"What's the difference?" Tie Mo asked.

"Have you ever made clothes made of metal?" Feng Xiaotian said.

"Hey, didn't you say earlier, do you want to build a pair of armor? An armor is an armor. What about clothes? When we talk about clothes at our blacksmith, we must go straight and don't beat around the bush." ​​Tie Mo said.

"No, I'm not armor either. The clothes I need are made of metal. Is there that kind of metal? It's very soft and can be made into clothes and the like. It looks the same as ordinary clothes. The point is that the clothes must be It needs to be heavy, I want more than three hundred catties for a piece of clothing." Feng Xiaotian said.

According to his plan, the clothes should cost at least three hundred catties, each shoe should weigh at least fifty catties, and as for the wristbands, each must weigh twenty-five catties.

Adding up these things would require at least four hundred and fifty catties of gravity. He had countless omnipotent medicinal herbs, as well as immortal medicinal herbs, and his body was already very strong.

The potential of the body is also extraordinary, if you don't develop your body to the extreme, you will be sorry for those fairy products that can strengthen your body that you have eaten before.

Is it just to absorb spirit rings by leapfrogging?Certainly not, the initial thought was a little bit, but as he grew up, he also discovered the importance of being strong.

Training the body to the level of Contra, or even the level of Title Douluo, is it no longer a dream to leapfrog fighting?

It's just that the Elephant Armor Sect who pays attention to physical strength seems to be interested in the body, but Feng Xiaotian doesn't want that kind of body.

The students there are at least three hundred kilograms in body, and their strength is a bit stronger, but their speed is greatly reduced.Such an increase in power he would rather not have.

Feng Xiaotian's words shocked Tie Mo's, such clothes, even their master blacksmiths who pay attention to strength, would not be able to wear them.

And he is still a soul emperor, with a gravity of at least four hundred and fifty catties.It's just a joke.

"Boy, is what you said true?" Tie Mo still couldn't believe it.

"How can I be false? I just don't know if Gengxin City, known as the metal capital, has such metals, or if there are blacksmiths with such abilities." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Let me think about it. The metal used in your special clothes is extremely special. The material you mentioned should be heavy iron, but you can add other things."

Tie Mo kept saying the names of various metals, basically Feng Xiaotian had never heard of them.

"Boy, the clothes you mentioned need at least three hundred catties of soft gold. Do you know the price of this metal? Are you sure you want to make such a thing?" Tie Mo said.

"How much?" Feng Xiaotian asked curiously.

Chapter 184 Fun Things

Money, Feng Xiaotian has a lot of it, it turns out he has [-] million gold soul coins.

If he won [-] million at the Longxing Great Soul Arena, his net worth would be [-] million gold soul coins.

Besides, he still has two special gold soul coin cards, and it is still unknown how many gold soul coins are in these two cards.

If such a net worth can't be built, then there are really few people who can build it at this time.

"Just say, to build a set of things, based on the minimum weight of [-] catties, you need all gold soul coins." Seeing that Tie Mo didn't speak for a long time, Feng Xiaotian asked again.

"Heavy mysterious soft iron is a relatively rare metal. It is very special. Generally, when casting armor, it will be used in special parts, but it can't be used too much. After all, this heavy mysterious soft iron has strange properties. It will decrease the defense power, but if the defense power is lost, it will be greatly strengthened, so it is more expensive and uses less. One kilogram of heavy black soft iron needs about [-] gold soul coins, which is [-] times that of iron essence. It is several times that of ordinary black iron."

"According to what you received, to build it, my set of equipment will only need [-] kilograms, that's [-] gold soul coins, right. What about the others?" Feng Xiaotian asked.

"Including other things, let me calculate, en, the total is [-] gold soul coins, including the forging cost." Tie Mo said.

Ninety thousand gold soul coins is already a lot, and it is difficult for ordinary people to take out such a number of gold soul coins, even if he takes out ninety thousand gold soul coins at once, it will hurt his muscles and bones.

"Boy, are you sure you want to forge such a thing? Even if I use other metals to make up for the defensive ability he wears on his body, it is only a little stronger than the armor made of fine iron. With so much strength, it is completely possible to forge some better ones." Defensive armor." Tie Mo asked puzzled.

"Follow what I said, and I want two sets. One set is [-] catties, and the other is [-] catties. I don't know what level of blacksmith is needed to forge such a thing?" Feng Xiaotian asked road.

The two sets add up to more than [-] gold soul coins at most. For Feng Xiaotian, who has a net worth of nearly [-] million, it's just a small amount of money. Brother is rich now.

One set can be worn now, and the other set can be put on later when practicing.Compared to adapting to the [-]-jin load, once contacted, I don't know how much strength can be improved.

Presumably, against soul kings, or even masters at the level of soul emperors, they can defeat their opponents without even using their soul power.

This is the principle of breaking all laws with strength.

"Your difficulty is a bit high, and the gravity is abnormal. It takes two master-level blacksmiths to work together to forge it. Moreover, our stock of heavy black and soft gold is not enough here. It is only more than two hundred kilograms at most, which is only enough for one set. If you want To build another set, you must collect heavy and soft gold, and it may not be the price by then." Temo said.

"Then let's get a set first, four hundred and fifty catties, you can collect the heavy mysterious soft gold, as long as the price is not too outrageous, I can accept it." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Since you need it, then I will take this order, but this order involves too many gold soul coins, you have to pay a deposit, if there are two pieces, the same half, if the second piece is [-] catties, then there will be more, charge You have [-] gold soul coins, the first deposit is [-], and the second deposit is [-]. I will hand it over to you after the first one is completed, and we will calculate the final total after the second one is completed. Speed." Tie Mo said.

"No problem." Feng Xiaotian said.

Tie Mo looked at Feng Xiaotian, thinking that this is another rich kid from that family who actually made such a tasteless thing, but since others need it, then don't worry too much, after all, the customer comes first, as the saying goes, money is not enough. Earning is a fool.

Under Tie Mo's leadership, Feng Xiaotian paid the deposit and proposed the forging style and requirements.

Fortunately, he had already drawn the blueprint, and under the suggestion of a professional blacksmith like Tie Mo, he made another improvement.

And that's it, the first suit has started.

The first piece of clothing was originally planned to be three hundred catties, but it was changed to two hundred catties, the wristbands were changed to one fifty catties, and the shoes were changed to one hundred catties, which was better.

It adds up to five hundred catties, and the weight is simply frightening.Most people don't even dare to try.

However, Feng Xiaotian felt that there was no problem with him. When asked about his physical strength, he was already comparable to a soul emperor, crushing the existence of a soul king.

After completing all the formalities, Fengxia Xiaotian has the trading qualification, and also becomes the VIP of the blacksmith association, having the qualification to enter the second floor and the sales shop.

It takes about three days to forge his equipment, Feng Xiaotian will not be idle, since he has come to the blacksmith union, it is necessary to have a play.

In the metal capital, there is a very interesting thing, that is to gamble on stones, all kinds of ores, you can't see clearly what is hidden under the appearance.

Professionals will judge the metal based on volume and density, while unprofessionals will depend on luck.This is very similar to the stone gambling in the previous life, but one is gambling jade, which is gambling money.

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