If Feng Xiaotian was here, knowing that this beautiful blond girl was a man pretending to be, he might shout: Wow.

But at this moment, Feng Xiaotian had already left this small restaurant, and he didn't know that Han Donglai, who was far away in Longxing City, had already given his information to someone in the imperial capital.

After leaving the restaurant and solving the problem of eating, the next step is the problem of accommodation. As an imperial capital, hotels are particularly sought-after.

He didn't want to get involved with those two women too much, and didn't want to get involved in a dispute, but after all, if nothing happened all the time, then what's the point of his experience?

It seems a bit contradictory. Could it be that I really came out to travel to change my mood?

No, I must have come out to practice. I'm just trying to solve problems. If I have nothing to do, I will take it as a trip to study my own soul skills, and I can also cultivate soul skills.

Compared with the state of practicing every day in the academy, there is no doubt that in the experience, you can see different things and people every day, and seeing a certain beautiful scenery can also make you feel happy.

Experience, I think it is to come out to cultivate the mind, to relax the mind, but not to fall behind in cultivation, to achieve a certain state of balance, which is conducive to long-term cultivation in the future.

Thinking of this, I suddenly felt enlightened, maybe I shouldn't escape, just face it naturally.

It's like when he figured it out, he found that the two women behind him actually followed him. He had walked about a kilometer from the restaurant and turned two alleys.

He is walking randomly, so it can't be the same distance.

One of them is a bit weird, let me have a look.

Feng Xiaotian deliberately walked towards the street with few people, and after turning a corner, he had already arrived at the high place of the nearby pavilion.

Immediately using the Eye of Reality, he looked at the blond girl who he thought was weird.

I don't know if I don't look at it, but I was shocked when I saw it. Is this still a woman?The one who is special is probably a man, depending on the position of the chest and the shape of the body, it is either transformed by soul skills or by special means.

Women's clothing boss?

What are these two hiding when they go out?Women want men's clothes, men want women's clothes.

Fortunately, there was not too much communication during the meal, and there was no strange look in the eyes.

In fact, as a man, it is normal to see the eyes of a beautiful woman Lu Chu, and he has seen many of them in his previous life.

A man who is at home every day and watches movies every day travels to another world, and can keep a clear look when he sees beautiful women?Unless there is a problem with the orientation of the previous life.

In short, he definitely couldn't do it. He also avoided talking to these two people before.

Otherwise, if you show a strange look in your eyes, don't you say it's embarrassing.

Knowing that the person in front of him is a big guy in women's clothing, Feng Xiaotian returned to the alley again.

"Xingyu, it's not good for us to follow like this?" the woman in black said.

"It's okay, just go and have a look. This is a master who is comparable to the strength of the soul king. It's not good to send someone. I have to go in person." The blonde woman said, that is, the big guy in women's clothing.

"Besides, look at my current image. Even if I look at my appearance in the entire Star Luo City, this image is in the top ten. This kind of identity will be closer. Let's go to test it first. What is this? Such a person, when I go to him as the second prince of the empire, you know soon." The blond woman analyzed.

The woman in black thought for a while after hearing this, and immediately agreed with the idea of ​​the blonde woman in front of her.

Because Feng Xiaotian was paying attention to them, every move and every word he said was within the detection range of Feng Xiaotian's mental power.

It's surprising that this big guy in women's clothing is the second prince of the empire. The big guy in female clothes next to him should be from the Nether Civet family.

But how did they know about him? He left Longxing City for about half a month, and there were very few people who knew his true identity.

After all, he always appeared as a silver-faced Sirius in the Soul Arena, and no more than ten people knew his true identity, and the ten people were either from the City Lord's Mansion or from the Yang family.

But after all, the Yang family was the power of the Heaven Dou Empire before, and it has only been three years since they settled in the Star Luo Empire, so they are definitely not them.

The rest is Han Donglai, the lord of Longxing City.

Han Donglai's younger sister is married to the emperor of the current Xingluo Empire, and she is also the mother of the second prince of the empire.

When chatting with Han Donglai, he also said that he might want to take a look at Xingluo City. After he left without saying goodbye that day, did he pass his news to the imperial capital?

This is very possible, Han Donglai feels that he is very likely to inherit Fengshen's inheritance, his talent is obvious, he should support the second prince [-]%.

It seems that Han Donglai thinks a lot, and wants to tie himself with their family all the time.

But the ending of these two princes is very likely to die in the battle with the first prince, including this one from the Nether civet family.

But since it's someone else's base, it should be difficult to hide it. There should be many high-level soul masters who are loyal to the second prince.

Anyway, if you are being targeted, it is better to make it clear in person.

But when I think about getting along with a big guy in women's clothing, I always feel uncomfortable.

While thinking about it, the two had already turned around the alley.

As soon as he turned in, he saw Feng Xiaotian waiting for them at the alley.

"What a coincidence, we also met here." The words of the second prince, who is dressed in women's clothing, were a bit whiny.

Suddenly Feng Xiaotian had goose bumps all over his body.

"Let's find a place to talk." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Okay, I know there is a good resting place ahead." The second prince in women's clothing changed his previous appearance and became extremely serious.

"Lead the way." Feng Xiaotian said, looking at the look in his eyes just now, this second prince might be unusual.

How can the prince of the Star Luo Empire be an ordinary person?The battle started from the day I was born.

Chapter 178 Half Aeolus Map

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