It is the first time to come to the Star Luo Empire, people's hearts are unpredictable, and the heart of harming others must be guarded against others.

After entering the room and closing the door, Feng Xiaotian checked the surrounding situation with the eyes of reality, and found that there was no special arrangement, and then looked at the layout of the room to see if it was the easiest place to escape in case of danger.

This is the experience he came up with after going through a lot of things, so be careful.

Less than five minutes after he entered the room, he heard a knock on the door.

When he opened the door, there were still Dai Xingyu and Zhu Zhuyue, their appearances had not changed, they were still the same as they were during the day.

"I'm sorry, this matter has to be done in secret, and the elder brother's people are too close to me," Dai Xingyu said.

"It's okay, it doesn't matter." Feng Xiaotian said, he was still interested in the half picture of Fengshen.

"Brother Xiaotian, you should be a little older than me. I'll call you that. This is the half picture of Fengshen. Wait a minute, I'll restore my appearance." Dai Xingyu said.

Put a box wrapped in black cloth on the table in front of you.

The prince of the Xingluo Empire, that is, this Dai Xingyu, as a commoner, he should be slightly older than him, so he is called like that, if other soul masters come, maybe they will all be conquered by this tolerance.

Sure enough, only competition and pressure can promote people's growth. I saw that Dai Xingyu's soul power was running, and a mask fell off his face. This mask should be a soul tool that can be disguised.

Enduring the pain in the body, the whole body began to change, and the body was quite a bit bigger than the previous appearance in women's clothing.

"It's a joke." Dai Xingyu said.

Although she is still wearing women's clothing at the moment, her body has fully recovered.

Restore your true face, full of sincerity.

"Before looking at the map of Fengshen, I have another question, are you sure I can help you?" Feng Xiaotian said.After all, he is still too young.

Dai Xingyu nodded, and said: "I'm sure, and my intuition also tells me that you are someone worthy of entrustment. Although we only met today, I trust my uncle, and I also trust the person that Sister Shiyu likes."

"So that's the case, as I said before, the biggest reliance for your competition is that you are strong enough. If you want to come to your royal family, you don't want outsiders to help you compete. You also know the location of Fengshen Valley, so there must be secrets in it. I also know a little bit, why don't you go by yourself, your uncle's experience is the best example, when you come out, maybe your strength has already surpassed your elder brother." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Brother Xiaotian, if I could enter, I would have already entered. You may not know that at the entrance of Fengshen Valley, there is a formation that will repel all soul masters who do not belong to the wind attribute. Soul masters trying to enter will not only be unable to enter, but will also be attacked, Fengshen Valley rejects soul masters who are not of the wind attribute from entering." Dai Xingyu sighed.

His martial spirit is also a white tiger, and it is not of the wind attribute, so naturally he cannot enter there.

"Zhuyue is not of the wind attribute either, and her talent is higher than mine, and she can be ranked in the Nether civet family, even better than her sister Zhu Zhuyun. She is also twelve years old this year, and her soul power is already twenty-seven. Level up." Dai Xingyu said.

After Dai Xingyu finished speaking, there seemed to be tears in his eyes. He looked at Zhu Zhuyue, a woman in black who was disguised as a man, and said, "I'm sorry, Zhuyue. I'm useless and dragged you down."

"Xingyu, what are you talking about? I didn't say I'm sorry. No matter what happens in the future, we will face it together." Zhu Zhuyue said affectionately.

"Okay, don't be so meaty, let's take a look at the map of Fengshen, if it is really useful to me, there is no way I can help you." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Okay, then please take a look." Dai Xingyu wept with joy, he felt relieved with this sentence, the young man in front of him is not ordinary, a peerless genius, unique in Douluo Continent, the twelve-year-old Soul Sect, his future achievements will be very ordinary.

If he grows stronger in the future, even if he can't help himself for a while, or can't help him win the real royal family, but with the young man in front of him, if he grows stronger in the future, he can at least help him and Zhuyue save their lives and gain freedom.

In case this young man is lucky enough to achieve the position of Fengshen, with his help, why not worry about major events?

Speaking of it, he is just investing. Fengshen map is dispensable in the royal treasure house, and even he can take it out at will.

It is a low-level stock inside, but it is a priceless treasure for some people who need it. He uses this dispensable thing to invest in a peerless genius, and it is definitely a profitable business.

Dai Xingyu opened the black cloth, inside was a jasper-like box, the contents could be seen from the outside, it was a picture scroll.

What is strange is that this picture scroll seems to have been cut from top to bottom by someone. It should have been a vertical picture, but now there is only half of it.

Isolated by this jasper, I can't feel a trace of breath.

The moment Dai Xingyu opened it, Feng Xiaotian suddenly felt a mysterious aura, that there was wind attribute power fluctuation in the Fengshen map.

The moment it was only opened, the breath disappeared again.

In an instant, it seemed that this half picture was no different from ordinary items.

"Did you feel anything just now?" Feng Xiaotian asked.

"Is there? There seems to be nothing?" Dai Xingyu replied.

Zhu Zhuyue also said that she didn't feel anything.

The scroll was slowly opened by Dai Xingyu. It was really a painting cut from top to bottom. It was only half. It seemed to be a person standing in the air. Similarly, this person was only half.

You can't see the whole picture of this person at all, and this person is doing an action. Judging from the only part of the weapon, it should be a bow and arrow.

Could it be that Fengshen's artifact is a bow and arrow?Fengshen Bow?

Feng Xiaotian was fascinated by watching it all at once, and in the next moment, he seemed to have come to a mysterious space.

The space was cold and windy, and in the sky, there was an unusually handsome man holding a bow and arrow, who seemed to have discovered the existence of Feng Xiaotian.

Suddenly accepting the bow and arrow, he turned around slowly, glanced at Feng Xiaotian, and said, "Finally someone can enter this space."

As soon as the voice fell, it disappeared, and the whole space seemed to have changed again.

In front of Feng Xiaotian's eyes, a young man actually appeared, who was practicing in a canyon surrounded by hurricanes, and then unexpectedly began to show his understanding and cultivation of wind attributes.

Just like when Feng Xiaotian practiced before, he just reached the stage of adapting to the wind, this young man is actually teaching himself how to comprehend the wind?

Time passed quickly at this moment, the more Feng Xiaotian looked at it, the more blurred he felt.

"No, I have to go out quickly. With my mental strength, it's not enough." Feng Xiaotian thought, and his consciousness returned to reality again.

"It's dangerous, it's almost over." Feng Xiaotian gasped, exhausting his mental power too much.

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