This is a place isolated from the world, so far away from Kamikaze City, if his father Feng Qingyuan is also from that place, he doesn't know how he got to the Heaven Dou Empire.

What kind of story is there in the middle?This is my father's regret, and I must tell my father about this matter first.

As for how long it will take to go to Fengshen Valley, he feels that this time must be at least after the senior soul master competition, and the soul power can be raised to the level of the soul king.

It's not good if it's too low, you can go with your parents at that time, maybe you will also get the god test together with your parents, you can further improve your strength, and you can expect a title.

And Zi Ling'er can also take advantage of this opportunity to let her grow up, as well as Dugu Yan and teacher Dugu Bo.

After reading the map, he put the map into the treasure bag, sat cross-legged on the bed, and began to meditate. His cultivation task is still heavy.

He also sorted it out. The first water polo practice can improve his soul power control, and the second is Gale Wind Slash. He hopes to simplify the moves in the end. Can he burst out the power of the thirty-sixth slash in an instant?In this way, the disadvantage of this trick can be avoided.

If you don't know the flaws, I will deal with you slowly. If you know the flaws, then you can kill them instantly.

The third is the cultivation of soul power, which is inseparable from all changes. The cultivation of soul power is the most important thing, and the last is the cultivation of spiritual power. Now his spiritual power is still not low, at least at the level of Contra, but when he meets It's still a bit dangerous to attack with Title Douluo's mental power.

These few things are what he needs to take into account in his cultivation, and the research on poisons and fairy products can be put at the end. His specialty is not here, and now it is limited to the stage of knowing and understanding. Linger's knowledge of the inheritance books given by the God of Medicine can be dealt with, and there is no need to study it in depth.

At night, when he was cultivating his soul power, just as he was entering meditation practice, a knock on the door broke the quiet night.

It's so late, the only one who can knock on the door is Xiaoqi, and she is the only one in the city lord's mansion.

"Brother Xiaotian, are you asleep?" Xiao Qi whispered.

"Not yet? Does Xiao Qi have anything else to do tonight?" Feng Xiaotian asked.

"It's okay, I just want to chat with you." Xiaoqi said softly.

Feng Xiaotian also got up from the bed, opened the door and said, "Come in, I haven't slept yet."

"Well, I brought you some fruit."

Xiao Qi is carrying a basket, this is her home, but she looks more reserved than Feng Xiaotian.

"Thank you!" Feng Xiaotian said.

"Brother Xiaotian, when will you marry me?" Xiao Qi actually asked directly.

"You don't need to talk about the truth now, besides you haven't graduated yet." Feng Xiaotian said, is this little girl in a hurry or something?

"Oh, you can also get engaged in advance. Brother Xiaotian, where is your home? Who else is there? Can you tell me?" Xiao Qipan asked, as Feng Xiaotian's future wife, she needs to understand clearly .

"Engagement? It's a bit early, I'm from the Heavenly Dou Empire's Kamikaze City, my parents have a younger sister." Feng Xiaotian said.

This is true, Han Donglai already knew the location of his family, as well as his father Feng Qingyuan, and his father is now a Contra powerhouse, and has a certain reputation in the Tiandou Empire.

It's very easy to find by name. According to Han Donglai's attitude, he must have supported Xiao Qi and told her, so Feng Xiaotian didn't hide anything, he was telling the truth.

"It's not too early, I'm already sixteen years old. In our place, many sixteen years old are already the age to get engaged." Xiao Qi seemed a little disappointed.

"Xiaoqi, actually, what I want to say is that the early engagement means that my parents don't know about it yet, so we should tell them." Feng Xiaotianshu said.

Xiao Qi raised her head, and when she heard Feng Xiaotian's explanation, she felt that what he said was not wrong, and said with a smile: "Then there are not many babies, why don't you take me and Sister Wuying to your house? We will also go out to practice like you a bit?"

"Don't, don't, don't, don't, you guys are different from me, think about it, I'm already a forty-fourth-level soul sect, with the strength of a soul king, and I'm ready to participate in the advanced soul master competition, Wu Yinggang Passing Soul Sect, you are only at level [-], in fact, I hope you will practice hard in the academy, wouldn't it be better for us to meet in the finals of the Advanced Soul Master Competition in the future?" Feng Xiaotian suggested.

Going to the Heaven Dou Empire with him at this time, that's okay, Feng Xiaotian still didn't refuse in person, this was the first time he had encountered such a thing, and he also knew the reason why he should always be rebellious, but although he said It sounds good, but when it really happens to me, it's not the same thing.

So, the person who said this sentence didn't hurt his back when he stood up and spoke. He really didn't want to see the sad woman in front of him.

"And I hope that at that time you will already be a master of the soul sect level, the healing of the fourth soul skill might be able to turn things around." Feng Xiaotian said.

Xiao Qi also nodded after hearing this, and said: "Brother Xiaotian, what you said is also very reasonable, and I am not in a hurry, I will go back to meditate and practice, there is still more than a year and a half, and I must reach my soul power by that time." The level of the Soul Sect."

"Go back, I'm going to start practicing too." Feng Xiaotian said with a smile.

"Brother Xiaotian, I'm going back, remember to eat the fruit." After Xiao Qi finished speaking, he closed the door and left.

"Hey, what can I do?"

Feng Xiaotian, with a sigh, came to the table, took out a pen and paper from the treasure bag and began to write vigorously.

Wu Ying, Xiao Qi kisses

Chapter 174 Leaving, the next target

After meditating all night, seeing that the sky was about to dawn, Feng Xiaotian had already packed his luggage and glanced at the letter on the table.

He muttered in his mouth: "Forget it, I'd better leave early, I hope they can give up after reading the letter, after all, I am only thirteen years old, after a period of time, and then participate in the advanced soul master competition, they may be able to find the one they like. object."

After perceiving the surrounding situation, he found that no one was guarding his house, but there were guards from the City Lord's Mansion patrolling to avoid being discovered.

I saw his fist blade mark light up slightly, and his third soul ability was also used. Originally, his release of soul power was radiant, but if it didn't do so in a flash, the room was once again in darkness.

Feng Xiaotian used the stealth skill, he had [-] seconds, and only experts [-] levels older than him could be found within [-] meters of his body.

He opened it, closed it quietly, and then flew into the sky, only stopping when he reached an altitude of nearly [-] meters. At this time, his concealment ability had disappeared.

It looks like a star from the ground, at a height of [-] meters, a person looks very small from the ground, and only some senior soul masters can see his specific appearance.

Flapping its wings, it flew out of Longxing City.

Although I am a bit reluctant, I must give up. Everything depends on fate.

In the morning, the sun rises.

In the residence of Han Donglai, the lord of Longxing City.

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