The second prince led the way to a quiet attic.

After the three sat down, the second prince did not expect that the mysterious young man in front of him would want to talk to him first.

However, they only intend to get in touch first, and then use their real identities to make friends after getting to know each other.

When he was about to speak, he did not expect the young man in front of him to speak first.

"You two are not bad, one woman is disguised as a man, and the other is a man disguised as a woman, is it because people in Xingluo City will recognize it?" Feng Xiaotian said straight to the point.


The teacup of the second prince who was disguised as a man fell to the ground.

"How did you find out?" said the second prince in women's clothes.

"Your words are very loud, I have already heard them, what did City Lord Han say to you?" Feng Xiaotian said.

In fact, he was still a little angry, Han Donglai had already promised him that his identity would be kept secret except for those who knew it, but unexpectedly, when he arrived in Xingluo City half a month later, he found that someone knew about it.

And the person who leaked it was City Lord Han, how could he not be angry?But after all, City Lord Han gave him the map of Fengshen Valley.

This is undoubtedly gracious, but it is also what he deserves for winning the soul fight and recruiting relatives.

Although he was a little angry, he could see clearly that Han Donglai's behavior was still based on his interests. If there is any contact in the future, he should be careful.

"You actually eavesdropped on our conversation. You can analyze so many things. You are really smart. You are worthy of being the person that uncle admires. Please wait a moment, Zhuyue and I will change our clothes and talk again." The second prince said .

"No need, just say it like this." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Okay, since that's the case, let me introduce you first. In fact, I am the second prince of the Star Luo Empire, Dai Xingyu, and this is my fiancée Zhu Zhuyue."

"I'm really sorry, it's hard for us to pretend like this. After all, I'm the prince. Under the influence of my elder brother, I can only do this. I need to develop my influence secretly." Dai Xingyu said.

According to the information given by his uncle Han Donglai, Dai Xingyu found that Feng Xiaotian was a genius, definitely not the eldest prince's person, and he also knew what Feng Xiaotian wanted most.

That's why he was able to talk to Feng Xiaotian like this.

"I've heard that the Star Luo Empire's royal family has fierce competition for princes. I didn't expect you to start it at such a young age. It's cruel." Feng Xiaotian said.

"That's right, the princes of our Star Luo Empire have faced competition from the day they were born. The moment of awakening the martial soul is the real beginning of the competition. It can be said that as the princes of the Star Luo Empire, we have to face competition all the time. They are all in fear, after all, if you fail, you will be over for a lifetime, not even an ordinary soul master." Dai Xingyu said.

"But what does this have to do with me? I'm just here for fun, and I'll be leaving soon." Feng Xiaotian said.

Besides, participating in Longxing City's soul-fighting and recruiting relatives only involves a city, and being recruited by these two princes involves a matter of a country, and now he is a soul sect, and the way to develop insignificantly is king.

"Brother Xiaotian can't say that. I know that brother Xiaotian got the map of Fengshen Valley from my uncle, but I have an item about Fengshen, which may be useful to you." Dai Xingyu said.

His identity is called Brother Feng Xiaotian, he seems to be a very virtuous corporal, he must be interested in things about Fengshen.

"I'm really interested in things in Fengshen Valley, but I'm only in the Soul Sect realm right now, so I can't help you much. Maybe when I can help you, the competition between you will come to an end. "Feng Xiaotian said.

The one who can really help a prince is at least a Contra-level master, or a Title Douluo is needed.

"I believe that I can wait until the day when Brother Xiaotian can help me." Dai Xingyu said.

Feng Xiaotian was also a little puzzled, and said: "The competition between your princes mainly depends on your own strength, and it has little to do with external forces."

"You're right, it really depends on your own strength, but my soul power is just like the outside world said, [-]st level, which is not bad among ordinary soul masters, but it's not as good as big brother Davis. It's far away, and he only beat me for half a year. In half a year, I can only be [-]nd level at most, but my elder brother is already [-]th level. External forces, if I have the support of Titled Douluo, or even the support of a god, maybe I will be able to turn the tide." Dai Xingyu said.

Dai Xingyu's analysis, Feng Xiaotian is also very correct, the royal competition is too cruel, every prince will fight for it, it will be really painful to be put under house arrest and lose freedom in the future.

If it were Feng Xiaotian himself, he would try his best to fight for it.

"Becoming a Titled Douluo? According to the record of the youngest in the mainland, I still have thirty years left. As for becoming a god, it is even farther away. Are you sure you want to find me?" Feng Xiaotian said.

"The soul sect who is less than thirteen years old has the strength to defeat the soul king. I believe that Xiaotian brother can break through the realm of becoming a titled Douluo. According to my uncle's description of Fengshengu, as long as such a genius passes the examination, he will definitely be titled." Douluo's strength."

Han Donglai analyzed himself very thoroughly, he must be doing his best to help his nephew.

"Well, let me tell you about my thing first. I didn't bring it today, so I can only dictate it."

"This one is the map of the wind god. It is also a soul tool. I found it from the royal treasure house, but I have searched for many wind attribute soul masters, but I have not been able to understand this map. As for I'm not sure about the kind of benefits I get from above, maybe it's because he only has half of the money." Dai Xingyu said.

"The Map of Fengshen? That's the name, so how can it be related to Fengshen?" Feng Xiaotian asked.

"I don't know, but my uncle has judged that this picture is from Fengshen Valley, because he saw the other half of this picture in Fengshen Valley, and the aura on it is very similar." Dai Xingyu said.

"Half of the map of Fengshen? Then how can you ask me to help you?" Feng Xiaotian said.

"Let's wait for Brother Xiaotian to see the picture of Fengshen. Now I will go back to the palace and take out this half picture of Fengshen. Brother Xiaotian can wait for me in room 3601 of Xingluo Hotel. I will send the room immediately. After the arrangement is made, I will bring this picture and discuss it with Brother Xiaotian in detail," Dai Xingyu said.

"Okay, that's better." Feng Xiaotian said.

Looking at Dai Xingyu who had already got up and left, this kid is not simple.

He knew what he wanted, he was not in a hurry to put forward conditions, and he let himself see it before saying it, what a little fox.

Do you want to be involved in the struggle of the princes of the Xingluo royal family?I remember that several months ago, I was also involved in the royal family dispute of the Heaven Dou Empire and almost died.

This time, I have to face the Xingluo royal family again. I really can't do it. I will give this kid a fairy product to directly increase his potential. It is enough to be bigger than his big brother Davis, and the fairy product must have this effect.

But that still depends on what kind of thing this half Fengshen picture is, and if it has that kind of effect, whether it is worth buying a fairy product.

Chapter 179 Mysterious Fengshen Map

In the evening, at the door of room 3601 of Star Luo Hotel.

Through mental power, Feng Xiaotian saw some layouts of the room and nearby rooms, and found that it was safe, so he opened the door with the room card.

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