It turned out that Feng Xiaotian only had one martial spirit. After Sanfeng broke away, he had a choice. Two martial spirits are the key to inheriting the two god positions.

The last way is to become a god with strength?Sanfeng is extremely mysterious, can he also become a god by devouring him?Even if the prize comes, a god can swallow it, right?

However, Fengshen is not the strongest, but he is not weak either, especially in line with his attributes, compared to Tang San who has no trace of water attributes and inherits Seagod, he is probably stronger.

In general, he felt that the inheritance of the god position was a bit nonsense. Shouldn't the same god position be inherited by people with corresponding attributes?

Lanyingcao and Clear Sky Hammer are not of water attribute, is it the need of the plot or the halo of the protagonist?According to Feng Xiaotian's choice, inheriting the Fengshen with the same attributes as himself is his best choice.

Bringing Fengshen to the extreme is not necessarily inferior to Shura God, this is Feng Xiaotian's idea.

Unexpectedly, his martial spirit was related to Fengshen Valley, Feng Xiaotian asked again: "Uncle Han, tell me about Fengshen Valley."

"Sit down, it's a long story."

"I went to Fengshen Valley once when I was twenty-five years old, and I was lucky enough to get the God's assessment, but there are only two assessments."

"It also took me five years to promote me from a soul master of level [-] to a soul king of level [-]. Without this opportunity, I would not be able to inherit the position of the patriarch of the family, nor would I be able to be this Long Xing The lord of the city." Han Donglai said.

"God test? Uncle Han has gone through the test?" Feng Xiaotian asked.

"That's right, the five years of the divine exam helped me a lot. Everyone who goes to Fengshen Valley can participate in the divine exam. As for how many exams there are, it depends on the will of the gods. It's actually related to the potential, but the potential is great." , the more assessments there are, the more chances you have to get the inheritance of the gods." Han Donglai said.

"I think that after you go, you will definitely be able to obtain the highest level of the divine examination, and even have the opportunity to obtain the inheritance of the divine position. After all, wherever you are, anyone with the Gale Wind Two-Headed Wolf spirit can at least obtain the qualifications above the fifth examination." Han Donglai said again.

"Uncle Han, do you think there are still people who have the two-headed wolf with the martial spirit Gale that I can see?" Feng Xiaotian said in surprise. According to the saying, there is more than one person who possesses the two-headed wolf spirit of Gale Wind.

"This is really the secret of your martial soul. Only the direct disciples in that place have the Gale Demon Wolf Martial Soul. They have a special method, which can be used before awakening. There is a [-]% chance that their martial soul will become a Gale Demon Wolf with two heads. Wolf martial soul, but without using special means to become a blast double-headed wolf martial soul is only one percent, that can only be done by talented people, and you are one of the talented people." Han Donglai said.

So it turns out that there is another Fengshen inheritance in Fengshen Valley.The more Feng Xiaotian listened, the more excited he became. According to this statement, the land of the Fengshen has been established, and there is also the inheritance of the Fengshen.

This is the world of Douluo, where the God of Achievement is infinitely free in the human world, maybe one day he can return to the world of Zeng Jin again.

Forcibly suppressing the excitement in his heart, he said: "There is actually a way to mutate the martial soul before it is awakened. What kind of family is that?"

"I don't know the details. There are many people in that family, but they are basically trapped there. Only people with a certain status can come out, and they rarely appear in the world."

"But I have been there for five years, and I have heard many legends about that family. It is said that the first patriarch of that family was a soul beast that was at least [-] years old. The family is the guardian of the temple." Han Donglai said.

"What kind of soul beast took form?" Feng Xiaotian asked.

"I heard that it was transformed into a two-headed wolf from the mutated soul beast Gale, so the offspring will be the Gale Demon Wolf, and have the chance to mutate into the Gale Demon Wolf Wuhun. I think your father should be from that family." A member who was lost on the mainland." Han Donglai said.

In fact, most of the descendants of mutated martial souls will return to normal. It is impossible for generations to be mutated martial souls. This is also recorded in the master's notes.

He has studied one hundred and thirty-six mutated spirits, of which about one hundred and two have offspring, and only one of them has inherited the original mutated spirit.Without exception, the other [-] people's spirits returned to their normal state.

Therefore, for a person with a mutated martial soul, the chance of the offspring having another mutation is [-]%.

But that family has a special method that can increase the mutant martial soul to [-]%, which is already a very good number.

"It's too powerful. They are all families of mutated martial souls. The people in them are all very talented. Could it be that they are all born with full soul power?" Feng Xiaotian asked.

"Innately full of soul power? It's not easy. According to what we know, there have only been two innate soul power owners in that family so far, and most of the mutated Gale Wind double-headed wolf spirits are only between the fifth and eighth level of innate. , Xiantian ninth level is extremely rare. And the two people who appeared to be born with full soul power should be those who can mutate into Gale Wind Double-headed Wolf Wuhun. I think Xiaotian, you should be born with full soul power." Han Dong Lay asked.

Feng Xiaotian nodded, and said: "I am born with full soul power, so where does my father really come from?"

"Very likely." Han Donglai said again.

"Uncle Han, can you tell me the exact location of Fengshen Valley?" Feng Xiaotian asked.

"This is very simple. This is its map, and there are specific introductions in it. After you take it, you must keep it secret. I promised that place not to announce the way to get in, but because you may be descendants of that family, I also made an exception and told you."

"Also, Xiaotian, you have to remember that only if you pass all the divine tests will you have a chance to come out, otherwise you won't get out, and once you go, you may never live forever. You have to be careful, you must make a decision if you want to go in. In that I was the [-]nd to enter, but there were less than [-] people who came out in front of me, the reason why I was able to pass the divine test was purely lucky." Han Donglai instructed.

Feng Xiaotian took a roll of parchment-like map, and replied, "Thank you Uncle Han, this place may be of great benefit to me."

Fengshen Valley?When are you going?Feng Xiaotian is thinking about it, and it may be many years before he can come out after entering.

"Okay, it's getting late, let's go back and rest, I'll have time to think about it slowly, and remember to marry Shiyu when I was twenty-three." Han Donglai said with a smile.

"My real age, can I trouble Uncle Han to tell Shi Yu and Wu Ying not to delay them?" Feng Xiaotian said.

"Haha, you can talk about it yourself. As a man, you can solve this kind of thing yourself." Han Donglai said again.

"Hey, well, I'll talk about it myself." Feng Xiaotian sighed.

This is really troublesome, what kind of luck do you let a child under the age of thirteen have?There is more than enough heart but not enough strength.

Chapter 173 Plans, Problems

How should I tell the two girls?It's really a headache, if I knew it earlier, I wouldn't hide it.

After leaving the study and coming to the guest room of the City Lord's Mansion, Feng Xiaotian took out the map of Fengshen Valley that Han Donglai gave him.

The location of Fengshen Valley is probably on the other side of Xingluo Continent. If the Heaven Dou Empire goes north, it is the extreme north, so the location of Fengshen Valley is the southernmost part of Xingluo Empire.

There is a forest there, named Starwind Forest, about the same size as the Sunset Forest of the Heaven Dou Empire. It is nearly [-] kilometers away from Longxing City, and farther away from Kamikaze City, at least eight or nine thousand kilometers away. distance.

With the speed of this era, the time to go to Starwind Forest needs to be calculated in months.

In the depths of the Starwind Forest, there is a super-grand canyon isolated from the world, which is the location of Fengshen Valley, surrounded by high-level soul beasts of the ten thousand year level.

There are also many large formations arranged around the Grand Canyon, and it is difficult to find the entrance.

But the entrance is clearly marked on the map, and there is a path, as long as you walk on this path, you will not be attacked by any soul beasts.

It seems that this passage was preserved by Fengshen Valley, otherwise Han Donglai, who only had the strength of the soul master back then, would not have been able to reach Fengshen Valley at all.

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