"Father, is Brother Xiaotian gone?" Xiao Qi was a little disappointed.

"He's gone this morning. This is the letter he left behind. You can read it yourself." Han Donglai said.

It said that Wu Ying and Xiao Qi were friends, and he didn't read it, but he could guess the general content.

"I'm going to find Sister Wuying right now, what's the matter with Brother Xiaotian, why did you leave without saying goodbye?" Xiao Qi took the envelope and immediately left the City Lord's Mansion to run towards Yang Wudi's family.

Although the Yang family is said to be the three major powers in Longxing City, they live in a place where ordinary people live. After all, the family's economic situation is not that good.

But after winning two million gold soul coins in the Longxing Great Soul Arena, the family has become more prosperous. Yang Wudi also plans to expand the family business. This time, his relationship with the lord of Longxing City, Han Donglai, has improved a little. , also promised to give his family some convenience.

At this time, the members of the Yang family are having a meeting in the family hall, and all the members of the family who are above the strength of the soul sect can participate in the family meeting.

A family meeting does not necessarily have to be attended by the whole family, and the decision is still in the hands of powerful people.

There are forty-eight soul masters above the soul sect level in the Yang family, accounting for about one-third of the whole family. After all, the soul-breaking gun is also the number one weapon in the row, so how could it be inferior?What they want is a family leader. If there is a leader, then their family will become the most popular family in the entire Douluo Continent.

Yang Wuying was among them.

Patriarch Yang Wudi was in high spirits, looked at the family member Cheng with satisfaction, and said with a smile, "Everyone should know about it."

"Patriarch, we already know about it."

"Although Wu Ying will marry Han Shiyu, the daughter of the city lord's family, but that kid is indeed a first-class genius, and he will not suffer."

"Besides, we can establish a good relationship with the City Lord's Mansion. Our family can really gain a foothold in Longxing City, and we don't have to be afraid of Fengjianzong anymore." An old man who is similar to Yang Wudi said.

This is Yang Wudi's younger brother Yang Wuyu, what he said is very reasonable.

All the Yang family members agreed very much, and at the same time looked at Yang Wuying, saying: "Wuying is really good, this time I found a good home."

"I heard that the kid is still living in the City Lord's Mansion. It's not good. You have to go and take him over as a guest at our Yang family. Our Wu Ying is much better than the girl in the City Lord's Mansion." One of them was around forty. A middle-aged female soul master arrived after surgery.

"That's right, that's right, Wuying, please arrange it."

Under everyone's talk, Yang Wuying nodded and said: "I see, I will try to arrange it."

"It's up to Wu Ying. This is an opportunity for our family to rise. There is another thing I want to tell you about. This time I bet all the family's money and won two hundred Ten thousand gold soul coins, and City Lord Han is willing to help us, the family business can expand again." Yang Wudi said loudly.

Everyone did not expect that a soul fight to recruit relatives could bring such good opportunities and benefits to the family.

At this time, a young man broke in from the outside and said, "Excuse me, the lady of the City Lord's Mansion, Han Shiyu, is here, and she is very anxious to see my sister."

"Wu Ying, you go first, remember to establish a good relationship with the daughter of the city lord's family." Yang Wudi said.

"I know Grandpa, I'll go now." Yang Wuying said, thinking in her heart, isn't Xiaotian in the City Lord's Mansion, something must have happened in such a hurry.

"Sister, I brought Sister Shiyu to your room, you just go directly." The boy said

After Yang Wuying returned to the room, nearly ten minutes had passed, and the two of them also opened the letter Feng Xiaotian had left for them.

"How is it possible? Brother Xiaotian, oh, no, is he really not yet thirteen years old?" Xiao Qi asked in disbelief, and the letter Feng Xiaotian had already explained everything.

He explained his age and current situation, and now it is not a matter of considering his children's personal relationship. He does not want to delay the second daughter, and hopes that the two can find their own belongings earlier, and don't wait for him.

In the end, he also said something like let the two of them cultivate their soul power well and cheer up.

"Actually, I didn't believe his age at the beginning. It seems that he is not much different from my brother, but he has such strength. I really didn't expect a boy of twelve or thirteen years old to have such a strong strength. I have to believe the eighteen-year-old age he said." Yang Wuying also said, in fact, the eighteen-year-old Soul Sect is also a genius.

There were only the two of them in the room, and they were really in a bad mood at the moment.

Especially Xiao Qi, who has always been called Brother Feng Xiaotian, who is extremely affectionate, unexpectedly turned out to be a kid under thirteen years old.

"Sister Wuying, do you think he lied to us?" Xiao Qi's eyes were already moist, and she wanted to cry but couldn't.

"Probably not. Uncle Han has been in contact with him a lot these days. Maybe he already knows it. You can ask him to confirm it."

"Okay, I'll go back and ask Dad, this is definitely impossible, the Soul Sect who is less than thirteen years old, didn't he get the Gold Fighting Soul Badge at the age of nine?" Xiao Qi said as he walked.

Similarly, Yang Wuying was also thinking. After a long time in the past, Xiao Qi had left for a long time before she said: "Don't you also want to participate in the advanced soul master competition? I must practice hard. In our soul master competition See."

This time, Feng Xiaotian, the protagonist of the Second Girl Middle School, has been out of the city for a long time, flew out of the city for more than an hour, and stopped in a small town.

He bought another batch of horses, and then started his training journey again. This time, his goal was the capital of the Star Luo Empire, to visit the capitals of the only two empires in the Douluo Continent.

This is his last stop. After arriving here, he can return to Kamikaze City to practice hard. The training time must be controlled within half a year, and there is still more than a year to practice at Kamikaze Academy, and practice with his teammates. Improve the tacit understanding.

Chapter 175 Star Luo City, the battle of the royal family

On the map of Douluo Continent, Tiandou is in the north, Xingluo is in the south, the Wuhun Temple is in the center, the large Xingdou Forest is on the right, and the boundless sea is on the left.

Compared with the ocean area, the land area of ​​Douluo Continent is really pitifully small.

Same as before, Feng Xiaotian is still a group of horses alone, but the water polo in his hand has been replaced by a balloon.

It seemed that it was related to the mental attack he suffered, and he suddenly seemed to understand a lot, especially in the aspect of distraction control. On the one hand, he controlled the horse riding, and on the other hand, he controlled a balloon.

After more than ten days of practice, he can control [-]% of the soul power in his body with one hand.

These soul powers formed a spiral-shaped cyclone of soul power in the balloon in his hand, and a powerful cyclone of wind attribute with cutting attribute.

Under this kind of cyclone, the leather balloon did not burst, and he still controlled his soul power within this small balloon.

Even he didn't expect to be able to control the soul power to such an extent so quickly.

He also attributed all this to that mental attack. At the beginning, he seemed to have completely stimulated the power of the spirit bone in his head and the power to wear the autumn water.

Not only has the cultivation progressed, but even the speed of deducing the Gale Slash is much faster. I didn't understand it before, but now I think about it.

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