The thirty-six consecutive slashes of Gale Wind already had a preliminary idea in his mind, and now he can use the thirty-one slashes, and the completion of the thirty-one slashes is just around the corner.

Not only thirty-six cuts, but also thirty-seven cuts, thirty-eight cuts, and even more.

Star Luo City is the capital of the Star Luo Empire. It looks like a thick city wall, and the spiritual guards are extraordinary. It looks a bit more powerful than the Heaven Dou Empire.

The Star Luo Empire's way of governing the country is different from that of Tiandou. The royal family firmly grasps the power of the empire, and the entire empire is under his control. It is also very safe along the way.

This point is better than Tiandou Empire, maybe he didn't come across it.

Entering Star Luo City, the interior style is not much different, and there seems to be nothing to see.

Feng Xiaotian walked aimlessly on the street.

I'm here to travel around and then go back?Or go to Fengshen Valley to have a look?

If you travel a bit, you can go home in a few days.

Now that you're here, let's take a look first.

"Have you heard that the eldest prince has broken through to the soul master realm at the age of thirteen?"

"Really? A thirteen-year-old Hunzun is rare on the mainland, isn't it? It's really powerful. I think this prince who eats will win the competition for the eldest prince."

"I think so too. The first prince is thirteen years old this year, the second prince is almost twelve years old, and his soul power is only twenty-one. As for the third prince, he is even younger. He is only six years old and has just awakened his martial spirit. Compared with the previous two princes, he has fallen behind for many years, and it is too difficult for him to compete with these two."

"Really, one is too talented and the other is too young, I'm not sure."

In an ordinary restaurant, four or five middle-aged people discussed.

In the Star Luo Empire, the biggest topic of conversation among the people in the imperial capital was the immediate battle for the crown prince. Freedom of speech, one could discuss at will, and the empire would not convict them. This would not only do no harm, but would actually make the competition for these princes more intense.

The three princes of the empire have all awakened their martial souls, so the competition begins.

The conversation of the few people was not low-pitched, and Feng Xiaotian could hear it clearly.

Three princes?According to the age of the plot, the first prince is Davis, the second prince is unknown, as for the third prince, Feng Xiaotian knows that it is Dai Mubai.

The six-year-old age also fits the bill.

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing must be considered born, probably less than three years old.

Unknowingly, an important character in the plot has been born.

It has been almost thirteen years since Feng Xiaotian came to this world. These years, he has been working hard all the time, and he already has a soul power of level [-], which is comparable to the combat power of a soul king.

In the Douluo Continent, he barely has the power to protect himself, but these are far from enough.

"I think the competition has already begun. Although the Second Prince's spirit power is not as good as the First Prince's, he is ahead of the First Prince in terms of politics and academics. It is said that the two have secretly started to rival each other."

"Yes, I've also heard that in the Star Luo Royal Academy, the students have split into two factions, one is the first prince and the other is the second prince."

For the Star Luo Empire's competition method, Feng Xiaotian felt that although there were some disadvantages, it could cultivate a true emperor.

As Dai Mubai said in the original book, without the Spirit Hall between the two empires, the Star Luo Empire would have been unified long ago.

Feng Xiaotian entered the Star Luo Empire, and in just half a day, most of what he heard were discussions about the competition between the three princes.

Including the royal family and the Nether civet family, which has always been married to the royal family, are indispensable. After all, the battle was started by the two families.

In the novel, there seems to be very little involving the Dao Xingluo Empire. It seems to be mentioned in the anime that the two princes should have failed in the battle with the first prince and died in the end, and one member of the Nether civet family also died.

She is also Zhu Zhuqing's older sister, and losing the competition means death.

The people born in these two big families are so sad, brothers and sisters are killing each other, it is really horrible.

But the royal family has been like this since ancient times, and it's normal.

Feng Xiaotian has been listening for the past two days, and has not asked anyone else. He has extracted a lot of information from other people's words.

While those four or five people were talking fiercely, an extremely beautiful blond girl from the next table came over and asked, "Excuse me, everyone, I listened to your analysis in a sensible way, and you are more optimistic about that prince." ?”

Next to the girl, there was a boy who was about his age. Feng Xiaotian glanced at it at first, but when he looked again, he found something wrong.

Because he had eaten the long-awaited autumn water dew, and under the influence of strong mental power, it was easy to see through this ordinary disguise.

These two people are very strange, the man among them should be a female companion in men's clothing, but the person in female clothing, he always feels that something is wrong, but he can't tell, it will be difficult to check with the eyes of reality.

"That's right, we also want to know which prince we are more optimistic about in Star Luo City." The boy in black also came over and said.

A very strange combination, the young girl is extremely beautiful, the young man looks very handsome, and the man's clothes are not ordinary, both of them have extraordinary auras that ordinary people can't compare.

"Seeing that the two of you are still young, you should both be students of the college. You two should have factions in the college. Do you two support that prince?" A middle-aged man in his thirties looked at him. The beautiful blond girl in front of her has bright eyes.

"Of course we support the second prince, what do you think of the second prince?" the blond girl said seriously.

"Second prince? I think it's better to forget it. How can he compare to the first prince? If you think too much, no matter how clever you are, it's useless in front of absolute strength. I advise you to change to a supporter as soon as possible. "

"Haha" several people laughed loudly.

Seeing all this, Feng Xiaotian also became interested, after so long, he finally came across an interesting thing.

Chapter 176 The pectoralis major is so exaggerated

These two people are supporting the second prince. From the looks of it, they can't be from the royal family, right?If it's not the royal family then it's about the royal family.

Because the relationship between the two doesn't want to be a master-servant relationship at all. According to the convention, they shouldn't both wear men's clothes. Why are there two women, one in men's clothes and the other in women's clothes.

It is very likely that the woman in black doesn't want the outside world to see her in women's clothing.

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