before, is very powerful. According to his speculation, the increased attack power is much stronger than his third soul ability.

Feng Xiaotian didn't intend to confront him head-on at all, and flew into the air.

"Is the silver-faced Sirius going to do that?"

"Create your own soul skills?" Huang Long thought about it.

He already knew this trick, and he still knew it through the materials and the dictation of his apprentice Kakarot.

Feng Xiaotian immediately used Gale Slash, slashing towards Huanglong faster than before.

I saw Huanglong standing there motionless, as if waiting for Feng Xiaotian to come.

"Has this Huanglong discovered my weakness in Blast Lian Zhan?" Feng Xiaotian thought about it, but his movements didn't stop.

The whole body of the yellow dragon glowed golden, and the arm that looked like a flood dragon punched him.

This punch was powerful and heavy, as if it was Huang Long's full blow.


The attack was too strong, Feng Xiaotian was sent flying by Huang Long, and fell to the edge of the ring, almost falling out.

"Your self-created soul skills are not very good either." Huang Long said.

"Brother Xiaotian." Xiao Qi immediately stood up, as if worried about Feng Xiaotian.

But Yang Wuying next to her held her back and sat down again.

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