But wandering around the first floor, Feng Xiaotian found that he didn't understand the casting technology, and he didn't know the materials, so the materials he saw might not be suitable for trial use.

It was a tricky question, and he was not allowed on the second floor.

"Can you introduce me to a blacksmith, a trustworthy blacksmith." Feng Xiaotian said.

"I don't know the blacksmith, but if you want to trust it, I suggest that you should find a blacksmith from the blacksmith union. Everything here is clearly marked with a price, and the blacksmith union checks it. You can definitely trust it."

"Okay, take me there, first find a blacksmith." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Please, the blacksmith association also has exclusive blacksmiths. You can discuss with them what you want to forge. It's just that different blacksmiths have different prices, so you only need to pay the material cost and processing cost." The middle-aged man said.

The middle-aged man walked with Feng Xiaotian for a while, and came to a room that looked like a reception.

"Brother, you see that I have already introduced you almost, is it okay?" The middle-aged man said.

"That's it, you can go, this is your reward two gold soul coins." Feng Xiaotian threw three gold soul coins to the middle-aged man.

These two gold soul coins are really quite a lot. In Gengxin City, one gold soul coin can buy one kilogram of iron essence, which is enough to show the purchasing power of two gold soul coins.

He has already obtained a lot of information, and he is not developing in the Blacksmiths Association. He is only here to forge an auxiliary equipment for physical exercise, so there is no need to know too much.

After forging the equipment, you can leave, and it is even possible that you will never come to such a place again in your life.

The middle-aged man was like a golden soul coin, with a smile on his face, he thanked him and left immediately.

This room is a little different from other places, with a little decoration. After all, it is a place to receive guests, so it is natural to dress it up, but this is a group of blacksmiths, and these decorations seem to be a bit inconsistent.

Looking from the outside, there is a long table, a few chairs, and a few booklets on the long table, which are arranged very casually. Beside the table, a man of indeterminate age, with a beard and a beard, is dozing off inside. The snoring could be heard from the outside.

Chapter 183 Blacksmith Master Tie Mo

This big man looked like a blacksmith, but he was hired to work as a receptionist, so he fell asleep.

In this Gengxin City, what is not lacking?One is metal, otherwise it wouldn't be called the capital of metal, and the other is a blacksmith.

The most indispensable thing here is blacksmiths, and the cheapest ones are also blacksmiths, but they are all the lowest-level blacksmiths. Real blacksmith masters are not cheap.


After Feng Xiaotian entered the door, he went to the big man's table and tapped the tabletop made of fine iron, the same fine iron was not lacking, thinking that when Tang San came, the blacksmith association raised [-] in three days Kilograms of fine iron, and some other metals.

For people who usually sleep on the table, the sound of being knocked on the table is not so loud, Feng Xiaotian has a deep understanding of this.

In the previous life, I was in class and fell asleep. When the teacher knocked me like this, I woke up on the spot and couldn't sleep anymore.

The same is true for the unshaven man in front of him, who was even more startled by Feng Xiaotian's knocking sound.

He stood up and shouted loudly: "Who? How dare you disturb my uncle's sleep."

After the big man finished speaking, he glanced at the young man in front of him who seemed a little out of tune with the blacksmith union.

"Boy, what are you doing here? This is not where you should come, you should go home." The big man said before going to sleep again.

"Well, I'm here to ask someone to build something, you should be able to do this." Feng Xiaotian said.

As soon as he heard that someone wanted to make something, the big man immediately became energetic. Today he is in the Blacksmiths Association. Generally, few people come to the Blacksmiths Association to make things, but once he finds the Blacksmiths Association, it must be a big order.

After all, there is no need, and most people seldom come to the blacksmith association to build things. After all, the blacksmiths in the blacksmith association who participate in external forging are at least at the level of blacksmith master or above.

Most people can be satisfied with intermediate blacksmiths and senior blacksmiths. Things that need blacksmiths to forge must not be simple, and some can be profitable.

"What do you want to build? What level of people do you need to forge?" the big man asked.

"How about this, let me explain what I want to build first, and then you can help me find out what level of blacksmith is needed to build this." Feng Xiaotian said.

"I need to make a piece of clothing, shoes, and wristbands, that's about all these things." Feng Xiaotian said seriously.

But when Feng Xiaotian finished saying this, the big man's face turned livid, wasn't he playing with him.A little angrily said: "The things you made shouldn't come to our blacksmith association, you should go to the tailor association, right?"

"Don't be angry, uncle, wait until I finish talking."

"What you want, we can't do it here, please go." The voice of the big man was a little loud, which suddenly attracted many people to watch the excitement.

"It's over for this kid, he actually offended Tie Mo, a master blacksmith, even though Tie Mo at the master level has soul power at the level of a soul emperor."

"I really want to die. I didn't expect him to meet Tie Mo today. What kind of clothes and shoes are they made of? Is this something made by our blacksmith association?"

A group of people surrounded him, pointing at Feng Xiaotian.

"Whatever you look at, go and do your own work." Tie Mo said, as the master blacksmith of the Blacksmiths Association, his responsibility is to forge externally.

Because he had received an order from the Star Luo Empire army before, he called all his subordinates to forge weapons.That level of weapons naturally does not require him to come.

In order to improve the ability of hundreds of people under his command, he also called the blacksmith who came here on duty every day in turn, and he came here to be on duty.

After all, those who take orders must have some knowledge of the blacksmith industry, and those who can take orders here are at least at the level of blacksmiths.

Those weapons are checked by a few blacksmiths, so he is very relieved, and he can also take a break here while he is busy.

It's just that when he was resting, a young boy with thin skin and tender flesh woke him up, talking about making clothes, making shoes and so on.

This was simply an insult to their profession, and they immediately became angry.

Those people knew that Tie Mo was angry, so they quickly retreated.

"Boy, let's go. You're still young. Let's bypass you this time. Don't come to the Blacksmith Association again and ask for some clothes. If you let me meet you, don't blame me for being rude." Tie Mo said loudly.

"Uncle, can you listen to me? Although the clothes I wear are clothes, they are different from ordinary clothes."

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