Is there any special status?

The more I think about Feng Xiaotian, the more interesting I find it.

"You guys, why do you look down on the second prince so much? Except that you are not as good as the first prince in terms of soul power, you can be said to be completely victorious in other aspects." The woman said again.

"Looking at how young you are, look at the history of the Star Luo Empire that people are talking about. Which prince won the final victory through talent and learning? Which one won the most by force." The middle-aged man said again.

"So what, I think the second prince will definitely win the final victory." The boy in black also said.

"Hey, little brother next to you, after listening to it for so long, please express your opinion, do you think it is better for the first prince or the second prince?" The middle-aged man actually looked at Feng Xiaotian.

Feng Xiaotian smiled and cupped his hands and said: "Everyone, I just came to Xingluo City to gain knowledge. I don't know much, so I can't make a judgment yet."

"Then you've listened to our analysis for so long, you can always see something, just talk about it casually, it's not illegal to talk about it, it's no problem." The middle-aged man continued.

It seemed that he wanted to confirm his statement from others. After all, his family supported the First Prince, and he was very concerned about these arguments.

"Actually, I think the first prince and the second prince are good. Why don't you talk about the third prince? There is one less competitor." Feng Xiaotian said.

With Dai Mubai's talent, even without Immortal Grade, he would surpass his elder brother, after all he is seven or eight years older than him.

These will gradually reduce the gap over time, and with Tang San's help, they can also surpass. As for how to surpass, this is not something Feng Xiaotian should worry about.

After all, Shrek was about to disappear now, he didn't know how Dai Mubai would develop in the future, even Tang San's growth environment would change.

His butterfly wings flapped so powerfully that a genius recruited changed the lives of the Shrek Seven Devils.

In this way, his ability to predict the follow-up plot will be reduced, at most it is his understanding of the characters in the original work, but if the plot is changed, will the characters in the original work still be the same?

But these Fengxiaotiandou are not afraid, and the soldiers will block the water and cover them with earth. By the time the plot starts, he is already in his twenties. At that age, Tang San and the Shrek Seven Seven Monsters are already Titled Douluo or have already started to fight. Prepare to be a god.

Now that I know the mansion of the Fengshen and have eaten so many immortal products, even if I can't guarantee becoming a god by then, it shouldn't be difficult to be a Titled Douluo, and I should have the strength to protect myself.

"Haha, this is the funniest joke I've heard this year. The third prince, he just awakened his martial spirit when he was six years old. Although his innate soul power is still good, he is only six years old. When he grows up, he will be twenty years old. When I was a few years old, the eldest prince was already thirty years old, at least he was also the soul king and soul emperor, and the third prince only had the soul power of the soul sect at most, how could he compete with the eldest prince?"

The four middle-aged men sitting around Zhuo Bian laughed loudly, and even the other people started laughing too.

"This is someone from outside. He doesn't know our Star Luo Empire at all, but he thinks that the third prince can compete with his two elder brothers?"

"That's right, it seems that they are indeed foreigners. You are asking the wrong person. I think the people in this room, except for these three, support the First Prince."

The girl and the boy didn't seem to care about what these people said at this moment, they would pay attention to Feng Xiaotian who just spoke.

It was the first time she had heard this point of view, but this young man who seemed to be about their age didn't seem to care about the ridicule of the crowd, and started to eat vegetables.

But this also caught her attention, she even picked up the dishes and came to Feng Xiaotian's table with that young man.

"My friend, can we sit here?" the blond girl said.

"Anything you want." Feng Xiaotian replied.

"Thank you." The blond woman sat down with the black-clothed boy, and carefully looked at the boy in front of her.

She has also seen many young talents of the Star Luo Empire, including the eldest prince of the Star Luo Empire, the thirteen-year-old Hun Zun, who seems to have some conveniences that are not as good as the young man in front of her.

After being quiet for a while, the woman couldn't help but said: "Hello, I have a question, why are you so optimistic about the Third Prince?"

"I just said that the third prince is also a competitor, and I didn't say that I was optimistic about him, so what's the reason?" Feng Xiaotian replied.

The blond beauty in front of her looks very noble and beautiful, she is still young, she might really be a first-class beauty when she grows up in the future.

"It's really strange. I also know the third prince. He just awakened his martial spirit the day before yesterday. Although his innate soul power is one level higher than that of the eldest prince, it is not an absolute lead. The most advanced is the age of the eldest prince. The same Under the circumstances, the eldest prince is stronger than him, even the second prince." The blond girl analyzed again.

"I'm just talking nonsense, don't worry about it. The first prince, the second prince and the third prince have nothing to do with me, so let's have a good meal." Feng Xiaotian said lightly.

He knew that the identities of these two women were not simple, and it was one thing to be interested, but he didn't want to involve himself in it like last time in Longxing City, otherwise it would be a lot of trouble.

Even though he can gain something in the end, this is not what he wants, and he always gets into the game passively.

Seeing that Feng Xiaotian's attitude was a bit bad, the two girls saw the boy in black beside him saying: "You boy, we kindly discuss it with you, why do you have such an attitude?"

"Hey, can you let me have a good meal?" Feng Xiaotian said.

"Okay, let's wait until you have eaten." The boy said.

The blond woman didn't say anything, just nodded to the boy.

The three of them started to eat quietly, and about ten minutes later, Feng Xiaotian took the last bite of food.

"Boss, pay the bill." Feng Xiaotian stood up and said.

"Brother, now that you've finished your meal, let's talk about it now." The boy in black said.

But Feng Xiaotian looked at the black-clothed boy and said, "Why are your pectoralis major muscles so exaggerated? Next time you come out, please disguise yourself, but it's best not to pretend like this again. If you tighten it up, it will affect your development."

After Feng Xiaotian finished speaking, he gave the waiter two gold soul coins, which was enough for the meal, and walked out of the restaurant.

Chapter 177

"This person?" The black-clothed boy wanted to make a move, but was stopped by the blond girl again.

"Follow me, I seem to know something about this young man. According to the news from Longxing City, he may be the master who defeated the Soul King with the Soul Sect." The blond girl said in the ear of the black-clothed boy.

"How is it impossible? My uncle personally gave me the news, asking me to pay attention to this young man who came out to practice. We will talk about his abilities in the future, but according to the itinerary he revealed to his uncle, it is very likely that he will return to the imperial capital in the near future. Let me find He, try to make friends with him, maybe he will help me in the future." The blond girl said.

"So that's the case. No wonder you've been wandering around the city for the past few days, and even used the most precious special soul tool to help you pretend to be a woman." The boy in black said.

"Haha, if you don't change your image, it's not good to be recognized by people. I have to beware of big brother." The blond girl said.

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