It seems to be mentioned in the original book that Ning Rongrong's Seven Treasure Glazed Glazed Martial Soul has the ability to appreciate treasures, a gold soul coin, if you find plate gold, there are deep sea sinking silver and so on.

By the way, there is a cold heart iron essence, the price is ten times that of black iron, and I found hundreds of kilograms at a time, and a dark iron of more than [-] kilograms seems to have auctioned forty thousand gold soul coins.

But Ning Rongrong only spent one gold soul coin to get it done, a metal worth hundreds of thousands or even millions.

You are really lucky, take advantage of this time to relax your body, then take a good look around, but you have to learn a little knowledge of metal identification first.

But this is not a secret, only spent one gold soul coin, Feng Xiaotian bought two books introducing various metals, one is about common metals, the other is about precious and rare metals.

It introduces thousands of different kinds of metals.

It took him only three hours to memorize the two books, which were hundreds of thousands of pages thick, and he had basically memorized them completely. The convenience brought by this skull is really great.

It is definitely one of the necessary skills for the protagonist, with a photographic memory.

Then Feng Xiaotian took out another pair of sunglasses, which he found when he left Xingluo City, and he bought several at a small stall.

Wearing it on my eyes like this, no one will see that I use the blue eyes of the real eye.

The eye of reality is supposed to see through all illusions, and because he has eaten colchicum, he can see through some metal stones with ease.

After everything was ready, Feng Xiaotian set off from the hotel and came to a large ore trading area, Gengxin Ore Trading Area.

There are about a thousand ore traders and thousands of stalls here, and the ore trading market is even more crowded with dense crowds.There are nearly [-] people and blacksmiths who come and go here every day, and it is the busiest place in the entire Gengxin City.

The trading area stretches for several miles, and you can't see the end at a glance, and you can smell the ore and metal from the pavement from a distance.

This place is indeed the metal capital on the Douluo Continent, and its reputation is well-deserved.

Chapter 185

After paying a Copper Soul Coin, Feng Xiaotian will enter the ore trading market. There is a fee to enter the market. After the payment, the money will be used to build and maintain the market.

One Copper Soul Coin may seem like a lot, but this is the first time a large market of nearly [-] people enters the market every day. One hundred thousand Copper Soul Coins equals one thousand Golden Soul Coins.

Although the status of blacksmiths in Douluo Dalu is not very good, it is indeed a profitable profession, and rare metals are even more precious.

The reason why Gengxin City is called the metal capital is that there are different metal mines in all four directions of Gengxin City, and this city is built in the center of these metal mine areas.

So many of the ores here come from the surrounding mining areas, large and small mining areas, and there are two to three hundred mining areas of different metals around Gengxin City, which is why Gengxin City is known as the metal capital.

Not only that, but also a lot of metal ores from other places were also shipped here, which led to the prosperity of the ore trading market.

Feng Xiaotian and the middle-aged man who introduced him passed by this place before, and they also told him the rules of this place.

To put it bluntly, it's just a gamble. No one can see clearly what metal is in the ore, and there are very few soul masters who can see through what metal is in the ore, or it is rare.

Why is the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School so rich?Just look at Ning Rongrong's performance in the metal capital. The ore he bought with a few gold soul coins was worth close to a million when he got it back.

The Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Martial Soul has the ability to appraise treasures, and this is one of the reasons why the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect is rich.

Through mental power, Feng Xiaotian tried it, but his mental power could not penetrate these ores, his mental power could already be materialized, and he couldn't even see through it.

And his real eyes, before taking Wang Chuan Qiu Shui, it is probably difficult to see through. Fortunately, Ling'er gave him half of the Wang Chuan Qiu Shui.

As soon as Feng Xiaotian entered the market, he came to a shop that bought and sold ores. These shops were very simple and there was a shed built around them, only covering the top.

The surroundings are empty, there are several operators inside, and some people who are looking at the ore.

Feng Xiaotian entered this ore shop, and there were about forty or fifty pieces of ore inside. The big one was estimated to be one or two thousand catties, and the small one was only the size of a fist.

And there is a label on each ore, with ore information such as weight written on it, and even what kind of ore it may be written on.

There are also some ores that have already revealed their appearance, and the metal on them has been revealed, and the price of this kind of ores is clearly marked.

When buying ore, it is possible to buy at a loss or to make a profit. It is not impossible to get rich overnight, and it is normal to lose money overnight.

For example, if you already know what kind of metal ore it is, it may contain other metals. If there are rare metals, you will earn money. Of course, it may also be metals with relatively low value.

It is also possible that his density is relatively low, the quality of the metal is not good, and it may fail.

Feng Xiaotian came to a piece of ore, which was half a person's height, with [-] kilograms written on it, but the metal was exposed on it, it was iron concentrate.

The finished iron concentrate is worth one gold soul coin per kilogram, and the price of this iron concentrate is one hundred gold soul coins.

If you buy it, you will make a profit if the finished product exceeds [-] kilograms, and you will lose a lot if it is less than [-] kilograms.

Most of all metals have to be processed to become finished products, and the same is true for iron ore.

Iron essence is a kind of ore. It is different from refined iron. Iron essence is naturally generated, while refined iron can be slowly forged from ordinary iron.

Undoubtedly, the naturally formed iron essence is more precious in this regard. In the metal capital, iron essence is basically used. Refined iron takes a long time to forge from ordinary iron, and its value is not as good as iron essence. .

Feng Xiaotian uses the eyes of truth, no one can see his blue eyes under the sunglasses.

Under the eyes of reality, the internal structure and texture of this large piece of iron concentrate has appeared in his mind. This piece of iron concentrate has a lot of impurities. of iron.

After seeing it, Feng Xiaotian turned his head away, thinking, if someone bought this, he would lose at least fifty gold soul coins.

Now his Eye of Reality takes a relatively long time to start, and it consumes very little if it is only turned on and not used, and it only consumes mental energy when it is used.

After looking around, Feng Xiaotian found that the ores in this booth were very ordinary, and there were no precious metals.

After exiting, Feng Xiaotian went to another metal ore store.

Time passed slowly, and one afternoon was about to pass.

Feng Xiaotian looked at at least fifty shops with thousands of pieces of metal ore, but the ore he could earn was only a few dozen pieces.

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