But the ore he earns doesn't make much money, and the most metal ore can only earn about [-] gold soul coins.

But that piece was too big, about one or two tons, he didn't make a move, and his mental strength was almost exhausted, so he came to the last shop.

Unexpectedly, he met an acquaintance, the middle-aged man who accepted Gengxin City for himself in the morning, and he is also a salesman of an ore shop at this moment.

"Little brother, you're here. Have you taken care of what you need?" The middle-aged man was very polite. This is a rich man, and it seems that he got another commission today.

"Well, it's resolved. I heard you said this in the morning, so I'll take a look." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Okay, our shop is a place that sells good products. A master blacksmith once bought a piece of [-]-kilogram ore here. It only cost five gold soul coins, and there were more than [-] kilograms of it." My Xuantie earned tens of thousands of gold soul coins." The middle-aged man said.

"More than two hundred and sixty kilograms of black iron, that should be a profit." Feng Xiaotian said.

"A few big ores just arrived today. Take a look. I think there are definitely good goods inside." The middle-aged man pointed to a few big ores and said.

Feng Xiaotian looked over and saw that there were three large pieces of ore, the weights of which had been marked, respectively [-] kilograms, [-] kilograms, and the last one was [-] kilograms.

These three are the largest ores in this store, priced at five, ten, and fifteen gold soul coins respectively.

There may be ordinary iron in it, or there may be nothing to get out. With such a price, the price is quite high. I think Ning Rongrong in the original book bought a gold soul coin.

These three pieces are so heavy, the price is naturally higher.If the ore is divided into two to reveal the ingredients inside the ore, the price may increase a lot.

But no one, the boss, would do that. After all, Feng Xiaotian saw thousands of pieces of ore, but he could only earn a few dozen pieces, and some shops didn't even make a single piece of it.

If he opened all of them, he would be the loser. After all, it was a long-term business, and doing so might make him unable to open his shop.

Chapter 186 Getting rich again?

Feng Xiaotian also walked around, these three ores were not small in weight.In terms of volume, the three ores also come from small to large according to their weight.

The texture is also not much different, from the outside you can't see any tricks at all, anyway, a non-professional like Feng Xiaotian can't tell.

Although the book mentions the characteristics of some ore, but that is just what the book says, otherwise what would a master blacksmith do?Often the knowledge gained in practice is much better than in books.

"Brother, the price of these three yuan is a bit high, but it is definitely a good ore. This is also the goods that I just bought this morning. There should be a lot of good things in it." The middle-aged man said.

To put it bluntly, isn't it just luck?He also saw a lot of ores, and these three ores were not small.

Just as I was about to take a look with the eyes of reality, a few big men who looked at the ore came beside me.

"Little brother, don't be fooled. These three stones have been here for several years and have not been sold. These are the worst ores. Don't be fooled." A big man said.

Being said like this, the middle-aged man seemed extremely embarrassed.

"Brother, I'm sorry, this has indeed been displayed for several years. I'll give you a cheaper price." The middle-aged man said.

"I said Tabu, you don't have to lie like this in order to raise the tuition fee for your son to go to the Soul Master Academy, little brother, go, I will take you to have a look, I have a brother who also opened a shop. The ore is good and it is easy to make money," said the big man.

While speaking, Feng Xiaotian understood, looked at the big man with a smile, and said: "No, thank you, I will read it myself."

"Boy, our Master Huang kindly reminded you, but you don't know what's good." Another big man said loudly.

Feng Xiaotian didn't pay attention to it at all, but turned around and looked at the three huge ores. It may not be really useless if they have been here for several years. How do you know that there are no good things in them unless you check them?

"I don't know good and bad things." The big man was about to step forward, but Feng Xiaotian didn't do what they said.He actually wanted to do it.

Just at this moment, Feng Xiaotian swept away the three ores at a glance.

"I want these two pieces." Feng Xiaotian said.

Feng Xiaotian pointed to the smallest piece of ore and the largest piece of ore and said, if you don't know it, you will be shocked.

There are good things in these two ores, and they are very deep, and they are all in the deepest part.

They are all relatively precious iron ore, and there is one thing that should be useful to me. I am really sleepy and come to give me a pillow. I am in a good mood, and I don’t care about the middle-aged man named Tabu lying to him.

After all, he was right about one thing, there are good things in it.

"What? Kid, you want all of them?" the big man surnamed Huang said in disbelief.

There were originally five of these three big stones in this shop, but two were sold, and none of them were waste products.

I have already told him that this stone is not good, so I still want to buy it.

Ta Bu originally thought that Feng Xiaotian would be angry, but he didn't expect to buy these two big stones anyway.

Buying these two pieces, his commission can reach five gold soul coins, and his son can get together his son's tuition, but because he lied to Feng Xiaotian, he said a little embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, brother, these two pieces of ore I'll give you the lowest price, and I don't want my commission, you only need to give fifteen gold soul coins."

Tabu knew he was at a loss, so he took the initiative to lower the price.

Because Feng Xiaotian wanted to buy it, and because the shopkeepers from the old rival Huang's family came to make trouble, the owner of the shop also came over.

"Huang San, you boy came to my shop to make trouble again, right? You came to make trouble just after my mother was away, are you itchy again?" A plainly dressed woman came over and looked at her with a cruel expression. There is a man called Huang Ye.

"I'll go, why did the vicious girls come back so quickly and slipped away." The man named Huang Ye left in a hurry. It turned out that their ore shop opened on the opposite side, and it really belonged to direct competition. relation.

Feng Xiaotian just watched and didn't say much.

In the metal capital, blacksmiths are not limited to men, there are also women who do blacksmithing, but they all do more delicate work.

It is not surprising that there is a proprietress who sells ore.

"Tab, you shouldn't give up your commission. Your son's innate soul power is five levels, which is very good. He can no longer be a blacksmith, so he can't let you post it." The proprietress came over, patted the middle-aged man on the shoulder and said.

"Thank you." The middle-aged man seemed very moved. He was only five gold soul coins short of the child's enrollment fee.

"This is twenty gold soul coins, not less." Feng Xiaotian said, presumably he was the one who really made a lot of money from the two pieces of ore.

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