When we returned to the City Lord's Mansion, it was already evening, and we had dinner together in the City Lord's Mansion.

After Yang Wudi brought Wu Ying home, Feng Xiaotian was called into the study by Han Donglai.

The more Han Donglai looked at it, the more he admired the boy who was less than thirteen years old. He had never heard of a thirteen-year-old soul sect in the world today, and he had never even heard of a fourteen-year-old soul sect.

Moreover, he has at least two self-created soul skills and can defeat the soul king. Han Donglai really wants to keep the young man in front of him as his son-in-law, and it is best to marry him.

But he also knew that this kind of thinking was unrealistic, it just passed by in a flash, but it would be nice to marry his daughter to her if he worked hard, although his daughter was about four years older than Feng Xiaotian, but this was not the case. gap.

"Xiaotian, don't think about it. Shiyu is also a genius, and her conditions in all aspects are not bad in the Star Luo Empire." Han Donglai said again.

Feng Xiaotian pretended to be embarrassed and said: "Uncle Han, you see that I am still too young. You also know that I am not yet thirteen years old. If I am twenty-three years old, there will be no problem."

People in Douluo Continent, especially soul masters, usually get married relatively late. Marriages abound after the age of thirty. The more geniuses, the shorter the marriage time.

After all, before the age of [-] is the most golden period of cultivation, if you don't work hard when you are young, you will be sad when you grow old.

Han Donglai also understood this point, the young man in front of him was right, it was really too early to think about this before he was thirteen years old.

Han Donglai said helplessly: "You're right, you shouldn't think about these issues at the age of thirteen, but you can wait until you are twenty-three to talk about this matter, you can't escape."

His daughter Han Shiyu is also Xiaoqi, and she has just turned sixteen, and it will be a little over ten years before Feng Xiaotian turns twenty-three.

Then his daughter is not yet twenty-seven years old, so she can definitely afford to wait.

But the daughter of Yang Wudi's family, Yang Wuying, is not necessarily the same. Yang Wuying is now twenty-one years old. Ten years later, when Feng Xiaotian is twenty-three years old, she will be thirty-one or twelve.

At that time, he didn't know if the Yang family could afford to wait, but this was not within the scope of his consideration, and he and the Yang family were just a cooperative relationship.

Moreover, the Yang family is a foreign family, and it has only been three years since they came to Longxing City. The reason why they were promoted to the three major powers was because of Yang Wudi's combat power, using the soul power of the soul sage to defeat the souls of the two Fengjian sects. Douluo master, draw with Feng Yuzi.

With this point, the entire Yang family is known as one of the three major powers in Longxing City, but in terms of family background, this Yang family can't even enter the top ten in Longxing City at most.

The situation in Longxing City is far more complicated than it looks. There are quite a few families and nobles who are over a hundred years old. The Yang family has a strong high-end combat power. After all, there are only a hundred people in the clan, and they have only just established a firm foothold in three years.

"Uncle Han, if Shi Yu hasn't found someone he likes by then, maybe we have a chance to be together." Feng Xiaotian replied.

He just refused, but Han Donglai asked Feng Xiaotian to marry her daughter at the age of twenty-three by borrowing the donkey from the slope.

Thinking that there are still ten years to go, Feng Xiaotian agreed casually, but it was not as absolute as what he promised.

After all, Han Donglai has secrets that he wants to know, so he can't say too much.

Han Donglai smiled, thinking to himself, this is really a little fox, is my daughter not good enough?He is a genius healing soul master, as the saying goes, healing at home is like a treasure.

"Uncle Han, the soul-fighting recruitment has ended, can you please tell me the secret of my martial soul." Feng Xiaotian asked curiously, and this is when we got to the point.

"This is something I promised you. I will naturally tell you that this incident happened more than [-] years ago, and I mentioned it to you before." Han Donglai said.

After nearly two minutes, Han Donglai didn't say a word, and seemed to be lost in memory.

Feng Xiaotian didn't bother, maybe the secret of the martial spirit has something to do with him.

After a long time, Han Donglai said: "I'm sorry, I just fell into memory, Xiaotian, have you ever heard of God?"

"God? I seem to have heard of it. It's in an ancient book, but it's just a legend. As for whether it really exists, I don't know." Feng Xiaotian said.

"It's pretty good to be able to hear about God's affairs. Where is your family from?" Han Donglai asked. If there are such ancient books, the family must be unusual.

Feng Xiaotian didn't lie either, he said truthfully: "The Heaven Dou Empire, Kamikaze City."

"Kamikaze City? You can't be from Shenfeng Academy, right? Although I didn't participate in the Advanced Soul Master Competition because of my lack of soul power, I also went to watch it." Han Donglai said.

"It was the Kamikaze Academy that eliminated our academy back then. There was a man named Feng Qingyuan in the Kamikaze Academy. The martial soul was eliminated by Gale Wind Demon Wolf alone. Are you his child?" Han Donglai Said.

After all, the Gale Two-Headed Wolf spirit was mutated from the Gale Demon Wolf, and one of his parents must have such a spirit.

At that time, he was in his twenties, and his soul power was only [-]st level, and he hadn't yet qualified to participate in the advanced soul master competition, but this did not prevent him from caring about the advanced soul master competition.

Feng Xiaotian nodded, and replied: "My father is exactly Feng Qingyuan."

Although Han Donglai looked in his forties, he was actually not much different from his fifty-two-year-old father.

"No wonder, you are his child, and having such a strong soul power is justified. At that time, the team led by your father defeated our academy and met Wuhundian Academy. Your father made Wuhundian Academy suffer a lot. , this is one of the few participating teams, so I remember it clearly." Han Donglai said.

"You are his child, and the martial soul can mutate into a two-headed wolf. Your father is likely to be from the Fengshen Valley, and the Gale Demon Wolf is not a high-level martial soul, but your father's martial soul already has a high-level martial soul." I'm still a little puzzled about the level, but now it's clear." Han Donglai continued.

"Uncle Han, what is Fengshen Valley? My father told me that he is an orphan, so he probably doesn't know Fengshen Valley." Feng Xiaotian asked curiously.

Since Fengshen Valley may be the inheritance place of Fengshen, is it possible that my martial spirit is related to Fengshen Valley?Dad is from Fengshen Valley?No wonder he had contacted six members of the Gale Demon Wolf Martial Soul family before, but there was no news of their backgrounds.

If it came from the mysterious Fengshen Valley, then it would make sense.

He always thought that the Hurricane Valley of the Divine Wind Academy was the inheritance place of the Wind God. After all, the Hurricane Valley is also a mysterious place, and no one has ever reached the center of the Hurricane Valley.

Han Donglai smiled, and pretended to be mysterious and said: "This is a place where the gods are inherited, to be precise, it is the place where the wind god is inherited."

Chapter 172 Fengshen Valley, the Secret of Martial Soul

The inheritance of the wind god, the inheritance of the gods, he has his own plans, the Shura god is very difficult for him, after all, the king of killing does not allow people to become the god of killing.

Hu Liena and Tang San were taken by those two people who had obtained the Killing God, and the Killing King was afraid, so nothing happened.

If Feng Xiaotian goes alone, the risk is the greatest. If he wants to go, then there is no other way, take Hu Liena and Tang San's Shunfeng car?Anyway, he still has a way.

The other one is the Sea God, but he must obtain the Vast Sea Cosmos Shield, and this thing is in the royal family of the Heaven Dou Empire, as long as the strength is strong enough, he is not afraid of not getting it.

Fengshen is also a first-level god, at most similar to Seagod, but still a little worse than Shura God.

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