"Okay, you Xiaotian chief will participate, and you can definitely defeat the Elephant Armor Academy in the last match, and you will be ashamed." The young man said.

The young man's speed is not too fast, Feng Xiaotian can also keep up.

Fortunately, Feng Xiaotian came back early enough today and didn't ask for an afternoon. If he had known about such a grand event, he would have come back early.

He was out alone, and no one else could contact him.

When Feng Xiaotian came to the special genius class, there were already fourteen participating students from two colleges standing on the round soul fighting stage of about [-] square meters.

This is an open-air spirit fighting platform, and the venue is relatively large, with hundreds of students from the Kamikaze Academy already accommodated around it.

Judging from the appearance of these students, the morale seems to be very low. The Kamikaze Academy has lost three consecutive games.

It's no wonder that Shenfeng Academy organized a special genius class this year, and Contra taught, and Titled Douluo served as a consultant.

This year was the most eye-catching year for Shenfeng Academy in the entire Heaven Dou Empire, but they didn't expect to lose three consecutive games in a five-element exchange competition, and they were about to lose the fourth game.

Through the young man who came together just now, Feng Xiaotian already knew clearly the records of the several colleges, and the opponent they faced, the Elephant Armor Academy, had two wins and one loss in three soul fights.The only opponent he lost to was Blazing Academy.

Thunder Academy's record is also two wins and one loss. They lost to Elephant Academy before.

Blazing Academy's record was two wins and one loss, losing to Tianshui Academy.

Tianshui has two wins and two losses, evenly split.

In the end, their Kamikaze Academy lost all three games, all of which were negative.

Now there are only the last two soul fights left, Blazing Fire vs. Thunder, Elephant vs. Kamikaze.

When Feng Xiaotian came back, he just caught up with the tail. He saw that the entire academy was very depressed, especially the viewing platform of the genius class from a distance. It seemed that they couldn't hold their heads up.

They are geniuses recruited by the Kamikaze Academy, and seeing such a Kamikaze Academy wouldn't be in a good mood.

Looking around, he saw that a big victory was necessary to boost the morale of the entire academy, so he had to show his skills.

Now on the soul fighting stage, Blazing Huo and Lei Ting just went up, and the referee of this soul fighting is still explaining something, saying that at this time, they must return to the team.

Feng Xiaotian spread out his spiritual power, looking for his teammates.

Looking at it from a distance, a minute later, the fighting spirit stage started, and he also found his teammates.

Seems to be in trouble.

Feng Xiaotian didn't watch the battle on the Soul Fighting Stage, but turned around and walked towards the Kamikaze Academy team who was preparing more than a hundred meters away.

"Brother, it's great that you're back." A familiar voice came from behind Feng Xiaotian, and unexpectedly hugged Feng Xiaotian.

"Ling'er, how do you know I'm back?" Feng Xiaotian asked curiously.

"Silly brother, did we eat a common celestial product? Brother Xiaotian seems to be different after going out to practice, the flesh on his body has become firmer." Zi Linger touched the muscles on Feng Xiaotian's body and said.

"I've been exercising this time. Ling'er's soul power has improved a lot. It seems that she is already at level [-], and she will be at level [-] soon. You were only at level [-] before you left. Improve your spirit power. Not a lot." Feng Xiaotian said with a smile.

"Brother Xiaotian is also worse, and he has improved more than me. By the way, Brother Xiaotian, you came just in time. Our academy must win the next game. After these few games, a few students from the genius class watched After that, he even thought of dropping out of school, and he was really defeated." Zi Ling'er said.

"Hey, if my parents let me participate, at least I can win one, or even two soul fights. Unfortunately, my parents won't let me participate, but brother, you are back, and I will leave everything to you. I will definitely win That Elephant Academy." Zi Linger said happily.

"Ling'er, don't worry, leave everything to me, and let me complete this gorgeous reversal." Feng Xiaotian said, and walked towards the team of Shenfeng Academy with Zi Linger.

Chapter 192 I Can Solve You In One Minute

Outside the open-air fighting spirit arena, at this moment, the academies of the dozen or so kamikaze academy teams are all gathered together.

In the past few days, the three-game losing streak has made them unable to hold their heads up, and they are still the hosts of this exchange match, even if they win a soul fight, but the three-game losing streak has caused the morale of the entire academy to drop to the bottom.

"Hey, isn't this the team of the Kamikaze Academy? It's about to fight the soul, so you're still resting under this tree, what's the matter, are you planning to admit defeat?"

I saw seven men from the Elephant Armor Academy, who were as huge as a mountain, standing in front of the dozen or so people. When these people came, they seemed to be like a wall, blocking them in front of them.

These people are all more than two meters tall, and all of them have lifted more than three hundred catties, and none of them are fat, but all of them have huge muscles, which makes people feel intimidated when they look at them.

Their strength, judging from their size, is really not small.

The battle between Blazing Academy and Thunder Academy has already started, and basically everyone went to watch the battle, and few people noticed the conversation between the two teams behind.

"Hu Yankang, don't think that you can do whatever you want because you have two soul sects in the Elephant Armor Academy. I will never admit defeat." Tang Shi stepped forward and said, his martial soul is a fierce lion, and there is no such word as admitting defeat in his bones .

"Only by you? Still want to beat us? I'm not bragging for you. If we use our academy's strength, it only takes two minutes to defeat you." Nahu Yankang said.

Although they are all called defense-type battle soul masters, it would be a big mistake to ignore their attack power after hearing the word defense.

"Two minutes? You?" Qin Yiran asked.

"What, chick? You didn't participate in the last match due to injury. Why do you want to participate this time? It's the last match. I must have lost. There's no need for the last match. Besides your control, with our strength, you can easily Break away, you have no control at all, you might as well not be called a control-type soul master." Several people laughed at the same time.

"Please step aside, who are you going to solve in a minute?" Feng Xiaotian said.

The dozen or so Shenfeng Academy members heard Feng Xiaotian's voice, but they didn't see him, the voice was behind the seven Elephant Armor Academy.

The figures of the seven people are really too big, they have completely blocked everyone's sight, and they can't see Feng Xiaotian behind them at all.

"Who is talking?" said a member of the Elephant Armored Sect.

"Behind you."

Only then did the seven turn their heads, and for some reason, they made a way for Feng Xiaotian.

Under the watchful eyes of these seven people, Feng Xiaotian led Zi Ling'er towards the team of Shenfeng Academy.

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