Chapter 180 Two Years Agreement, Fengshen Inheritance

After coming out, Feng Xiaotian quickly took out a Longzhi Pill, his mental power was consumed too much, and he felt that his mental power was being emptied.

Dai Xingyu and Zhu Zhuyue also looked at this scene in shock. No one had ever seen such a performance in this half-winding picture.

He also approached other masters before, including Contra's wind attribute masters, but they didn't get any response, saying that this picture is deceiving.

Sure enough, my uncle didn't lie to me. He has been to Fengshen Valley, and he knows that this peerless genius in front of him will definitely be able to obtain inheritance if he goes to Fengshen Valley.

The two of them didn't look at each other, they just looked at Feng Xiaotian silently.

This is Feng Xiaotian sitting cross-legged on the ground immediately, if he was later, he would pass out.

This Longzhi Pill is also very beneficial for restoring mental power. After taking it, under the action of the medicine, his mental power also slowly recovered.

After three hundred breaths, Feng Xiaotian's mental strength also recovered forty to fifty percent, and the medicinal power was almost exhausted, and the rest needed to be recovered slowly by meditation.

While recovering his mental strength, Feng Xiaotian was also observing Dai Xingyu's and Zhu Zhuyue's performance.

In this state, it was indeed the best time to attack himself, although he recovered quickly after taking Longzhi Pill, it was also the time when he was weakest.

These two people look pretty good, it seems that these two people are dead in the end.

He has already confirmed the half picture of Fengshen, and it must be true. It may not be long since his mental power entered it, but his understanding of wind seems to be on a new level.

It used to be only one stage of adapting to the wind, but now it has reached the third stage. According to what my father did, to cultivate the attribute of wind, after the stage of adapting to the wind is to integrate into the wind, and there are nine stages of adapting to the wind.

It took him a long time to reach the stage of adapting to the wind, but what he didn't expect was that after entering the spiritual power, he saw the young man's training guidance, and he went up two stages.

After reaching the stage of adapting to the wind, his understanding of the wind has increased a little, and the benefits brought to him are also extremely considerable. His speed has increased by at least ten percent.

If he uses the second soul ability again, his speed must be faster than before, so the speed of the second ability is stronger than before.

That is [-]%, so the third skill used to be [-]%, but now it is more than [-]%.

This is the benefit directly brought to him, this reason must have been thought of before, the same speed soul master, the effect of using the same soul skill in the realm of soul sect and soul king is not the same.

The soul skills have not changed, what has changed is that the self is stronger, and the skills used are also stronger when the self is stronger.

Another example is a Title Douluo, whose first soul ability is to increase strength by [-]%, then using the first soul ability at the Title Douluo stage may be able to fight with ordinary soul saints.

After all, an upgrade is based on the body of the Titled Douluo.After all, soul skills are good, but being strong is the best reason.

If you are stronger, you will be even stronger after using your soul skills.

So don't blindly cultivate soul skills, other aspects must be more important to exercise your body.

When Feng Xiaotian thought about it, it seemed that the way of cultivation in the future became much clearer.

Slowly opened his eyes and got up.

"Thank you." Feng Xiaotian thanked.

"Brother Xiaotian, I almost scared me to death. What happened to you just now? You suddenly closed your eyes, and then your expression was very ferocious. Is it the effect of this half picture?" Dai Xingyu said.

Naturally, the performance just now couldn't be hidden from the eyes of these two.

"That's right, this is the real map of Fengshen, and it also works for me. How long did I behave like that just now?" Feng Xiaotian asked.

Hearing that this picture is true, the stone in Dai Xingyu's heart also fell to the ground, as long as it is true, investing in a person who may become a god in the future is the most correct investment.

He has heard of God and knows the existence of God. This is his secret, and to put it bluntly, it is also his mother's secret.

In the entire imperial family, few people may know that there is a god, and my uncle has been to Fengshen Valley, which also confirmed this point.

"Only about a minute passed. Then you started to sit cross-legged." Dai Xingyu replied with a smile.

"Has it only been a minute?" Why did Feng Xiaotian feel as if he had been inside for a whole day?

The mysterious map of Fengshen actually has space in the picture, Fengshen, isn't the wind attribute capable of tearing apart space?

Is this something on the same level as the Vast Sea Universe Cover?

But the things inside the Vast Sea Cosmos Cover are different from this, definitely not.

But Dai Xingyu and Zhu Zhuyue were still here, Feng Xiaotian said, "Tell me, you need my help." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Actually, my biggest wish is to surpass my eldest brother Davis in terms of potential and soul power, and have a close duel with him, but I know it will be difficult, so I would like to ask you to help me after reaching the Fengshen's inheritance." I can achieve the throne, even if I can't achieve it, just help me and us both to be free after failure." Dai Xingyu said.

"Your requirements are really high, but I can't guarantee whether I can get anything from Fengshen Valley, and it's also difficult for you to compete for the prince, and it's impossible for me to stay in the Star Luo Empire forever." Feng Xiaotian Said.

This Dai Xingyu looked very unhappy, and said: "Is there really nothing I can do? I have worked hard enough, but I still can't catch up with elder brother in terms of soul power?"

"Actually, these two are unknown, but maybe I can help you improve your soul power and potential." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Brother Xiaotian, tell me, can you help me improve my soul power and potential?" Dai Xingyu said happily.

"That's right, my potential has also been improved. Otherwise, how could I have cultivated to such a level! Although there is no guarantee that you can surpass me, there is definitely no problem for your elder brother to be equal or surpass him." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Is it true? That's great, what should I do?" Dai Xingyu said firmly, now that he has the opportunity to surpass his elder brother in soul power, this is better than anything else.

Half a picture of Fengshen is exchanged for a fairy product. To be honest, I really don't lose money, and I still have to make money.

It's just that he can't give it now, or give it to others, that must be based on the premise that he has a certain ability to survive.

For the sake of unnecessary trouble, you can also set up a bureau, and then give the immortal product to Dai Xingyu.

"I will participate in this high-level soul master competition. After the end, I will come to Star Luo City. At that time, I will help you improve your soul power. Before that, I hope you will give up all fearless struggles, cultivate your soul power with peace of mind, and save your life. From time to time, I will bring a mysterious person, who will enhance your soul power and potential." Feng Xiaotian said

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