This is a bit of information that Feng Xiaotian learned from the original book, and he will not return until he enters Gengxin City. This time he entered Gengxin City with only one purpose, to buy rare heavy metals and create a state for cultivation.

That's right, it's heavy metal, heavy and small, and it's made to fit you better, so you don't restrict your usual activities.

Compared with this kind of metal, only Gengxin City, which is known as the metal capital, has it.

Looking at the Gengxin City in the distance, the tall city wall, the whole body of the wall is iron gray, like a metal casting, and people can feel the metallic atmosphere brought by Gengxin City from a distance.

After entering Gengxin City, Feng Xiaotian no longer used the weight on his body, it was too bulky to lift.

Unloading all the weight on his body, the feeling of relief immediately felt particularly refreshing, as if he could fly up to a height of tens of meters with just a light jump.

Feeling the changes these two months have brought to me, my speed has become stronger, and my physical strength has increased again. As long as I continue to exercise like this, it will not be a dream to absorb spirit rings by leapfrogging.

Why must the soul bone change one's body?It's always an external force, isn't he good enough to have a good body?

However, there may be relatively few people who exercise like him, and few people can afford to exercise.

The reason why he can practice to the limit for a month, running and walking in the mountains and forests and in different places, is that he will be exhausted every day.

After a long time, it will definitely be harmful to the body, and ordinary people, even nobles, dare to consume it like this.

After all, what he used were precious medicinal materials in the treasure bag.These medicinal materials are all ten thousand-year-level medicinal materials, all of which come from the Ice and Fire Yinyi Eye.

With the help of these medicinal materials, coupled with his clear understanding of the efficacy, pros and cons of these medicinal materials, he has used these medicinal materials to the extreme, and extreme exercise will not harm him at all.

Sure enough, it is poor and rich Wu, it is the same in any world, his body has become stronger, and his soul power cultivation has not fallen behind. During the extreme training period, his soul power has broken through the forty-fifth level of the Tao, which is very stable.

Chapter 182 Gengxin City, Blacksmiths Association

The improvement of his soul power was thirty-five days ago. He exercised his soul power during the day and practiced his soul power at night, so that his soul power cultivation quickly reached level [-], and now he has reached the peak of level [-].

There is only a slight chance to break through, and I believe it will break through to level [-] soon.

The reason why it is so fast is his uninterrupted cultivation, but the main thing is that the medicines he took along the way also help the growth of soul power.

Those are all ten-thousand-year herbs. Although Feng Xiaotian took very little of them, he took the main medicine for two months, a ten-thousand-year blood ginseng, and he only used one-third of it for so many days. A little every day is enough for his body to recover.

If there is no such help, ordinary people practice like him, and sooner or later their body will be damaged.

This time I went to Gengxin City to remove the training equipment, and everything returned to normal, which can be regarded as relaxing the body.

He also understands the principle of practicing one piece and one relaxation. In the past two months, the body functions have been in a state of tension. Even with the help of thousands of years of medicinal materials, it will harm the body in the long run.

Just take this time to take a good rest and relax.

Similarly, another cultivation method of rubbing balls seems to have reached a bottleneck, and ordinary balloons can no longer satisfy him.

This soul skill was originally a process of exploration. At the beginning, several stages were fixed, and then as he controlled the soul power better and better.

Ordinary leather balls can no longer satisfy him. Can he find an iron ball this time and use it to practice.

He could already compress [-]% of his soul power inside the cortical ball without destroying the cortical ball.

This trick has already achieved a small amount, a little soul power can cause huge destructive power, only half of the soul power is needed, and the resulting power is already comparable to his fourth soul skill.

The birth of this self-created soul skill actually put his fourth soul skill in a weak state.

But it is the fourth soul ability after all, its attack method is different, the attack range of Demon Wolf Storm can be extended, which is unmatched by the current self-created soul ability.

But Feng Xiaotian is not very satisfied with its power, he thinks that the soul power can be reduced and the power can be increased, this kind of attack hits one point, the attack is stronger.

It can also become stronger, after all, the range of power caused by the fourth soul ability is not small, many times the range of this attack.

It also takes practice to maximize its power.

However, this soul skill is relatively easy to practice.

This time I came out to practice and gained a lot.

While thinking about it, Feng Xiaotian had already entered Gengxin City, and the blacksmith shop was the most numerous in Gengxin City. It is said that there are thousands of blacksmith shops in this city, and tens of thousands of blacksmiths. A blacksmith's paradise.

There are also distinctions between blacksmiths, junior blacksmiths, intermediate blacksmiths, senior blacksmiths, master blacksmiths, master blacksmiths, master blacksmiths, and master blacksmiths.

Gengxin City is not big, so after entering the city, he asked someone to inquire about it, and took him all the way to the central area of ​​Gengxin City.

In the most central area of ​​Gengxin City, there is a tall building, at least thirty meters high, and its body looks like a big soul fighting arena.

But this is not the Great Spirit Arena. Right above the building, there is a dark plaque with no words on it, only two raised patterns of a hammer and a chisel.

This is where the Blacksmiths Guild is located.The building looks a little rough, no fancy dress, no gate guards.

There was an endless stream of people coming and going, the three doors were open, and people were constantly coming in and out.

"Brother, let's go in. This is the headquarters of the Blacksmiths Association. Anyone can go in and buy and sell precious metals." The middle-aged man in his thirties said.

This is the person Feng Xiaotian asked for directions, and he introduced a lot of information about Gengxin City along the way, and he also made it clear that he wanted to find some rare metals to make something.

Of course, this is not free, there is a guide fee, a gold soul coin.

However, Feng Xiaotian was very generous, he directly gave the other party two gold soul coins, and introduced Feng Xiaotian enthusiastically along the way, knowing everything without saying anything.

"Headquarters of the Blacksmiths Association, tell me about the rules here." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Please go inside first, let me tell you slowly, there are five floors in this Blacksmith Association, and the first floor is the trading area, where there will be blacksmiths' proud works or some metals that are traded here, and there are also various sales Metal dealers, but these are common metals."

"The second floor is the high-level trading area. Rare metals will be suggested on this second floor. The third floor is the blacksmith registration and assessment area, which is dedicated to the blacksmith level assessment. The fourth floor is the VIP area, which is also the auction area. Some particularly precious and rare casting items will be auctioned here regularly. The fifth floor is the office area of ​​our Blacksmiths Association. Among them is the president of the Blacksmiths Association, Mr. Lou Gao. He is a master of blacksmiths. The highest level." The middle-aged man introduced.

It seems that I need to focus on the second floor, Feng Xiaotian thought.

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